He adds that the cult of the Virgin has strong roots in the revealed word and that mission of multiple exercises for the Virgin Mary with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
the Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is in the nature of Christian worship. The worship always and everywhere has told the Mother of God, from the blessing of Elizabeth to the expressions of praise and supplication of our time, is a strong testimony of how the 'lex orandi' (worship) is a invitation to revive in the minds of "lex credendi (faith). And vice versa: the lex credendi of the Church requires that all over the blooming flower "lex orandi" in connection with the Mother of Christ.
The cult of the Virgin is deeply rooted in the revealed word and a solid foundation in the truths of Catholic doctrine, such as:
- the singular dignity of Mary, Mother of the Son of God and, therefore, beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit, for such extraordinary grace far outstrips all other creatures, celestial and terrestrial
- unconditional cooperation at decisive moments in the work of salvation accomplished by her Son ;
- his holiness , Which was already full at the time of her immaculate conception and that, however, grew more and more as they clung to the father's and crossing the path of suffering, you constantly progressing, hope and charity;
- its mission and the position held , only the People of God, which is both a prominent member, exemplary finish and most loving mother;
- his incessant and effective intercession , whereby even having been assumed into heaven, is still shown near the faithful who beg and even those who know they really are her children;
- glory, finally, that elevates the entire human race, as expressed beautifully the poet Dante: "You're the one that ennobled human nature so that its Creator Did not disdain to become your own making", in fact, Mary belongs to our race as a true daughter Eva, although outside the spot of the mother, and our real sister, who fully shared our condition, as humble and poor women.
add that the cult of the Virgin has its ultimate justification in the unfathomable and free plan of God, which, being eternal and divine love, does all as a loving, loved and worked it wonders he loved himself, the loved by us, he gave himself and gave it to us.
Christ is the only way to the Father, Christ is the supreme model to which the disciple must conform his own conduct, until they have their feelings, live their own life and his Spirit. This is what the Church has always taught and nothing in pastoral activity should obscure this doctrine.
But the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit and tamed by centuries of experience, also recognizes that the cult of the Virgin Mary, subordinated to worship the Savior and surrender in connection with it, has a great pastoral effectiveness and is a force for renewing Christian living. The reason of this effect is easily sensed. The multiple mission to the Virgin Mary exercises with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
be useful to consider the various aspects of the mission and see how all are oriented, each with its own effectiveness, toward the same goal: to play in their children the spiritual characteristics of the firstborn Son.
We mean that the maternal intercession of Mary, her exemplary holiness and God's grace in it, become for the human race a source of supernatural hope.
maternal mission entrusted to Mary constantly invites the people of God to turn with filial confidence to her who is always ready to accept their prayers and maternal love effective relief aid. why the people of God is invoked as "comforting the afflicted," "Health of the Sick" and "refuge of sinners, for comfort in tribulation, relief in sickness and liberating force in sin. And indeed she, free from all sin, leads to children with strong determination to overcome sin. And, we must affirm it again, this deliverance from sin is the necessary condition for any renewal of Christian.
exemplary Holiness encourages the faithful Virgin to lift their eyes to Mary who shines as a model of virtue to the whole community of the elect. And it's solid virtues, evangelical, faith and the docile acceptance of the Word of God, obedience generous, sincere humility, the solicitous charity reflective wisdom, the true piety, which moves to perform their religious duties , to express their gratitude for the goods received, to offer in the Temple and take part in the prayer of the apostolic community, the strength in exile and sorrow, poverty led with dignity and trust in the Lord, the watchful care for the Son from the humility of the cradle to the ignominy of the Cross, the delicacy service, purity and strong virginal and chaste married love.
Of these virtues of Mother adorn the children, covered with tenacious resolve their examples to emulate in their lives. And such progress in virtue will result and the ripe fruit of that pastoral power that springs from the worship given to the Virgin Mary.
Devotion to the Mother of God provides true opportunity to grow in divine grace ultimate goal of all pastoral activity. it is impossible to honor the gracious no value in itself the gift of grace, ie, friendship with God, communion of life with Him, the indwelling the Spirit. This grace affects the whole person and does conform to the image of the Son.
The Catholic Church, supported by secular experience, recognizes in devotion to the Virgin a powerful aid for man to come to get the fullness of his life. Mary, the "new woman" is with Christ, "the new man, in the light of whose mystery is felt the mystery of man. And so as a pledge and guarantee that a person of our human race, Mary, has already made the plan of God to save every man.
contemporary man, often tossed between anguish and hope, the feeling prostrate its limits, assaulted by endless aspirations, troubled in spirit and broken heart, the mind suspended by the enigma of death, oppressed by loneliness while tends strongly to communication with others, overcome by feelings of nausea and boredom and to that modern man, the Virgin, referred to in the circumstances of his earthly life or the happiness that was already in the City of God, offers a serene view and a reassuring word: it is a guarantee that hope will triumph over anxiety, fellowship over solitude, peace over the embarrassment, joy and beauty over boredom and disgust, the eternal perspective on earthly desires, life over death. Sean
the hallmark of our appeal and a new proof of the pastoral value of devotion to Our Lady to lead men to Christ, the same words that she spoke to the servants at the wedding at Cana: "Do whatever he say. " Words apparently limited to the desire to remedy the awkward situation of a banquet, but really, if we consider the prospects of the Fourth Gospel, is a phrase that seems to echo the formula used by the people of Israel to ratify the covenant of Sinai or to renew the commitments acquired there, and are also fully compliant with the word of the Father in the appearance of Mount Tabor: "Listen to him."
We thought well, Venerable Brethren, treat extensively of this cult of the Mother of God, being an integral part of Christian worship. He asked for the importance of the subject under study, review and dispute in recent years.
comforts us to think that the work done to implement the norms of the Council, by the Apostolic See for yourself, especially in the reform of the liturgy, is being a great help for that tribute to the Father , Son and Holy Spirit worship more and more alive and aware and you grow the Christian life of the faithful. It is also a matter of trust the finding that the renewed Roman liturgy is a clear testimony to the devotion of the Church to the Virgin Mary. We also maintains the hope that will be truly accepted and implemented the guidelines for making such devotion increasingly vigorous. And finally we welcome the opportunity that the Lord has given us to offer these considerations on some points of doctrine, with which we hope to grow the esteem and renew and confirm the practice of the Rosary.
Consuelo, confidence, hope and joy, uniting our voice with that of the Virgin Mary in her Magnificat, we translate into fervent praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
While we are willing, Dear brothers and sisters because, thanks to your diligent efforts, takes place in the clergy and the people entrusted to your care, a healthy increase of Marian devotion, with undoubted benefit to the Church and human society, impart to you and all the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care, a special Apostolic Blessing.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, on February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in 1974, the eleventh of Our Pontificate. Paul VI
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