Rosa: The prayers of the Rosary. The 2nd Rosa: Origin of the Rosary. The 3rd Rosa: El Santo Rosario and Santo Domingo. The 4th Rosa: The Holy Rosary and Blessed Alan. The 5th Rosa: The Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary. The 6th Rosa: The Psalter or Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The 7th Rosa: El Santo Rosario: Crown of Roses. The 8th Rosa: Wonders of the Holy Rosary. The 9th Rosa: The enemies of Holy Rosario.10a Rosa: Miracles of the Holy Rosary
the 1st Rosa: The prayers of the Rosary
9) The Rosary contains two realities: mental prayer the vowel. mental prayer in the Holy Rosary is the meditation of the major mysteries of life, death and glory of Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother.
Vocal prayer consists in reciting fifteen decades of Hail Mary preceded by an Our Father, united with meditation and contemplating the fifteen principal virtues which Jesus and Mary performed according to the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.
In the first part, consisting of five decades, are honored and considered the five joyful mysteries, the second, the five sorrowful, and the third the five glorious mysteries.
Thus, the Holy Rosary is a prayer set mental and vocal to honor and imitate the mysteries and virtues of life, death, passion and glory of Jesus and Mary.
the 2nd Rosa: Origin of the Rosary
10) El Santo Rosario, made fundamental and substantial by the prayer of Jesus Christ (the Father), the Hail Mary (Hail Mary) and the meditation of the mysteries Jesus and Mary , is without doubt the first prayer and the first devotion of the believers. From the time of the apostles and disciples had been in use, century after century, until today.
11) However, the Rosary, as and method that we use today in his recitation, it was only inspired the Church, in 1214, the Blessed Virgin who gave it to Santo Domingo to convert the Albigensian heretics and sinners. Occurred in the following manner, as narrated by Blessed Alan de la Roche in his famous book entitled "Dignity of the Psalter." Displaying
Santo Domingo that the crimes of men hindered the conversion of the Albigenses, he entered a forest near Toulouse and remained there three days devoted to penance and constant prayer without ceasing moan, mourn and mortify his body discipline to calm the wrath of God, until he was half dead. The Blessed Virgin appeared in the company of three princesses of heaven, and said, 'You know, my Sunday, which weapon has served the Holy Trinity to reform the world? ". "Lady, you know better than me," he replied, because after Jesus Christ, You were the principal instrument of our salvation. " "For the main piece of combat has been the angelic harp, which is the foundation of the New Testament. So if you want to win these hard hearts to God, preach my Psalter. "
Santo was raised very comforted. Full of zeal for the salvation of these people, entered the cathedral. Al when the bells rang to gather the people. When he started his preaching, it started a horrible storm, the earth trembled, the sun was darkened, thunder and lightning made repeated pale and trembling to the listeners. Increased their terror when they saw an image of Our Lady exposed in a prominent place, raised his arms to heaven three times to ask God for vengeance upon them, if not converted and turned to the protection of the Holy Mother of God.
wanted the sky with these wonders to promote this new devotion of the Rosary and to make it more known.
Thanks to the prayers of Santo Domingo, he calmed down finally the storm. He continued his preaching, explaining with great fervor and enthusiasm for excellence of the Holy Rosary that almost all residents of Toulouse was accepted, giving up their mistakes. Soon we saw a big change of life and customs in the city.
the 3rd Rosa: El Santo Rosario and Santo Domingo
12) The establishment of the Holy Rosary so miraculous, bears some resemblance to the way that God helped to enact the Law on Mount Sinai and demonstrates clearly the excellence of this wonderful practice.
Santo Domingo, illuminated by the Holy Spirit and instructed by the Blessed Virgin and her own experience, spent the rest of his life to preach the Holy Rosary by example and word, in the cities and fields, to large and small, wise and ignorant, Catholics and heretics. The Holy Rosary, prayed every day, was preparing to preach before Thanksgiving and after the preaching.
13) was preparing the Holy One, behind the high altar of Notre Dame, with the recitation of the Rosary, to preach at the festival of San Juan Evangelista, when the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and said: "Although the you have prepared to preach is good, here I bring a sermon better! "The Holy receive from the hands of Mary the letter containing the sermon, read, savor it, understands and thanks him by the Blessed Virgin. When the time of the sermon, takes the pulpit and, after recalling in praise of San Juan, only he had been the guardian of the Queen of Heaven, told the assembly of nobles and doctors who had come to hear and were accustomed to hearing only contrived and flowery speeches, they do not speak with eloquent words of human wisdom, but with the simplicity and power of the Holy Spirit.
I preached the Holy Rosary, explaining word for word, as children, the angelic salutation, using very simple comparisons, read in the letter that gave the Blessed Virgin.
14) Here are the words of the Sage Cartagena he took, in part, the book of Blessed Alan de la Roche, "Dignity of the Psalter" Blessed Alan claims that his father, Santo Domingo, he said one day in a Disclosure: My son, you preach. But do not look for human praise but the salvation of souls, hear what happened to me in Paris. Was preaching in the main church of Santa Maria and wanted to do it cleverly, not boasting, but because of the nobility and dignity of participants. As he prayed, in my usual over an hour, by reciting my Psalter (ie Rosario) before the sermon, I had an ecstasy. I saw my beloved Lady, the Virgin Mary, who offers a book I read: "As good as the sermon you will preach, here I bring a better one!"
Very glad I took the book, I read everything, and as Mary had said, I found what I was preaching. I thanked him heartily.
time for a sermon, I went to the pulpit. It was the feast of San Juan, but only the Apostle said that deserved to be chosen to guard de la Reina del Cielo. En seguida hablé así a mi auditorio: «¡Señores e ilustres Maestros! Uds. están acostumbrados a oír sermones sabios y elegantes. Pero no quiero dirigirles doctas palabras de sabiduría humana, sino mostrarles el espíritu de Dios y su virtud». Entonces –añade Cartagena siguiendo al Beato Alano– Santo Domingo les explicó la salutación angélica mediante comparaciones y semejanzas muy sencillas (Alano de la Rupe, De Dignitate Psalterii; c. 18; Cartagena, De Sacris Arcanis Deiparae; L. 16, h. 1; CN, pág. 187-188)
15) El Beato Alano, como dice el mismo Cartagena, relata muchas otras apariciones del Señor y de la Santísima Virgen to Santo Domingo to urge and encourage more and more to preach the Rosary to combat sin and convert sinners, heretics. Let us hear this passage: "The Blessed Alan reports that the Blessed Virgin revealed to Jesus Christ, His Son, after she had appeared to Saint Dominic and told him:" Sunday, I'm glad you do not rely on your wisdom and you work with humility for the salvation of souls without worrying about pleasing human vanity. Many preachers want thunder from the start against the gravest sins, forgetting that, before making a painful choice, prepare the patient so they receive and take advantage. Therefore should encourage the audience to love before to prayer and especially my angelic harp. Because if everyone begins to recite, there is no doubt that the divine mercy will be favorable to those who persevere. Predica therefore Rosary "(Alain de la Roche, De DP, c. 17, Cartagena, De SAD, L. 16, c. 1, CN. P. 156..).
16) In another place he says: All preachers do Christians pray to the angelic salutation at the beginning of his sermons, for God's grace. The reason for this is the revelation of the Blessed Virgin to Santo Domingo: "My son do not be surprised of not achieving success with your sermons. Because you work in a land that has not been watered by the rain. Remember that when God wanted to renew the world, sent first rain of the Angelic Salutation. This renewed the world. Therefore calls on the people in your sermons to pray the Rosary and reap great rewards for souls. "He did so and received the Holy consistently remarkable success with his preaching. Read this in: a) The Book of Miracles of Santo Rosario, written in Italian, and b) In the address 243, Justin.
17) I have pleased Mentioning verbatim passages from these serious authors, for preachers and learned people who could doubt the efficacy wonderful the Holy Rosary. While preachers, following the example of Santo Domingo, taught the devotion of the Rosary flourished piety and fervor in religious orders who practiced and in the Christian world, but when he began to neglect this gift from heaven, we only see sin and disorder everywhere.
the 4th Rosa: The Holy Rosary and Blessed Alan
18) All things, even the most holy, as they depend on human will, are subject to change. There is, therefore, any wonder that the Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary has not survived in its original fervor until a hundred years after its founding. Then it was almost sunk into oblivion.
addition malice and envy the devil have certainly contributed to that neglect the Rosary, to stop the streams of divine grace that this devotion attracts the world. Divine justice indeed afflicted all European kingdoms in 1384 with the most terrible plague that has ever seen. It stretched from East to Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary, destroying almost all of these territories, and that of every hundred men only one was left alive. The cities, towns, villages and monasteries were almost deserted during the three years of the epidemic.
19) After that, by divine mercy, cease these calamities, the Blessed Virgin ordered to Blessed Alan de la Roche, a famous doctor and famous preacher of the Order of St. Dominic's convent of Dinan in Brittany, renovate the old Confraternity of the Rosary, so that a religious in the same place had the honor of restoring it. This blessed Father began working in such noble company in 1460, especially after the Lord, as he tells himself, he said one day from the Sacred Host, while celebrating Mass, to urge him to preach the Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200b"Why crucify me again?". "How Lord?" Blessed Alan said surprised. "Your sins crucify me," said Jesus Christ. Although rather be crucified again, to see my Father offended by the sins you have committed. Follow me crucify you, because you have the science that is necessary to preach my Mother's Rosary and instruct and away the sin of many souls ... You could save them and prevent major illnesses. But to do so, you are guilty of their sins. " So terrible reproach made Blessed Alan decided to preach the Rosary intensely.
20) The Blessed Virgin also told some day, to encourage still more to preach the Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200b"You were a great sinner in your youth. But I caught my son's conversion. I have asked and desired by you, if possible all work to save you because converted sinners are my glory, and make you worthy of preaching my Rosary everywhere. "
Santo Domingo, describing the great fruits that had been achieved between the people of this beautiful devotion that he preached continually told: "Look at the benefits I have gained through the preaching of the Holy Rosary. Do the same you and all who love the Blessed Virgin, to attract, by the Holy Office of Rosario, all peoples to the real science of virtue. "
This is, in short, what history teaches us about the establishment of the Rosary by St. Dominic and his restoration Blessed Alan de la Roche.
the 5th Rosa: The Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary
21) Strictly speaking, there are only a Confraternity of the Rosary, composed of one hundred and fifty Hail Marys. But in relation to people who practice it, we can distinguish three classes: the common or regular Rosario, the Perpetual Rosary and the Rosary Daily.
The Confraternity of the Rosary Regular recite only requires once a week. The Perpetual Rosary once a year. The Daily Rosary, however, recite complete, ie, one hundred and fifty Hail Marys every day. None of these guilds impose obligations under sin, even venial, if not pray. Because the commitment to pray it is completely voluntary and supererogation. But you should not join the Brotherhood who have not decided to pray it will, as required by the Brotherhood and whenever possible without violating the obligations of the state itself. So that, when the Rosary coincides with a state requirement, must prefer it to Rosario, for it is holy. When, because of illness, you can not recite the whole or part without aggravating the condition, does not oblige. And when, by lawful obedience, neglect or unintentional pressing need was not possible to recite, there is no sin, even venial. And why not leave to participate in the graces and merits of the brotherhood of the Holy Rosary pray it worldwide.
And if you fail to pray it through sheer negligence, but without formal contempt, absolutely speaking, no freckles. But, your participation in the prayers, good works and merits of the Brotherhood. And by your negligence in small things and supererogation, you will fall insensibly infidelity to the big things and essential obligation "Who despises the small, little by little rainfall '(Sirach 19.1).
the 6th Rosa: The Psalter or Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
22) Since established Santo Domingo This devotion, until 1460, when the Blessed Alan was restored by order of Heaven, was called the "Psalter of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin." Because it contains so many Hail Mary's and has the Psalter Psalms of David and because the simple and ignorant who can not recite the Davidic Psalter removed from the recitation of the Rosary as or more fruitful than that achieved with the recitation of the psalms of David :
1 º. Because the Angelic Psalter has a more noble fruit, namely, the Incarnate Word, who predicts only the Davidic Psalter,
2 º. For as the reality exceeds the image and the body in the shade, just as the Psalter of the Blessed Virgin surpasses that of David, which was only one shadow figure;
3 º. Because the Holy Trinity Psalter composed directly of the Blessed Virgin, that is, the Rosary, consisting of Our Fathers and Hail Marys. Sage Cartagena
concerns about "the wisest of Aix-la-Chapelle (J. Beyssel) in his book on the Crown of Roses, dedicated to Emperor Maximilian, says:" You can not say that the greeting is an invention Marian recent. Spread with the Church, the faithful celebrated the most learned divine praises with fifty three Davidic psalms. Among the least, they found several difficulties in praying the Divine Office, there was a holy emulation. Thought, rightly, that the heavenly praise (the Rosary) include all Divine Secrets of the Psalms. Especially since they sang psalms that was to come, while this pattern of prayer is directed to that has already come. So they started calling "Psalter of Mary" to the three sets of fifty prayers, prefacing each decade the Lord's Prayer as they had seen done by those who recited the psalms. "
23) The Psalter or Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary has three crowns of five decades each, to:
1 º. Honor the people of the Holy Trinity
2 º. Honoring the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ;
3 º. Imitate the Church Triumphant, the pilgrim and help relieve the patient
4 º. Imitating the three parts of the Psalter, the first of which looks at the purgative way, the second for the illuminative way, the third, to the unitive;
5 º. Fill us with grace in life, peace in the hour of death, and glory in eternity.
the 7th Rosa: El Santo Rosario: Crown of Roses
24) Since when Blessed Alan de la Roche restored this devotion, the people's voice is the voice of God, called ROSARIO ie crown of roses, which means that whenever we recite the Rosary properly, put on the head of Jesus and Mary a crown of one hundred fifty and three roses, red roses white and sixteen of Paradise, which will never lose their beauty or splendor.
The Blessed Virgin was approved and confirmed the name of Rosario, revealing several people, who asked him many roses pleasant few Hail Marys recited in his honor and many wreaths of roses and rosaries.
25) Brother Alfonso Rodriguez, a Jesuit, he prayed so fervently that she often saw out of his mouth a red rose for each Our Father and a white rose at each Hail Mary: same both in beauty and fragrance and only different in color.
The chronicles of a young San Francisco had the laudable religious habit of praying every day before lunch the Crown of the Blessed Virgin. One day, no one knows why, broke it. When the bell rang for lunch, asked the Superior Crown allowed to pray before sitting at the table. Getting permission, retired to his cell. But, as it takes long time to return, the Superior sent to a religious calling. He found him in his cell, illuminated celestial glow. The Blessed Virgin and two angels were beside him. Every Hail Mary out of the mouth Religious a beautiful rose. Los Angeles picked up the rose, one after another, and placed on the head of the Blessed Virgin that it showed clearly pleased.
Other Religious, sent to find the cause of the delay of his companions, saw the same miracle. The Blessed Virgin did not disappear until he finished the recitation of the Crown.
The Rosary is a large crown and a tiara of five dozen roses or celestial wreath is placed at the head of Jesus and Mary. The rose is the queen of flowers. El Rosario, in turn, is the rose and the first of the devotions.
the 8th Rosa: Wonders of the Holy Rosary
26) can not express how much prefers the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary devotion to others, how benign is shown to reward those who work in preaching it, set it and cultivate it and how terrible, however, against opponents to Holy Rosary.
Santo Domingo did not put in anything so hard for her life and praise to the Blessed Virgin, to preach its greatness and encourage everyone to honor the Rosary. The mighty Queen of Heaven, in turn, never ceased to bestow upon the Holy blessings with both hands. She crowned its work with a thousand wonders and miracles of God as he reached through the intercession asked of the Blessed Virgin. To top of favors granted him victory over the Albigenses and made her father and patriarch of his great Order.
27) And what about the Blessed Alan de la Roche, restorer of this devotion? The Blessed Virgin honored him several times with his visit to illustrate on the means of salvation, becoming a good priest, Religious and perfect imitator of Jesus Christ. During
horrible temptations and persecutions of the devil took him to an almost extreme sadness and despair, she consoled him, dissipating, with his gentle presence, so many clouds and darkness. Taught him how to pray the Rosary, he instructed about fruit and excellence, which increased with the glorious quality of his spouse and, as an earnest of his chaste love, he placed the ring on his finger and a necklace around his neck with her hair, giving also a Rosary. The Abbot Trithemius, the wise Cartagena, Dr. Martin Navarro and others speak of him glowingly. After attracting the Confraternity of the Rosary over a hundred thousand people died in Zwolle, Flanders, 8 September 1475.
28) Envious the demon of the great fruits that Blessed Thomas of San Juan, the famous preacher of the Rosary, achieved with this practice, reduced to harsh treatment to a long illness in which he was evicted by doctors. One night believing about to die, the devil appeared to him under a dreadful figure. But he raised his eyes and heart to an image of the Blessed Virgin which was near his bed and shouted with all his might, "Help me! Help me! Sweetest Mother! ".
As soon as he uttered these words, the image of the Virgin held out her hand and grabbed his arm told him: "Do not be afraid, Tom, my son! I am here to help! Get up and continues to preach the Rosary devotion, as you had begun to do so! I will defend you against all your enemies. " These words of the Blessed Virgin fled the devil. The patient healed up perfectly, gave thanks to his good mother with plenty of tears and continued to preach the Rosary with wonderful success.
29) The Blessed Virgin does not favor only those who preach the Rosary, but also gloriously rewarding those who by their example attract others to this devotion.
Alfonso IX (1188-1230), king of Leon and Galicia, hoping that all his servants honored the Blessed Virgin and the Rosary, he decided, to encourage them by example, ostensibly carrying a large rosary, but not say it. This was enough to force the court to recite all devoutly.
The king fell seriously ill. And thought him dead, when, carried away in spirit before the tribunal of Christ, saw the demons who accused him of all the crimes he had committed. When the divine judge what was about to condemn to eternal punishment, intervened on his behalf the Blessed Virgin. Brought, then a balance: on one side of it placed the sins of the king. The Blessed Virgin placed in the other the rosary that Alfonso had taken to honor and those who, through their example, others were recited. This was greater than the sins of the king. The Virgin then said, looking benignly: "To reward you for the little service I made to carry my Rosary, I have achieved my Son prolonging your life for some years. Employ them well and do penance! "Returning
itself the king said," O blessed Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, who saved me from eternal damnation! "And after regaining health, was always a devotee of the Rosary and recited every day.
devotees of the Blessed Virgin to try to win the largest number of faithful to the Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary, following the example of the saints and of the king. So get on the ground the protection of Mary, then eternal life: "Those who make themselves known to me, they will achieve eternal life" (Sir 24:31).
the 9th Rosa: The enemies of the Holy Rosary
30) Let us now see how unfair it is to impede the progress of the Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary and what the punishment that God inflicted on the unfortunate who have neglected or attempted destroy.
Although the Rosary devotion has been authorized by Heaven with many miracles and has received approval from the Church by Papal Bulls , not lacking today libertine, impious and proud people who dare to defame the Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary or out of it to the faithful. It is easy to recognize that their languages \u200b\u200bare infected with the poison of hell and moving the evil impulse. No, in fact, may disapprove the devotion of the Rosary without condemning the same time the most pious that exists in the Christian religion, namely the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, the mysteries of life, death and glory of Jesus Christ and Once her mother. These proud can not bear to pray the Rosary and fall often, unconsciously, the approach rejected by the heretics who detest the Rosary and the Crown. Guilds
Abhor is away from God and true piety, as Jesus says is among those gathered in his name. Neither is being a good Catholic despise so many great indulgences as the Church gives to the Brotherhood. Finally, to deter the faithful who belong to the Confraternity of the Rosary, is acting as an enemy of the salvation of souls, because through sin, leave it to embrace piety. San Buenaventura rightly says in his Psalter (Psalterium, lect. 4), who despises the Blessed Virgin Mary will die in sin and be condemned. What punishment should not expect others who depart from the devotion to her!
10th Rosa: Miracles of the Holy Rosary
31) Santo Domingo While preached this devotion in Carcassonne, a heretic was devoted to debunking the miracles and fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. Thus preventing the conversion of heretics. God allowed for punishment of the wicked, that 15,000 demons from taking over your body. His parents then took him to Santo for deliverance from evil spirits. Santo Domingo stood in prayer and urged the crowd to pray with him the rosary aloud. And here is that each Hail Mary the Virgin was one hundred demons out of the body of the heretic, in the form of coals. Once released, the heretic abjured his errors, was converted and became enrolled in the Confraternity of the Rosary, with many other co-own, moved to the punishment and the strength of the Rosary.
32) The wise Cartagena, a Franciscan, and other authors report that in 1482, when the venerable Padre Diego Religious Sprenger and worked with great zeal for the restoration of devotion and Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary in the city of Cologne, two famous preachers, envious of the wonderful fruits that the former obtained by this practice, tried to discredit their own sermons. Thanks to the talent and fame they enjoyed, departed to join many of the Brotherhood. To get better its pernicious attempts, including one specifically prepared a sermon for next Sunday.
It is time to preaching, but the preacher does not appear. He is expected. You seek, and eventually found dead, without which could have been helped by anyone. Convinced that the other speaker was a natural accident, decides to replace his friend in the sad business of abolishing the Confraternity of the Rosary. Arrive the day and time of the sermon. But God punished him with a paralysis that took her movement and speech. Recognizing his lack and his partner, appealed to the Blessed Virgin heart, promising preached everywhere the Rosary as hard as that with which he had fought. He pleaded that this will restore health and words. The Blessed Virgin granted his request. Feeling suddenly healed, got up as another Saul changed from persecutor to defender of the Holy Rosary. He repaired his guilt publicly and preached with great zeal and eloquence the excellence of the Rosary.
33) No doubt that criticism and proud people today, reading these stories, cast doubt on its authenticity, as they always have. I have transcribed only the very good contemporary authors, and partly from a recent book by P. Antonio Thomas, a Dominican, entitled The Mystical Rosal.
Everyone knows, moreover, that there are three kinds of faith for the different stories. For the events narrated in Scripture we owe a divine faith. A profane stories, not repugnant to reason and have been written by serious authors, a human faith. A pious stories reported by good authors and not contrary to reason, faith or morals, but sometimes are extraordinary, a pious faith.
confess that we should be neither too gullible or too critical, but always choose the right way to discover where are the truth and virtue. But I am equally convinced that just as easily think of charity as it is not contrary to faith or morals - "Love believes all things" (1 Cor 13.7) - likewise, takes pride deny almost all stories well founded, on the pretext that they are not in the Holy Writing.
in the trap set by Satan, which dropped the heretics who denied the Tradition. Trap to fall, without realizing it, the critics of today who do not believe what they do not understand or do not like, for nothing more than pride and self-sufficiency.
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