for poor sinners ... Rosal
mystical souls pious and enlightened by the Holy Spirit ... Rosebud
for the dear children ...
priest and missionary. Developed the doctrine of voluntary slavery of love for the Virgin Mary to bring us to Christ.
His literary work includes many popular songs of religious and theological development of ideas about the divinity of the figure of Mary of Nazareth. Pope John Paul II has recognized the impact of St. Louis de Montfort in his life and adopted the motto of delivery for Mary: Totus Tuus (All Yours)
He was born on January 13, 1673 and died on 28 April 1888 1716.Fue beatified in 1947 was canonized by Pius XII.
1) Ministers of the Most High, preachers of the truth of the gospel trumpet, let me introduce the white rose of this booklet to make enter his heart and his mouth the truths expounded in he simply and without artifice.
In the heart, for you yourselves to embrace the practice of the Rosary and taste its fruits.
In the mouth, to preach to others the excellence of this holy practice and attract the conversion midst. Will not consider this practice as insignificant and of little consequence. So they look at the masses and even many scientists proud. But in truth, it's great, sublime and divine. Heaven has given us to convert the most hardened sinners and heretics more obstinate. God linked to this holy practice of the Holy Rosary grace in this life and the glory of heaven. The saints have been implemented and the Popes have approved.
happiness How about the priest and spiritual director to whom the Holy Spirit has revealed this secret known only superficially by men! If they get their practical knowledge, I recite every day and motivate others to recite it. God and his Blessed Mother poured on you graces in order to be instruments of His glory. And you will achieve more success with his words, though simple, in a single month, as other preachers in several years.
2) We are not satisfied, then, dear comrades, to recommend others to pray the Rosary. We have to recite us. We may be intellectually convinced of its excellence, but if you do not practice, little effort to bring the audience to accept our advice, because nobody can give what he does not have: "Jesus began to do and teach [Acts 1.1]. Imitate Jesus Christ that began to do what he taught. Let us follow the Apostle, who knew neither crucified but Jesus preached.
is what we must do to preach the Holy Rosary. Which, as we shall see, is not just a repeat of Our Fathers and Hail Marys, but a wonderful compendium of the mysteries of life, passion, death and glory of Jesus and Mary.
If you believe that the experience that God has given me the effectiveness of the preaching of the Holy Rosary to convert souls, we will encourage you to preach, notwithstanding the contrary custom of the preachers tell them the wonderful conversions I've been preaching it. I am pleased, however, tell a few stories in this compendium of old and tested. For his service, I have also included many passages taken from good Latin authors, to prove what I explain to people in everyday language.
red rose
3) to you, poor sinners, a most sinful yet offers the rose red with the blood of Jesus Christ, to flourish and be saved. The wicked and hardened sinners cry every day, "Rose Coronémonos [Sab 2.8]. We also sing "Coronémonos with roses of the Holy Rosary."
Ah! How different are their rose from ours! Theirs are carnal pleasures, the openings perishable honors and riches, which soon wither and consume. In contrast, ours, ie our Fathers and Hail Marys although these, together with our good works of penance, will not wilt or dry up ever, and its brightness will be, by the hundred thousand years, so alive and present.
His alleged roses only have the appearance of such. In fact, they are only sharp spines in their lifetime, because of the pangs of conscience that the holes at the time of death with regret, and burn for eternity because of the anger and despair.
Si nuestras rosas tienen espinas, son las espinas de Jesucristo, que Él convierte en rosas. Nuestras espinas punzan, pero sólo por algún tiempo y ello para curarnos del pecado y darnos la salvación.
4) Coronémonos a porfía de estas rosas del Paraíso recitando todos los días un Rosario, es decir las tres series de cinco misterios cada una o tres pequeñas diademas de flores o coronas:
1º Para honrar las tres coronas de Jesús y de María: * de la gracia de Jesús en la Encarnación, * su corona de espinas durante la Pasión y * la de gloria en el Cielo de la Santísima Trinidad.
2º Para recibir de Jesús and Mary three crowns: * The first of merit, for life, * the second of peace, at the hour of death, and * the third of glory in Heaven. Believe me
receive the crown that will not fade ever [1 Pet 5.4], if they stay true to recite devoutly to death, despite the enormity of their sins. Although they were already on the brink of the abyss, but they were so hardened and obstinate heretics and demons, will become sooner or later and be saved, if, I repeat, notice the words and terms of my advice, pray devoutly every day until death of the Holy Rosary in order to know the truth and achieve contrition and forgiveness of sins. In this work will find many stories of sinners converted by the effectiveness of the Rosary. Read them and reflect on it!
5) souls pious and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, certainly not take it amiss that offers a small rose mystic down from heaven, so that they planted in the garden of their souls. In no harm to the fragrant flowers of contemplation. It is very fragrant and fully divine. Not in the least disturb the order of your garden. It is very clean and tidy and all routes to the order and purity. It reaches a height and of such prodigious long extension, if it is watered and grows every day as it is, that not only hinder the other devotions, but preserves and perfects. You who are spiritual souls, I understand clearly! Jesus and Mary with his life, death and eternity are the rose.
6) The green leaves of the mystic rose represents the joyful mysteries of Jesus and Mary. The thorns, painful. And the flowers, the glorious. The buds are the children of Jesus and Mary, half-open roses represent Jesus and Mary in her sorrows. And the wide open show Jesus and Mary in their glory and in triumph.
The rose pleased with her beauty: there is Jesus and Mary in the joyful mysteries. Pricked with thorns: there is Jesus and Mary in the sorrowful mysteries. Rejoices with the softness of her perfume: there is Jesus and Mary in the Glorious Mysteries.
not despise, then, my rose merry and wonderful. Siémbrenlo in his soul, taking the resolution to pray the Rosary. Cultívenlo and riéguenlo, reciting it faithfully every day and doing good. Seen as the grain that now seems so small, eventually will become a great tree where the birds of heaven, that is predestined souls and elevated in contemplation, will nesting and resting place for shelter in the shade of the leaves of the heat of the sun, preserved in its height of the beasts of the earth and finally, eat the delicacy of its fruit, which is none other than the adorable Jesus, whom be honor and glory for eternity. Amen.
7) To You, dear children, I offer a beautiful bud roses, the granite of Rosario , which seems so insignificant. But ... Oh, what grain so precious! What cocoon so wonderfully, and how to develop, if devoutly recite the Hail Mary! Perhaps much to ask them to pray a Rosary every day. Pray, at least one third, with devotion. It will be a pretty pink tiara placed on the brow of Jesus and Mary. Believe me! Listen now and remember this beautiful story:
8) Two little girls, sisters, were at the door of his house reciting the Rosary devotion. They see a beautiful lady, that approaching the smallest, only six years, taking the hand and leads. The older sister, full of confusion, the search and not having been able to find it, come home crying and saying they had taken his sister. The father and mother looking in vain for three days. After this time, find it in the house with the happy face and joyful. I wonder where it comes from. She replies that the lady who prayed the rosary had been a beautiful place, and had been fed some very good and had placed in her arms a beautiful boy who had covered it with kisses. The father and mother, newly converted to the faith, calls the Jesuit priest who had trained in it and the devotion of the Rosary and tell him what had happened. He told us. Occurred in Paraguay [CN, p.. 189-190. Excerpted from: Antoine Boisseu, SJ, Le chrétien predestined couple's devotion to Marie, Mere de Dieu. Lyon, 1686. P. 752)].
Imitate, dear children, these earnest young girls. Pray every day the third part of the Rosary, and deserve to see Jesus and Mary, if not during this life if, after death, for eternity. Amen.
So that wise and ignorant, righteous and sinners, great and small, worship night and day and say hello to Jesus and Mary with the Holy Rosary.
"Greet Mary, who has worked extensively in You" (Rom 16, 6).
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