Its name derives from the Greek word ἀσφόδελος, "scepter" being the flower that is said, filled the plains of the Champs Elysees. Considered a favorite food of the dead , former often planted near the graves.
is a perennial plant native to central and southern Europe that grows in dry places on limestone, and now widespread throughout the world as an ornamental.
It grows to about 90 cm and has large white flowers with large petals brown travels along a nerve with many long leaves. Globe-shaped fruit.
Pliny, Dioscorides and Hippocrates mentioned as food, your bulbs were roasted in ashes. Both Greeks and Romans used to combat various diseases and the Persians drew up a strong adhesive with bulbs ground and mixed with water. Today its use is discouraged by the presence of asfodelina in roots. In meadows can be found in large numbers, and that cattle avoid it.
Active ingredients: Contains asfodelina, resin, daffodils, mucilage, sucrose.
Indications: detergent, vulnerario, antidermatosis, emollient, antitussive. Diuretic, emmenagogue. Not suitable for internal use for patients with nephritis and gastritis. Its use is almost always external, of erythema and a lightening of freckles.
Other uses: Can be obtained alcohol fermented from the tubers. It is used in cosmetics.
Castilian: abroita, afrodilla, asphodel, ball, rod, cebollana, Moorish onion, scallions, chives, scallions Mount, cockpit, gambonito, Gamito, Asphodel, Asphodel-lily gamonera, Gamones, Gamones Castilian Gamones males Gamones round gamonilla, gamonita, gamonito, gamonitos, soap, jamonita, labruétana, vara de San José, San José varices.
Source: Wikipedia
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