21st Rosa: The Mysteries of the Rosary . 22nd Rosa: The meditation of the Mysteries conforms us to Jesus Christ. Rosa 23rd: The Rosary: \u200b\u200bMemorial of Life and Death of Jesus Christ. Rosa 24th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bMysteries of Meditation is an effective way of perfection. Rosa 25th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bTreasure of sanctification that contain prayers and meditation on its mysteries. Rosa 26th: The Holy Rosary Prayer sublime. Rosa 27th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bIts benefits. Rosa 28th: \u200b\u200bHealthy effects that pondering the Passion. Rosa 29th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bInstrument of salvation. Rosa 30th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bIts indulgences.
21st Rosa: The Mysteries of the Rosary
60) actually means sacred mystery and hard to understand. The works of Jesus Christ are all sacred and divine, because He is God and man at the same time. The are the most holy Virgin Mary, because she was the most perfect of creatures. Rightly given the name of mystery to the works of Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother. Are, indeed full of wonders, perfections and instructions deep and sublime that the Holy Spirit reveals to the humble and simple that the honor. The works of Jesus and Mary flowers can also be called admirable. Flowers whose fragrance and beauty known only to those who approach them, they aim their fragrance and open their petals, by careful and serious meditation.
61) Santo Domingo distributed the lives of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin in fifteen mysteries, which we represent their virtues and principal activities. are fifteen paintings, whose scenes should serve as standards and example to guide our life. Fifteen torches to guide our steps in this world. Fifteen mirrors lights that allow us to know Jesus and Mary, know ourselves and light the fire of love in our hearts. Fifteen fires whose flames can be burned to the ground.
The Blessed Virgin taught Santo Domingo this excellent method of prayer and ordered him to preach to awaken the piety of the Christians and to revive the love of Jesus Christ in their hearts. Also taught to Blessed Alan de la Roche, "The hundred and fifty Hail Mary prayer is a very useful prayer is a gift that pleases me greatly. It is even more and will do much better who recited meditating Life, Passion and Glory of Jesus Christ. For this meditation is the soul of such sentences. "
Indeed, the Rosary without the meditation of the sacred mysteries of our salvation is like a body without a soul, a great art without form that is meditation, which distinguishes the Rosary from other devotions.
62) The first part of the Rosary contains five mysteries
1o of the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin.
2o The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin to St. Elizabeth.
the 3rd The Birth of Jesus Christ.
4th The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and Purification of the Blessed Virgin. On the 5th
the Finding of Jesus in the Temple among the doctors.
And Joyful Mysteries are called because of the joy you gave to the whole universe. In effect
* The Virgin and the Angels were flooded with joy at the happy moment of the Incarnation.
* Santa Isabel and her son were filled with joy at the visit of Jesus and Mary.
* Heaven and earth rejoiced with the Savior's birth.
* Simeon was comforted and joyful to receive Jesus in her arms.
* The doctors were enthralled to hear the responses of Jesus.
And who can express the joy Mary and Joseph finding Jesus after three days of absence?
63) The second part of the Rosary is also composed of five mysteries, called Sorrowful Mysteries because we present Jesus Christ overwhelmed with sorrow, covered with sores, laden with insults, aches and pains . 1o
the prayer of Jesus and his Agony in the Garden of Olives.
its 2o The Flagellation.
the 3rd The Crowning of thorns.
4th The Cross in tow. The 5th
the crucifixion and death on Calvary.
Glorious Mysteries
64) The third part of the Rosary contains five mysteries, called glorious because they see Jesus and Mary in the triumph and glory. 1o
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 2o The
his Ascension.
the 3rd The Coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.
4th The glorious Assumption of the Virgin Mary. On the 5th
of her Coronation.
These are the fifteen fragrant flowers of the mystic rose, where they land, like bees diligent, pious souls wonderful to collect nectar and produce honey of strong devotion.
22nd Rosa: Meditation Mysteries conforms us to Christ
65) The main task of the Christian is to walk towards perfection. "As beloved children of God, strive to imitate him" (Eph 5.1), says the great Apostle. It is an obligation in the eternal decree of our predestination. And it is the only means to get ordained to eternal glory.
St. Gregory of Nyssa says that we are as a painters grace: our soul is the canvas upon which we must apply the brush: the virtues are the colors that should bring out the beauty of the original, which is Jesus Christ, the living image and representation Perfect Father in heaven. A painter to make a natural portrait, put the original in his eyes and every stroke back at him. Similarly, the Christian must always having before our eyes the life and virtues of Jesus Christ to do, say and think only what is under them.
66) To help in the important work of our predestination, exposing the Blessed Virgin commanded the faithful to pray the Rosary the sacred mysteries of Christ's life, not just to worship and glorify the Lord, but also, above all, to govern his life and actions by the virtues of Jesus.
However, as children imitate their parents, seeing and talking with them and learn their language, hearing them speak, and as an apprentice masters his art work to see his master, just as the faithful who recite the Rosary are like his divine Master, with the help of his grace and the intercession of the Virgin Mary , to consider carefully and prayerfully the virtues of Jesus Christ in the fifteen mysteries of life.
67) Moses ordered the Jewish people, from God himself, who never forget the benefits they had received. The Son of God can send more so that we record in our hearts and we have constantly before the eyes of the mysteries of life, passion and glory, and that they intended to justify and show the excess His love to save.
"All you who pass by, look and see if there is such a pain that haunts me for his sake" (Lam 1.12). "Remember my poverty and wanderings, the wormwood and bitterness suffered by you in my Passion" (Lam 3.19.).
These words and many others that might remember, amply convinces us of the obligation we have to pray vocally not satisfied with the Rosary in honor of Jesus Christ.
23rd Rosa: El Santo Rosario: Memorial of Life and Death of Jesus Christ
68) Jesus Christ, the Divine Bridegroom of our souls, our sweet friend, wish to remember its benefits, and cherish above all things. experience an accidental glory, just as the Blessed Virgin and the saints in heaven, when we meditate with love and devotion to the sacred mysteries of the Rosary, which are the most visible effects of his love toward us, and the rich present that could make us . Well, the Blessed Virgin and all saints have by themselves in glory.
Blessed Angela of Foligno asked for a day the Lord will tell you how exercise can honor more. He appeared on the cross and said, "My daughter, my wounds covers!" So you learned the most loving Savior nothing is more pleasing than the meditation of his suffering. Jesus showed him after his head wounds and various circumstances of their torments and said: 'I suffered all this for your salvation, what can you do to match the love I have? ".
69) The Sacrifice of the Mass honoring the Holy Trinity infinitely, because it represents the passion of Christ, and it offers the merits of his obedience, suffering and blood. All the heavenly court get to the Mass accidental glory. Several doctors, including St. Thomas, he says, for the same reason, that Heaven is pleased to receive Communion the faithful because the Blessed Sacrament is a memorial of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, and through him the men engaged in their fruits, and advances in the way of salvation.
But the Holy Rosary, recited with the meditation of the sacred mysteries, is a sacrifice of praise to God for the benefit of our redemption and devoted memory of the suffering, death and glory of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, it is true that the Rosary seeks an accidental glory and joy of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin and the other blessed, those who want nothing so important to our eternal bliss, as an exercise to see us engaged in the Lord and glorious healthy for us.
70) The Gospel assures us that a sinner who repents and does penance, joy to all the Angels. if to cheer the Angels just a sinner up his sin and do penance, what credit is not the same Jesus Christ to see us meditate devoutly and lovingly into this world their humiliation, torture and cruel and ignominious death? Is there anything more effective to move us and lead us to genuine repentance?
The Christian who does not meditate the mysteries of the Rosary shows great ingratitude to Christ and the low esteem that has suffered as the divine Savior to redeem man. His conduct seems to say that unknown life of Jesus Christ and cares little or anything to know what Jesus has done and suffered for our salvation. And may fear that not having known Jesus Christ or having forgotten, is rejected on the day of the trial with this rebuke: "In truth, do not know them" (Mt 25.12.)
Consider now the life and sufferings of the Savior through the Holy Rosary. Learn to know him and recognize their benefits, that he recognizes us as his children and friends on the day of trial.
Rosa 24th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bThe meditation of the mysteries is an effective means of perfection
71) The Saints had as main subject the life of Jesus Christ, whose virtues and sufferings meditated. hereby reached Christian perfection. San Bernardo began this year and he always persevered. "From the beginning of my conversion I did a bunch of myrrh, formed by the pains of my Savior, and placed it on my heart, thinking of the lashes, thorns and nails of passion and implemented with all my soul to meditate every day these mysteries. "
it was also the year of the martyrs. We admire the way won the most cruel torments. Whence could come the wonderful constancy of the martyrs, "says St. Bernard, but the wounds of Jesus Christ in which meditated frequently? Where was the soul of these generous athletes, as his blood flowed and their bodies were crushed by the torture? They were in the wounds of Jesus Christ and they made them invincible!
72) The Blessed Mother of the Saviour devoted his life to meditate on the virtues and sufferings of her Son. When he heard the angels singing hymns of praise in his birth, when he saw the shepherds adore him in the barn, filled with admiration and meditating in so many wonders. Comparing the greatness of the Incarnate Word, with his deep depression. The straw and a manger, with his throne and the Father's heart. The power of God, the weakness of a child. His wisdom, his simplicity.
The Blessed Virgin said one day to St. Bridget: "When contemplating the beauty, modesty and wisdom of my son, I was transported with joy. When he felt that his hands and feet had to be pierced with nails, pouring torrents of tears and my heart started from pain and sorrow. "
73) After the Ascension, the Virgin Mary spent the rest of his life to visit such places as the divine Savior had sanctified by his presence and torments. Meditate there on the excess of his charity and the rigors of his passion. This was also
the performance of Mary Magdalene in the thirty years he lived in San Baume. Jerome also said that it was the devotion of the early Christians. They came from all over the world to the Holy Land to record more deeply in their hearts the love and remembrance of the Saviour of men, with the view of objects and places established by him with his birth, work, suffering and death.
74) All Christians have one faith, worship one God, expect only happiness in Heaven , recognize one Mediator, Jesus Christ. Must all imitate the divine model for it and consider the mysteries of his life, his virtues and his glory.
is a mistake to imagine that the meditation on the truths of faith and the mysteries of the life of Jesus is only for priests, Religious and all those who have distanced themselves from the trammels of the world. If the religious and church are forced to ponder the great truths of our sacred religion to respond with dignity to their vocation as lay people are also due to the dangers in the midst of which are daily. Enlisting, therefore, remembering common life, virtues and sufferings of the Savior, the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary we represent. 25th
Rosa: El Santo Rosario: Treasure of sanctification that contain prayers and meditation its mysteries
75) No one may ever understand the treasure of holiness that contain the prayers and mysteries of the Rosary! Meditation on the mysteries of life and death of the Lord is, for those engaged in it a source of wonderful fruits. Today we want things that impact, moves and produce deep impressions on the soul. Now, is there anything in the world more moving than the wonderful story of the Redeemer deployed in fifteen scenes reminiscent of the great scenes of life, death and glory of the Messiah? Is there more excellent and sublime prayers that the Lord's Prayer and the greeting angelic? They can contain as we want and need!
76) A meditation on the mysteries and prayers of the Rosary is the easiest of all prayers, because the diversity of the virtues of Jesus Christ states, "on which" reflects beautifully recreates and strengthens the spirit and prevents distractions. Scholars in these formulas are more profound doctrine, and the ignorant, simple instructions. It should go through this simple meditation before rising to the sublime degree of contemplation. Such is the opinion of St. Thomas Aquinas. Such is the advice we give when we said it was necessary to exercise in advance, like a battlefield, in the acquisition of all virtues, which are perfect models the mysteries of the Rosary.
Because that, "says Cayetano-wise we can acquire intimate union with God, without which contemplation is just an illusion capable of seducing souls.
77) If the false enlightened of our century, or the quietist, had followed this advice, had not fallen so disgracefully and caused so many scandals in matters of devotion. Pretending can compose the most sublime prayers Our Father and Hail Mary, and leave these divine prayers which are the support, strength and safeguard of the soul is a delusion of the devil.
I agree that it is not always necessary to recite vocal and mental prayer that is in some sense more perfect than vocal. But I assure you it's dangerous, if not harmful, to voluntarily leave the Rosary, on the pretext of a more intimate union with God! The soul, subtly proud, deceived by the devil meridian (Ps 90, 6 - 2 Cor 11, 14), as can be done internally to rise to the sublime degree of prayer of the saints, for they despise and abandon their old methods pray, judging good only for ordinary souls. Closes by itself heard the prayer composed, practiced and prescribed by God: "Pray: Our Father ..." (Matthew 6.9.) And so it falls into illusion and illusion from precipice to precipice.
78) Believe me, dear friend of the Holy Rosary! Want to reach high levels without affecting contemplation of prayer, without falling into the illusions of the devil, so prevalent in people of prayer? Recite, if you can, every day, the Rosary, or at least the third part of it. may have already reached those grades, by the grace of God. If they want to stay and grow in humility, persevere faithfully in the practice of the Rosary. Because a person who recite the rosary every day, not ever formally fall into heresy or be deceived by the devil. With my blood would seal this claim! If God, however, in his infinite goodness, you love so powerfully during the Rosary as some saints, let yourself be driven by their attraction, let God act and pray you, and recite the rosary in their own way. And that this will suffice for that day.
But, if so far you're inside the active contemplation or prayer ordinary stillness of God's presence and affection, you have even less reason to leave your Rosary, and that, far from back on virtue and prayer, you will recite rather wonderful and will help the true scale of Jacob (Genesis 25.12), fifteen steps, which will go up by virtue of virtue and light to light up easily and without guile to perfection in Jesus Christ.
Rosa 26th: The Holy Rosary Prayer sublime
79) Evita imitate carefully the obstinacy of that devoted to Roma, who speak both "The Wonders of the Rosary. was someone so devout and fervent that his holy life Religious confounded the most austere of the Church of God. Wanted consulting
Santo Domingo. Pleaded with him. Imposed Holy as penance and pray the Rosary advised him to pray every day. She excused herself saying she had all her exercises and organized: Each day won the indulgences of the stations of Rome, wearing hair shirts, took discipline several times a week, and made many thousand fasts and other penances. The Holy again urged to follow their advice. But she refused and left the confessional almost shocked by the ways of the new director wanted him to accept a contrary devotion to your liking.
Finding himself one day in prayer and ecstatic trances, his soul was obliged to appear before the Supreme Court. San Miguel placed in a dish Balance all your penances and prayers, and the other sins and imperfections.
The dish of good works, and climbed up without being able to balance the other. Alarmed, implored mercy. He went to the Blessed Virgin, his lawyer, who dropped into the pan of good deeds the only Rosary for penance had prayed. It weighed so much that balanced the weight of the sins and good deeds. Rebuked the Blessed Virgin, at the same time, by not following the advice of your servant Dominic, pray the Rosary every day. When he came, he ran to throw himself at the feet of Santo Domingo. He told her what happened, he apologized of their unbelief, he promised to pray every day the Rosary, and came by this means to the Christian perfection and eternal glory. Alma
pious, learned, then, what is the effectiveness, value and importance of the devotion of the Rosary and meditating on its mysteries!
80) Who prayer higher in Santa Magdalena, which was carried seven times [86] every day to Heaven by the Angels! And I had been at the school of Christ and His Blessed Mother! However, when asked God for an effective means to advance his love and reach the highest perfection, the Archangel Michael came to tell from God he did not know any different, to consider, before a cross placed at the entrance to his cave, the sorrowful mysteries that she had seen with his own eyes.
May the example of San Francisco de Sales, the great spiritual director of souls in his time, I encourage merge in a guild as holy as the Rosary! Well, despite being Holy vowed to pray the entire rosary every day of your life. San Carlos Borromeo
also recited it every day, and strongly recommended it to his priests, seminarians and all his people.
St. Pius V, one of the most eminent popes of the Church, prayed every day Rosario, Santo Tomas de Villanueva, Archbishop of Valencia, San Ignacio, San Francisco Javier, San Francisco de Borja, Santa Teresa, San Felipe Neri and many other great men who did not mention, were marked by such devotion. Follow their examples! Your directors will be satisfied, and if the reports of the fruits that you can take the recitation of the Rosary, will be quick to cheer his recitation.
Rosa 27th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bIts benefits
81) To further encourage you to embrace this devotion of the great souls, I add that the Rosary recited with meditation on the mysteries
1 ) callously lifts us a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ;
2) purifies us of sin;
3) gives us victory over our enemies;
4) enables us to practice virtue;
5) ignites our love for Jesus Christ;
6) enriches us with graces and merits;
7) gives us the means to settle with God and with men all our debts;
8) we get all kinds of graces.
82) The knowledge of Jesus Christ is the science of Christians and salvation. Overcome, "says St. Paul (filp 3, 8) - all the human sciences in price and excellence:
1) thanks to the dignity of its object, which is a God-Man, in whose presence whole universe is but a drop of dew or a grain of sand:
2) for its utility, and the human sciences only fill us with vanity and pride;
3) by necessity, because you can not save us if you do not know Jesus Christ. The science that ignores all be saved, provided it is illuminated by the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Happy
Rosario gives us the science and knowledge of Jesus Christ, to meditate allow his life, death, passion and glory!
Queen of Sheba, marveling at the wisdom of Solomon, said, "Blessed are your people! Happy your servants, who are always with you and hear your holy words! " (1 Kings 10.8) But blessed are the faithful who carefully meditate on the life, virtues, sufferings and glory of the Savior, because, by this means, acquire the perfect knowledge which is eternal life (Jn 17.3 .)
83) The Blessed Virgin revealed to Blessed Alan as soon as St. Dominic began to preach the Rosary became hardened sinners and wept bitterly their crimes. Even children were incredible penances. Wherever he preached the Rosary, such was the fervor that sinners life changed and built the world with his penance and amendment of life.
If you feel full of sin, take the rosary and mediate a part of it in honor of some of the mysteries of life, passion and glory of Jesus Christ. And be convinced that, while meditating and honor these mysteries, he in heaven show his wounds to the Father sacrosanct, intercede for you and reach the repentance and forgiveness of your sins.
one day the Lord said to Blessed Alan: "If sinners often pray my Rosary, partake of the mysteries of my passion, and I, as his lawyer, placate divine justice!"
84) Our life war is continuous temptation (Job 7.1). We must fight not against flesh and blood enemies, but against the same infernal powers (Eph 6, 12). What can wield better weapons to fight them, that the Lord's Prayer taught by our own master, and the angelic salutation, which drove the demons, destroyed sin and renewed the world? Will be better than meditation on the life and passion of Jesus Christ, we have thoughts that are normally present, as mandated by San Pedro (1 Peter 4, 1) - to defend against the same enemies as He has overcome that plague us all day?
"Since the devil," says Cardinal Hugo, was defeated by humanity and passion of Jesus Christ, hardly dares to attack a person who meditates these mysteries, or, if the attack is ignominiously defeated by it. " "Put on the full armor of God-given" (Eph 6.11).
85) wields the weapon of God, which is the Holy Rosary! With it will destroy the devil's head and be able to resist all temptations. From here comes that even the material rosary is so terrible to the devil, and the Saints have used it to chain and throw the body of the possessed, as attested by many stories.
86) One man, referred to Blessed Alan, had in vain tried all sorts of devotions to rid the evil spirit, who had taken possession of him. Resolved to put the rosary around his neck. And this was assuaged. But when I removed the demon back to haunt him cruelly. Then decided to take his neck day and night. So always managed to throw for the devil, who could not endure such a terrible chain. The Blessed Alan testified that freed many possessed, putting a rosary around his neck.
87) RP John Amat, the Order of St. Dominic, preached the Lent in a region of Aragon. We had one day a girl possessed. He tried to exorcise him several times but to no avail. When you put the rosary around his neck, she started screaming and howling horribly, saying: "Quítenme! Quítenme those grains that torment me! "The priest compassion with the poor girl, took the neck the rosary.
The next night, while Father lay on his bed, the same demons that the girl had rushed furiously against him to secure his person, but with the rosary in his hand, despite the efforts made to remove it, hit and cast out demons, saying: "Santa María, Virgen del Rosario, help me!"
When the next morning, the priest was going to church, found the girl still possessed. A started screaming demons mocking him: "Brother, if you had not had your rosary, and we finish with you!" Then the Father again threw the rosary around the neck of the girl, saying: "For the most sacred names of Jesus and Mary , his Blessed Mother, and by virtue of the Rosary, they spell, evil spirits, to go immediately from this body! "The Devils had to obey and she was free.
These events underscore what is the power of the Holy Rosary to overcome all sorts of diabolical temptations and all kinds of sins, because the blessed rosary beads put them to flight.
Rosa: Healthy effects of meditation on the Passion produce
88) Affirms St. Augustine (PL 40.1273 to 1274) that there is so successful and useful exercise for salvation, as often thought in Lord's sufferings.
St. Albert the Great, master of St. Thomas, he knew by revelation that the mere remembrance or meditation on the Passion of Jesus Christ is more worthwhile for Christians to fast for a year on bread and water every Friday or every bloody discipline week or pray the Psalter every day. What is not, then the merit of the Rosary, which commemorates the life and passion of the Lord?
The Blessed Virgin revealed one day to Blessed Alan de la Roche, who after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the first and most vivid memory of the passion of Jesus Christ, prayer is more excellent or praiseworthy, the Rosario, the second memory representation of life and passion of the Lord.
89) RP refers Dorland (Chronica, 7.2) that the Most Holy Virgin said one day the Venerable Dominic, a Carthusian, a devotee of the Holy Rosary, resident in Trier, in the year 1431: "How many times the faithful pray the Rosary in a state of grace, pondering the mysteries of Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, obtain full and complete remission of their sins. "
The Blessed Virgin also told Blessed Alan: "Be assured that, although there are many indulgences granted to my Rosary, I will add many more for each third of it to those who pray in a state of grace, kneeling and devotion. And to those who persevere in their devotion in such conditions and meditations, I'll get to the end of his life as a reward for this service, the complete remission of penalty and guilt for all his sins. "
"And this does not seem impossible: it is easy for me, for I am the Mother of the King of Heaven, who called me" full of grace. " And as such will vast outpouring of it also to my dear children. "
90) Santo Domingo was so convinced of the effectiveness and merits of the Holy Rosary that almost never imposed no penance other than the recitation of the Rosary who confessed to him, as we saw in the history of the Roman lady who triumphed Rosario single penance.
The confessors should also, to follow the example of this great saint, to impose their penitents the recitation of the Rosary with the meditation of the sacred mysteries, rather than other penances least merit and not so pleasing to God or as effective to advance on the path of virtue and prevent the fall into sin. In addition, praying the Rosary, you gain many indulgences that are not granted to other devotions.
91) "Certainly," said the abbot Blosio-the Rosary, together with meditation on the life and passion of the Lord, it is most agreeable to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin, and very effective to obtain your desire. We can recite by ourselves, by those who have committed to us and the Church "(...)" thus uses the devotion of the Rosary in all our needs, and inevitably get whatever we ask God for our salvation " .
Rosa 29th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bInstrument of salvation
92) Just as San Dionisio divine, "nothing more noble and pleasing to God than to cooperate in the salvation of souls and bring down the plans that the devil is at stake to lose. This down to earth the Son of God, that with the founding of the Church destroyed the dominion of Satan. But the tyrant rebuilt his forces with cruel violence and enslaved the people by the Albigensian heresy, hatred, dissension and abominable vices during the eleventh century did rule the world.
What is the remedy for such serious diseases? How do you break down the forces of Satan? The Blessed Virgin, patroness of the Church offered the Confraternity of the Rosary as the most effective means to appease the anger of her Son, extirpate heresy and reforming the customs of the Christians. The facts as found, rekindled love, turned to the frequency of the sacraments and in the first golden age of the Church, and reformed the manners of the Christians.
93) Pope Leo X said in his Bull (October 4, 1520) that the Brotherhood was founded to honor God and the Blessed Virgin, and as a bulwark to contain the misfortunes that were to fall on the Church. Gregory XIII added that the Rosary was given by Heaven as a means to appease the wrath of God and to implore the intercession of the Blessed Virgin.
Julius III said that the rosary was inspired to open up the sky easier, thanks to the intervention of the Blessed Virgin.
Paul III and Pius V (September 17, 1569) claim that the Rosary was established and given to the believers so that they could more effectively achieve peace and spiritual solace.
Who, then, neglecting to enroll in a Brotherhood established with such noble goals?
94) Fr Sunday, Carthusian Rosary most devoted one day saw heaven open and the entire heavenly court ordered admirably. Heard singing the Rosary with ravishing melody, honoring a mystery in each decade of life, passion and glory of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin. He warned that when the blessed pronounced the holy name of Mary, did nod, and the name of Jesus, a genuflection (filp 2.10), and gave thanks to God for the great benefits granted to heaven and the earth by the Holy Rosary. Also saw the Blessed Virgin and the Saints that God had a Rosary recited that the brothers in the land, and prayed for those who practiced this devotion. He also saw many beautiful and fragrant wreaths of flowers prepared for those who devoutly pray the Rosary and how often you pray, make a crown which will be adorned in Heaven.
The vision of this pious Carthusian harmony with the vision of the beloved disciple, when he saw a countless multitude of angels and saints, praising and blessed because Jesus Christ did and suffered in the world to save us (Rev 5.9 to 11) . Now is not this what the brotherhood of the Rosary?
95) Do not imagine that the Rosary is only for women, children and the ignorant. It is also for men, the greatest men.
Santo Domingo As soon as he realized the Pope Innocent III in the order received from heaven to establish the Brotherhood, the Holy Father passed, urged Santo Domingo to preach and wanted to be part of it. The Cardinals embraced with great fervor, so that Lopez did not hesitate to write: "No sex, age or social status could escape the Rosary."
Indeed, in the Brotherhood have signed all kinds of people: dukes, princes, kings, bishops, cardinals and Sovereign Pontiffs. Long would your list in this summary.
And if you, dear reader, you enter the Brotherhood, have no part in their devotion and their due on earth, and his glory in Heaven: associated with them in devotion, you're also on dignity.
30th: The Holy Rosary: \u200b\u200bIndulgences Your
96) If the privileges, and indulgences are recommended by a Brotherhood, it must be said that the Rosary is the most appropriate for the Church. Indeed, it is the most favored and enriched with indulgences. Since its inception, has hardly been a Pope who did not open the treasures of the Church to enrich it. But as the example persuades more than words and profits, the Popes have not been able to better express the esteem that were of the Brotherhood to join. Here is his summary of the indulgences granted by the Sovereign Pontiffs.
97) plenary indulgence, if you pray in a church or public oratory or in family or religious community or pious association, in other cases, partial indulgence.
"the rosary is a way of prayer, which consists of fifteen decades of Hail Marys, separated by an Our Father, and in each decade are meditating so many mysteries of our redemption" (Liturgy of the Hours).
"However, used to call" Rosario "even the third part of the"
"As for the plenary indulgence, is established.
1) Just the recitation of the third party. But five decades should be said straight.
2) A vocal prayer should be added the pious meditation on the mysteries.
3) In public recitation, should set forth the mysteries as the approved custom of the place, in private prayer enough for the faithful, a meditation on the mysteries of vocal prayer. "
Note: All plenary and partial indulgences which is spoken in this part of the book, now available over the one you join any Brotherhood, without use of any rosary accounts (eg one can count 10 Hail Marys for each decade with 10 fingers), and no one to pray the rosary on their knees (although San Luis M. de Montfort advised by SAR 129).
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