"... because look there, friend Sancho Panza, where find thirty or more monstrous giants, with whom I do battle and take away all the lives ... "
"What giants? - Sancho Panza said. "
" Those you see there - said his master - the long arms, some have them nearly two leagues. "
" Look, your worship, "said Sancho," that those who are there seem not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the vanes that turned by the wind make the millstone go. "
know, Master Nicholas, "that this was the name of the barber that often befell my uncle could you be poring over these unholy books of misadventures for two days and nights, after which threw the book hands, and put up his sword and fall to slashing the walls, and when he was tired he said he had killed four giants like four towers, and the sweat that flowed from fatigue said it was blood from the wounds he had received in battle, [...]
(I, V, pp. 80-81)
D. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote.
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