understand it is a test a little "daring" to have the verses but I can assure you that this is the first time I did. Normally, the Rosary is very full for me, something similar to what I feel when I memorize a great song of praise.
So, at the risk of enhancing the "dreadful repetition factor" in the Rosary we only count with interest to see what their "rate of Jesus." There are two levels (or aspects), a meditative level and a level voice.
decade of the Rosary
Each focuses on a section of Scripture meditation. These are called "Mysteries." Of the 20 meditations (one for each decade or decade are 5 per day) 18 follow Jesus through the Bible and 19 refer to a specific passage in the Bible. Only 2 of the mysteries (the Assumption and Coronation of Mary) have no textual basis in the Bible and based on the tradition of the Church. That is,
Level Meditative is: • 90%
Jesus, Mary
• 10% (Assumption and Coronation) and 95%
• Bible

The Lord's Prayer is repeated before each decade and 1 again (after the Creed), total 6 times. It contains about 6 lines of text (Bible). So are 36 lines of text "dedicated to Jesus"
"Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, now and forever
for ever and ever. "
(She reads at the end of each decade +1 again), is said 6 times. There are 4 lines for a total of 24 lines
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire
hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially
most need of Thy Mercy.
(She reads at the end of each decade after the Glory) "was says 5 times multiplied by 4 lines are 20 in total.
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee, (Lc.1, 28)
Blessed art thou among women, (Lk 1 41-42nd; Lc. 1.48)
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. (Luke 1.42 b)
Mary Mother of God (Luke 1.43)
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (Luke 2.35, John 2.5)
Amen Hail Mary has 5 lines taken directly from Scripture. The third line is specifically about Jesus. The Hail Mary is repeated 53 times. Here is the calculation:
Creed • 15 + 36 lines lines lines Padrenuesto Gloria + 24 + 20 lines of "Oh my Jesus" + 53 x 1 line of Jesus in the Ave Maria = 148 lines "Jesus"
• Hail Mary 53 x 4 lines = 212 lines "Mary" (106 verbatim extract from the Scriptures. The 212 based on Scripture as you see above)
• 36 Father + 106 text of the Ave Maria = 142 lines of Scripture text
Creed • 15 + 36 Our Father Hail Mary + 212 = 263 lines directly grounded in Scripture
After we prayed the Rosary: \u200b\u200b148 lines "of Jesus" + 212 lines "Mary" (106 text of Scripture) = 360 total
The vocal range of the Rosary and then forms: 212/360 = 0.59
• As 59% of the vocal range of the Rosary is an order of intercession to Mary. It is that 50% text of the Bible (106/212 = 0.5)
• 148/360 = 0.41 So 41% of the level member of the Rosary are direct prayers to Jesus. Of which 24% are verbatim from the Bible (36/148 = 0.24)
• 142/360 = 0.39. So that it contains 39% of sentences taken verbatim from the scriptures
• 263/360 = 0.73. So that it contains 73% of prayers based directly on Scripture
In conclusion, regarding the level member of the Rosary we can say that
• 41% of prayers to Jesus and
• 59% honor and asking the intercession of Mary. (39% of these sentences taken verbatim of the Bible. )

0.9 (18/20) + 0.41 Vocal Prayer (148/360) = 1.31 for Jesus
0.1 Meditative Prayer (2 / 20) + 0.59 Vocal Prayer (212/360) = 0.69 for Mary
Total prayer (360 lines Meditations vocal prayer + 20) contains both: 1.31 + 0.69 Jesus Maria = 2
What leads to: 1.31 / 2 = 0.65 (percentage: 65%) .69 / 2 = 0.35 (Percentage: 35%)
Hence: Rosario
65% goes to Jesus and 35% to honor and submit orders intecesión Mary.
Meditative Prayer
0.95 (19/20) is verbatim extract from the Bible Prayer Recited
0.39 (142/360) is a paraphrase of Scripture Prayer Recited
0.73 ( 263/360) is directly grounded in Scripture (including text excerpts and foundations)
assigning equal importance to both aspects can assign: 1.0 + 1.0 Meditative Prayer Prayer Recited = 2 (because both constitute in itself a whole) of 0.95
Meditative Prayer + 0.39 of Prayer Recited = 1.34 of the total Rosario es texto de la Escritura. 1.34/2 = 0.67. En porcentaje: 67%
0.95 de la Oración Meditativa + 0.73 de la Oración Recitada = 1.68 parte del total del Rosario fundamentado en la Escritura 1.68 / 2 = 0.84. En porcentaje: 84%
En conclusión:
El Rosario se conforma en un 67% de la Escritura, valor que se eleva al 84% cuando incluimos las oraciones con fundamentos bíblicos directos aunque no se hayan copiado textualmente!.
Fuente: PuenteCatolico.com
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