1. Over the centuries the cult of Mary has been a continuous development. In addition to the traditional liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God, have flourished countless expressions of piety, often approved and encouraged by the Magisterium of the Church. Many
Marian devotions and prayers are an extension of the liturgy and have sometimes contributed to enrich it, as in the case of the Office in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other compositions that have become part of the Breviary.
The first call is known dates back to the third century and begins with the words: "Under your protection (Sub tuum praesidium) welcome us, holy Mother of God ...". But prayer to the Virgin most common among Christians since the fourteenth century is the "Ave Maria." Repeating
first words the angel spoke to Mary, it introduces the faithful to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation. The Latin word "bird", which corresponds to xare Greek word is an invitation to joy and could be translated as "Rejoice." Eastern Anthem "Akathistos' repeated insistence that" rejoice. " In the Hail Mary the Virgin call "full of grace" and thus recognize the perfection and beauty of your soul.
The expression "The Lord is with you" reveals the special relationship between God and Mary, who is in the grand design of God's covenant with all humanity. Moreover, the expression "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus", says the realization of the divine in the virginal body of the Daughter of Zion.
By invoking "Holy Mary, Mother of God," Christians pray to that which by a singular privilege is immaculate Mother of the Lord: "Pray for us sinners," and are entrusted to it now and in the final hour of death.
2. Also the traditional Angelus prayer invites us to reflect the mystery of the Incarnation, urging Christians to take Mary as a reference point at the various stages of his journey to imitate in their willingness to perform the divine plan of salvation. This prayer makes us relive the great event in the history of humanity, the Incarnation, to which reference and each "Hail Mary." Here is the value and attractiveness of the Angelus, which have so often shown not only theologians and pastors, but also poets and painters.
In the Marian devotion has acquired an important position the rosary, that through the repetition of "Ave Maria" has to contemplate the mysteries of faith. Also this simple prayer, which feeds the love of Christians to the Mother of God, focuses more clearly the Marian prayer to an end: the glorification of Christ.
Pope Paul VI, like its predecessors, especially Leo XIII, Pius XII and John XXIII, took into serious consideration the Rosary and recommended its distribution in families. Furthermore, in the Apostolic Exhortation Marialis cultus, illustrated his doctrine, noting that it is a "prayer evangelical centered on the mystery of the redemptive Incarnation," and reaffirming its "clearly Christological orientation" (n. 46).
often popular devotion to the rosary, litanies joins, among which the best known are those who pray at the shrine of Loreto and so called "Loreto".
With very simple invocations, helps you focus on the person of Mary to capture the spiritual wealth that the Father's love has been poured into it.
3. As the liturgy and Christian piety show, the Church has always highly regarded the worship of Mary, considering inextricably linked to faith in Christ. In fact, finds its basis in the plan of the Father, the will of the Savior and inspiring action of the Paraclete.
Lady, having received Christ's salvation and grace, is expected to play an important role in the redemption of mankind. With Marian devotion Christians recognize the value of Mary's presence on the road to salvation, coming to her for all kinds of graces. Above all, they know they can have your maternal intercession of the Lord to receive everything they need for the development of divine life and to attain eternal salvation.
As evidenced by the many titles attributed to the Virgin and the continuous pilgrimages to Marian shrines, the confidence of the faithful in the Mother of Jesus impels them to rely on their daily needs.
are sure that your mother's heart can not remain indifferent to the material and spiritual poverty of their children.
Thus, devotion to the Mother of God, encouraging confidence and spontaneity, helping to instill calm in the spiritual life and make progress to the faithful on the demanding path of the beatitudes.
4. Finally, we recall that the devotion to Mary, giving relief to the human dimension of the Incarnation, helps discover better the face of a God who shares the joys and sufferings of humanity, "God with us," she conceived as a man in his pure heart, father, attended and followed with ineffable love since the days of Nazareth and Bethlehem to the cross and resurrection.
Of Pope John Paul II
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