41 st Rose: Purity of the soul. 42 ª Rosa: Recitation attentive. 43 ª Rosa vigorously combat distractions. 44 th Rosa: How to pray the Rosary. 45 th Rosa: We must pray the Rosary with modesty. 46 th Rosa: Praying the Rosary in common. 47 th Rosa: Praying Rosary every day. 48 th Rosa: Persevering in the devotion of the Rosary. 49 th Rosa: Explanation of Indulgences. 50 th Rosa: Prayers
41 st Rose: Purity of soul
The fervor of our prayers and not just its length pleases God and wins the heart. One Hail Mary well that is more deserving hundred and fifty bad mouthed. Nearly all Catholics pray the Rosary, or at least a third of the same or a few tens of Hail Marys. Why, then, there are so few people that are corrected for their sins and truly advance in virtue? Why not pray as it should be!
Let us see how to pray the Rosary to please God and make us holy.
1 º. who pray the Rosary must be in a state of grace or be at least determined to get out of sin. Indeed, theology teaches us that good works and prayers made in mortal sin, are dead works that fail to please God and merit eternal life. In this sense it is written: "No, praise is for the sinners'
Neither praise nor the Hail Mary, or the same prayer of Jesus Christ can please God when they leave the mouth of a sinner unrepentant:" This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts is far from me "
Those people who enter my guilds" says Jesus, "who recite the Rosary every day or part thereof, without any contrition for their sins, worship Me with their lips, but their hearts are far me.
2 º. I said: 'O be, at least, determined to get out of sin ":
because, if need be in the grace of God to pray as you like, the result would be that those in mortal sin should not pray, however, have more need for it that the righteous and on the Rosary or part of it, because it would be useless. This is an error condemned by the Church
3 º. because if you register for a Guild of the Blessed Virgin, pray the Rosary or any part thereof or other prayer, will remain in sin or no intention of leaving it, would become the number of false devotees the Holy Virgen120] and unrepentant presumptuous devotees that under the mantle of Mary, the scapular on his chest and the Rosary in hand, they shout: "Holy and gracious Lady, I salute you, O Mary!" And Meanwhile, crucified and cruelly torn Christ with their sins and from the most sacred brotherhoods of Our Lady, unfortunately fall into the flames of infierno121].
recommend the Rosary to the whole world: the righteous, to persevere and grow in the grace of God to sinners, to emerge from their sins.
But not like or can please God to exhort the sinner to make a protective mantle of the Blessed Virgin, a blanket condemnation to hide their crimes and to change the Rosary, which is a remedy for all evils, deadly poison and fatal. Corruption of the best is the worst!
Sage Cardinal Hugo says: "We must be angels of purity close to the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray the Hail Mary."
The Virgin Mary was a beautiful day fruit in a tray full of filth, a shameless constantly reciting the Rosary every day. He was horrified. The Blessed Virgin said: "You serve me well! Show me beautiful roses in a glass dirty and polluted! Judge for yourself, if I like! "
42 nd Rosa: Recitation attentive
well to pray the rosary is not enough to express our appeal to the most beautiful of the rosary prayers. It should also be done with great care. Because God hears the prayer of the heart than the lips. Pray to God to be a voluntary distractions great irreverence, able to make our Rosaries unfruitful and full of sin. How can you expect God to hear us when we do not hear ourselves? If we plead with such August majesty, we voluntarily distracted chasing a butterfly. This equates to flee from the Lord's blessing and take chances to receive, rather, by God curse against those who perform the work of God with negligence: "Cursed is he who carries out the work of the Lord negligently."
is true that you can not pray the rosary, free from involuntary distractions. You will still be difficult to recite a Hail Mary without the imagination, always restless, rob you of the attention. But you can pray without distractions voluntary. To reduce them and focus attention must use every means.
This position yourself in God's presence, thinking that he and his Blessed Mother are watching you, your guardian angel is on your right collecting your Hail Mary well said as many roses to weave them into a crown for Jesus and Mary and that, conversely, the devil is on your left and prowl around you to devour your Hail Marys said without attention, devotion and modesty and wrote in his book of death. Above all, do not omit to offer each decade in honor of the mysteries. Represent the imagination to the Lord and his Blessed Mother in the mystery that you contemplate.
We read in the life of Blessed Hermann, Premonstratensian that she was praying the rosary with devoted attention and meditating on the mysteries, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, radiant with light, beauty and majesty. Having cooled down later, his devotion, praying the rosary running and unattended. There appeared the Virgin Mary with the wrinkled face, sad and disgusting. Hermann was surprised by such a change. She then explained: "I stand before your eyes as I am in your soul. Well now you treat me like a vile and despicable person. What happened to the days when I greeted with respect and attention and pondered my mysteries and grandeur? ".
43 rd Rosa vigorously combat distractions
Just as there is no prayer more meritorious for the soul no more glory for Jesus and Mary, the Rosary well said, there is nothing more difficult than reciting it well and persevering attention. This is mainly because of the distractions that come almost naturally from the continuous repetition of the same prayer.
When you pray the office of the Virgin, the seven psalms or other prayers other than the Rosary, the variety of terms change or hamper the imagination and recreate the spirit. This makes it easier pray them well. But in the rosary, which are always the same Our Fathers and Hail Marys tacked in the same way, it's easy to get tired, I dozed off and leave to go after more delightful sentences and less obtrusive. So that you need more devotion to persevere in the recitation of the Rosary than in any other prayer, even the Psalter of David.
Imagination, always restless and will not stay quiet for a moment, the difficulty increases. The same will be the malice of the devil, tireless in their efforts to distract us and prevent us from praying. What we will not move against the evil at us to pray the rosary applied against you? During prayer increased boredom, distractions and decay. And when we finished praying in a thousand jobs and distractions, depresses us in different ways and make fun of us, saying: "You have not done anything worthwhile. Your rosary is worthless. Have done better serve your business. You lose so much time reciting vocal prayers unattended. Half an hour of meditation or a good book you would use more. Tomorrow, when you're less sleepy, you can pray with greater attention. Leave, then, tomorrow the rest of your beads! "In this way, the devil with his tricks get you to give the rosary in whole or in part, change it by another sentence or difieras.
not give him credit, dear brother of the Rosary! Do not lose heart! For although, throughout the rosary, your imagination has been full of distractions and myths, if you've tried to dispose of their best as soon as you notice them, your rosary will be much better. Because it is more meritorious. And it will be more worthwhile the more difficult. And it is all the more difficult it will naturally less pleasant to see you harassed by countless pesky mosquitoes and ants, which, running on either side in your imagination, but in spite of yourself, do not allow the spirit to savor what he says or rest quietly .
If we have to spend all the distractions rosary fighting, fighting bravely with weapons in hand. That is, is rezándolo, but without taste or comfort sensitive. It will be a terrible struggle, but very healthy at the faithful soul. But if surrender their arms, that is, if you leave the rosary, sales up, and thereafter, the devil, who won on your will, leave you alone, but on the day of the trial you reproach your cowardice and infidelity: He who is faithful in little is faithful also in much. Whoever is faithful in rejecting small distractions during a brief prayer, it will also in large companies. Sure enough, are the words of Spirit Holy!
cheer, good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin, who has taken the decision to pray the rosary every day! That the multitude of fly-call it a distraction importunate you as you pray, never fail to make cowardly abandon the company of Jesus and Mary, where you stand to pray the rosary. Later I will present ways to minimize distractions.
44 th Rosa: How to pray the Rosary
well to recite the rosary, after invoking the Holy Spirit, stand a moment in God's presence and offers tens and I'll show later.
Before each decade, stop a moment longer or shorter depending on available time, to consider the mystery you celebrate in this decade. And ask for the mystery and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, one of the virtues that most stand out in it or you need the most
Pay attention in particular to avoid the most common faults committed by those who pray the rosary
First is to make no intention before starting it. So, if you ask them why they pray, do not know what to say. Please therefore always the sight to ask a favor, imitate a virtue or a sin to be avoided.
The second defect which usually falls in praying the rosary is no other intention than to finish it soon. This defect should see the Rosary as burdensome and extremely heavy until you've finished, especially if you're forced to recite it in consciousness or do you have imposed as a penance and as yours though. Da
compassion to see how the rosary is recited most of the nations with great precipitation, biting words. Not dare to fill and the last man. You think, perhaps, that Jesus and Mary will feel very honored with this? After this, why What amazed that the most sacred prayers of the Christian religion are hardly any fruit and pray that after ten thousand rosaries not be more holy?
Stop, dear brother of Rosario, your natural precipitation to say it. Do some breaks in the middle of the Our Father and Hail Mary, as pointed out here:
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name +, + Thy kingdom, + Thy will be done on earth as in sky. +
The day our daily bread give us today, + and forgive us our debts, + as we forgive our debtors, + and do not put us in temptation, but deliver us from evil +. Amen. +
Hail Mary, full of grace +, + Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among + all + women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
+ Holy Mary, Mother of God, + pray for us sinners now and at the + hour of our death. Amen. +
Because of the bad habit you have to pray hurriedly, will cost you at first do these breaks. But a dozen is more meritorious slowly recited a thousand rosaries prayed to the race, without thinking or making breaks.
Blessed Alan de la Roche and others, among them, Belarmino- report that a good priest advised three sisters, his penitents, who devoutly pray the rosary daily for a year, without missing him one day, to weave a beautiful dress to the Blessed Virgin. It was, he told them a secret received from heaven.
They did so the three sisters. The following year, the day of Purification, and evening, and having them removed, entered his apartment the Blessed Virgin. Was accompanied by Santa Catalina and Santa Ines, a dress adorned with shimmering light, on which read "written all over it in golden letters:" Ave Maria, gratia plena! The Queen of Heaven approached the bed of the older sister and said, "Greetings, my dear! You have greeted me often and well! I come to thank you for the beautiful dress I did! "The two holy virgins who accompanied her also gave thanks. After missing all three.
An hour later came the Blessed Virgin with her two companions into the room wearing a green suit, without gold or glow. He approached the bed of the second sister and thanked him for the suit that had made him recite the rosary. As she had seen the Blessed Virgin appears to her older sister much brighter, asked the reason for the difference. "Your sister," said Mary, "I wove the rosary rezándome best dressed better than you!"
About an hour later aparecióse for the third time the Blessed Virgin to the youngest of the sisters. He came dressed in a dirty rag and broken, and said: "My daughter, well clothed me! Thank you! "
The young, covered with confusion, exclaimed:" Ah, my Lady! Sorry for having so badly dressed. Give me enough time to make a beautiful dress better pray the rosary! "
When the vision disappeared, was so afflicted as to the confessor had happened. This encouraged her to her and her sisters to pray the rosary during the following year in more perfectly than ever. They did so. And after a year-long day of Purification, "in the evening, he appeared the Blessed Virgin, dressed in suit and accompanied by beautiful Santa Catalina and Santa Ines, who wore crowns, and said:" Be safe , my daughters, the kingdom of heaven! Tomorrow will enter into it with great joy! "To which they replied:" Preparation is our heart, dearest Lady, prepared is our heart! "And the vision disappeared. That night
felt sick, called the Confessor, received the sacraments of the sick and thanked the director for the holy practice had taught them.
After complete, the Blessed Virgin appeared to them, once again, accompanied by large number of virgins. Became coated with white robes to the three sisters who died while the angels sang: "Come, brides of Christ! Receive the crowns that you are prepared from eternity! "
This story teaches you several truths: 1) the importance of have good managers who inspire holy exercises of piety, and especially the Holy Rosary, 2) how important it is to pray the Rosary with attention and devotion; 3) what is benign and merciful than the Blessed Virgin who repent of their past and proposed amended, 4) what is she generous in rewarding throughout life, at the hour of death and eternity small services being offered through Fidelity.
45 th Rosa: We must pray the Rosary with modesty
Let me add that we need to pray the rosary with modesty, that is-as-possible, kneeling with folded hands and rosary between them. However, in case of illness, you can recite it in the bed. Travel, you can recite it on foot. If illness prevents you kneel, you can recite it sitting or standing. You can also recite it while you work, if you are unable to stop you stop working professional obligations, as the handiwork hinders not always vocal prayer. Certainly
our soul, being limited in the action, will be less attentive to the operations of the mind such as prayer when it is the work of their hands. However, if necessary, a prayer has its value to the Blessed Virgin, which rewards the good will external action. I advise
divided into three parts, the rosary and recite at three different times of day. It is preferable to pray it all at once. If you do not have time to recite in a row any third party, recites a dozen here and there. So you have your whole Rosary prayed before going to bed, despite your obligations and business. Imitates
loyalty in this San Francisco de Sales. Finding himself one night very tired because of the visits had to do during the day and when he is nearly twelve o'clock, it was agreed that lacked even a few dozen to pray. Stood immediately to his knees and prayed before bedtime, however the recommendations of his chaplain, who, seeing him so tired, "he urged to defer until the next day what he needed to pray.
also mimics loyalty, modesty and devotion to this holy religious, according refer to the chronicles of San Francisco and have referred already-used to pray a rosary with great devotion and modesty before eating.
46 th Rosa: Praying the Rosary in community
Among many methods as there to pray the rosary, the most glory to God, good for the soul and terrible for the devil is to chant or recite publicly two choirs.
God takes pleasure in the assemblies. All the angels and saints in heaven gathered praise him unceasingly. The righteous of the earth, gathered in several communities in community implore him day and night. The Lord counseled the practice to his apostles and disciples and promised them that, as often as two or three gather in his name, he would be among them, to plead on his behalf and pray the same prayer. What a joy to have Jesus in our company! And to think, to possess enough just to gather to pray the rosary! It is the reason why the first Christians gathered to pray together many times, despite the persecutions of the emperors, forbidding them to meet. Preferred exposure to death before showing up for their meetings, which were certain that Jesus kept company.
Common Prayer is the most healthy to the soul:
1. º because, usually, the mind is more alert during public prayer during Private;
2. º because when you pray community, the prayer of every person becomes the whole assembly, and together they form only a prayer. So that, if a particular well not pray, one that makes best supplements his fault. Strong contends the weak, the fervent inflames the warm, rich enriches the poor and the evil is part of the good. How to sell a kilo of weed? Just mix it with four or five good wheat! And everything is for sale!;
3. º because a person who prays the rosary alone has the merit of a single rosary, but if you pray with thirty people, acquires the merit of thirty Rosaries. Such are the laws of public prayer. What a profit! What an advantage!;
4. º Urban VIII, very pleased with the devotion of the Rosary, which is recited two choirs in many places in Rome, especially in the convent of the Minerva-granted one hundred days leniency many times as he recited two choirs: toties quoties-are terms of short Ad perpetuam rei memoriam, of 1626 -. So every time you pray the rosary in community earn one hundred days of indulgence
5. º for public prayer is more effective than the individual to appease the wrath of God and obtain His mercy.
The Church led by the Holy Spirit used this form of prayer in times of public calamities and scourges. Pope Gregory XIII in a papal bull declaring that must piously believe that the public prayers and processions of the brotherhood of the Rosary had contributed mightily to obtain from God the great victory of Christians over the Turkish army in the Gulf of Lepanto the first Sunday in October 1571.
Louis the Just, of blessed memory, "while he was besieged at La Rochelle, where the rebels had their strengths heretics," he wrote to the queen-mother to ask to make public prayers for the prosperity of his army. The Queen decided to organize the public recitation of the rosary in the church of the Friars Preachers of the district of Saint-Honore, Paris. The Archbishop served diligently this provision, and the pious practice began on May 20, 1628. Were present the queen mother and queen-regent, the Duke of Orleans, Excellencies. Cardinals Messrs. De la Rochefoucauld and de Bérulle, many bishops, the whole court and a countless multitude of people. The Archbishop read aloud the meditations on the mysteries of the rosary, and continued with the recitation of the Our Father and Hail Mary of each decade. Religious and other attendees responded. After the rosary carried in procession the statue of the Blessed Virgin and chanted their litanies. The ceremony was repeated every Saturday, with admirable zeal and apparent blessing of heaven, as the King triumphed over the British on the island of Re and became victorious in La Rochelle the All Saints Day that year. This demonstrates the effectiveness of public prayer.
Finally, the rosary prayed in community is much more terrible against the devil, so it forms a whole army to attack. Sometimes triumphs easily over the particular sentence. But if it joins the others, only with difficulty achieve their goals. It is easy to break a stick. But if join another and form a bundle, you can not break it: The union is strength. The battalion soldiers unite to defeat the enemy. The wicked often come together for their orgies. The same demons come together to lose. Why have not Christians meeting to enjoy the company of Jesus Christ, to appease the wrath of God, the grace and mercy of the Lord and overcome more effectively and bring down the demons?
brother Amado del Rosario: Live in the city or the countryside, near the parish church or chapel, go to it-at least all afternoon, and with permission of the rector of the church and in the company of those I wish, pray the rosary for two choirs. Do the same in your home or any particular, if you have the chance to go to church or chapel.
This practice is a holy God in his mercy has been established in places where I have missions to conserve and enhance the fruit of the same and prevent sin. Before establishing the rosary, in such towns and villages were just dancing, immodest, solutions, quarrels and divisions, and only heard songs dishonest and double meaning words.
there now only hear the singing and the chanting of the Our Father and Hail Mary. And only see groups of twenty, thirty, a hundred and more people-and religious-singing praises to God at certain times. There are also places where the rosary is recited daily in community at three different times of day. What a blessing from heaven!
But everywhere there are reprobate, no be surprised to find in places where people live perverse rosary come to scorn, ridicule and even will do their best, with his evil suggestions and examples, to prevent you continue in this holy exercise. But do not give in! Do not be surprised by their actions! One day, these unfortunates will find themselves forever separated from God, excluded from paradise, and now turn from the company of Jesus Christ and his servants!
47 th Rosa: Pray the Rosary every day
Depart from evil, God's people, predestined assembly! To escape and save them in the midst of those who are condemned for their wickedness, laziness and lack of devotion, decide without delay, to pray the Rosary often with faith, humility and perseverance.
First, if you think seriously about the mandate that Jesus gave us always to pray and reflect on his example, the urgent need for us to prayer because of our darkness, ignorance and weakness and the crowd enemies who persecute us, not content with praying the rosary once a year, as required by the Perpetual Rosary Confraternity, "not once a week, as prescribed by the regular-Rosario, but recite it on time every day, as called for in the Daily Rosary, "while you have no obligation than to save. You need to pray always and not faint.
These are the eternal words of Jesus Christ, who must believe and practice if you do not want to condemn. Explain how you want. But in fashion, so you do not live for fashion. Jesus Christ gave us the true explanation in the examples he gave us: I have given the example, that ye also as I have done. He spent the night praying to God. As if the day were not enough, also spent the night in prayer.
often repeated these words to his apostles: Watch and pray. The man is weak. The temptation, close and continuous. And if you do not pray always, fall into it. The apostles believed that the Lord just gave them advice, misinterpreted his words and fell into temptation and sin in spite of having Jesus in your company.
Dear brother: no need to pray and pray as many rosaries as you want to live in style and fashion to condemn, that is, falling from time to time in mortal sin and then confess, avoiding gross and scandalous sins and saving appearances, a short prayer in the morning and afternoon, one or two tax Rosary for penance, a few dozen Hail Marys the race when you pleases you enough to appear before the world as a good Christian. If you make less, you come to debauchery, and if you make more, you approach the singularity and self-righteousness.
But we must pray always, as taught by Jesus Christ, if, as a genuine Christian, you really want to save and walk in the footsteps of saints, avoiding all mortal sin, breaking all the chains and turning all the fiery darts Satan. You should at least pray the rosary daily prayers or other equivalent.
Again "at least" because to attain the rosary daily as needed to avoid mortal sin, overcome all the temptations in the midst of the torrents of iniquity in the world, often dragging those who consider themselves safer, amid the thick darkness that blinds the most learned, in the midst of evil spirits, more skilled than ever and, knowing that they have little time to try, they do so more cunning and success.
Oh! How marvelous the grace of the Holy Rosary! Able to escape the world, the devil and the flesh and save for the sky!
If you do not want to accept what I say, at least give credit to your own experience. Hear me: you were perhaps able to avoid certain serious sins that only your blindness did you see how insignificant, when you're happy with these short sentences made as a Christian makes mediocre? Open, then your eyes! Pray, and pray always, if you want to live and die as saints, without mortal sin, at least. Pray the rosary every day, as did all the brothers of the Rosary when the Brotherhood was established. Later find proof of what I say.
The Blessed Virgin giving the rosary to St. Dominic, and it ordered him to recite prayers every day. El Santo, for its part, the Brotherhood did not receive anyone who did not have a firm resolve to pray it daily. If not now required by the Confraternity of the Rosary Regular but the weekly recitation of a rosary, it is because it has cooled down the enthusiasm and love. What more could you ask those who read as though you? At first it was not.
must also bear in mind three caveats: First
that if you want to enroll in the Confraternity of the Rosary Daily and participate in the prayers and merits of those already in it, not enough that you sign Confraternity of the Rosary in Ordinary, or that simply take the decision to pray the rosary every day. You have to give your name to those who have been authorized to sign it. It is desirable that you confess and receive communion with this intention. The reason for this warning is that the ordinary rosary includes daily, but this it the ordinary.
The second , absolutely speaking, no sin, even venial, if you omit the rosary daily, weekly or yearly.
Third, that when the disease, obedience, self, you need to prevent inadvertent or forget to pray the rosary, do not lose the merit and involvement in the strings of the other brothers. And therefore, it is not necessary, at all, pray that the next day to meet the two rosaries you missed without fault, as we assume. But if the disease lets part of the rosary prayer, you pray it. Happy
your servers, which are provided to you. Blessed are those who live in your home, always praising. Blessed Lord Jesus, the brothers of the Rosary Everyday, every day staying around you and your house of Nazareth, at the foot of the cross at Calvary and your throne in heaven, dedicated to meditate and contemplate your joyful, sorrowful and glorious! How happy in the land because of the special graces that they communicate! And how happy in heaven, where you are so very special praise for ever and ever!
Second is to recite the rosary with faith, as the words of Jesus: All that you will ask, believe that you receive ... Cree will receive as you ask God and He will hear and reply to you: Have you as you have believed! If any of you lacks wisdom is, ask God. But ask in faith, reciting the rosary, and will be granted.
Thirdly we must pray with humility, like the publican, who was kneeling on the ground and not to one knee in the air or on a bench, as do the proud. He stood at the entrance, not daring to get to the bottom of the sanctuary as the Pharisee. His eyes were fixed on the ground, not daring to lift them to heaven. Without lifting the head, looking here and there, like the Pharisee. Beating his breast, confessing sinner and beg forgiveness: Have mercy on me a sinner. And not like the Pharisee in his prayer that boasted of their good works and despised others. Avoid the proud prayer of the Pharisee, returned home to more hardened and cursed. Mimics, rather, the humility of the publican in his prayer, he received the remission of sins. Carefully avoid
run for the extraordinary and ask or even desire exceptional skills, visions, revelations and extraordinary graces that God sometimes communicates some of the saints during the recitation of the rosary. Faith alone is enough, now that the Gospel and all devotions and devotional practices are insufficiently established.
never Do not omit the smallest part of the rosary in droughts, discouragement and internal decay. It would be a sign of pride and infidelity. As a courageous champion of Jesus and Mary, recite the Our Father and Hail Mary in the middle of the desert, but not see, feel or taste, trying, as you can to contemplate the mysteries.
not sigh for the sweets and treats for children to eat your daily bread. To imitate Jesus more perfectly dying prolongs your rosary recitation will cost you precisely when the recite: An agony he prayed more earnestly. Then you can apply to your case what was said of Jesus Christ, who, when I was in agony he prayed more length.
Fourth, pray with confidence. With a confidence founded on kindness and endless generosity of God and the promises of Christ. God is the source of living water which flows unceasingly into the hearts of those who pray. Jesus is like the breast of the Eternal Father, full of grace and truth. However, the greatest desire of the Father, for us, is to communicate the healthy waters of His grace and mercy. And we cry: O ye who thirsts, come to the waters in prayer. And if not pray, he complains you leave: I have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters. Ask
through Jesus Christ is to cause pleasure, a pleasure greater than that seeks to natural mothers give their children the nectar of her breasts. Prayer is the channel of God's grace and as a maternal bosom of Jesus Christ. If you do not you come to Him with prayer, as they should all children of God, Jesus Christ lovingly complains: Hitherto have ye asked nothing, ask and you shall receive, seek and find, knock and it shall be opened. Moreover, to encourage us to ask with greater confidence, comes to pawn their word that the Eternal Father, grant us as we ask in his name.
48 th Rosa: Persevering in the devotion of the Rosary
A trust must unite, in fifth place, perseverance in prayer. Only he who perseveres in asking, seeking and knocking will receive, find and enter. Not enough to ask God for a favor for a month, one year, ten or twenty, you must not get tired, but ask to death, and be determined to get what you ask the Lord for salvation or death. Moreover, it is necessary to unite the death of perseverance in prayer and trust in God and say with Job: Though he slay me, I hurt, I will continue waiting on Him and ask Him respect.
Generosity de los ricos y grandes de este mundo se muestra en que se anticipan a favorecer a los necesitados aun sin esperar que les pidan ayuda. Dios, por el contrario, manifiesta su magnificencia en hacer pedir y buscar por largo tiempo las gracias que nos quiere conceder. Más aún, cuanto más preciosa es la gracia que desea otorgar, más se demora en concederla:
1.º a fin de poder aumentarla;
2.º a fin de que quien la recibe ponga cuidado en no perderla. Pues no se estima mucho lo que en un momento y con poco esfuerzo se ha conseguido.
Persevera, pues, querido cofrade del Rosario, en pedir a Dios, mediante el santo rosario, todas las gracias espirituales y corporales que need, especially the Divine Wisdom, which is an infinite treasure. Sooner or later, the infallibly get, provided they do not abandon the rosary or discouraged halfway: I still have a long way. Yes, you still have far to go, a lot of adversity to cross, many difficulties to overcome, many enemies to defeat before you collect enough treasures for eternity. We lack many Our Fathers and Hail Marys to reach paradise and win the beautiful crown that awaits every true brother of Rosario.
lest another take thy crown. Pay careful that a more faithful than you in praying the Rosary every day well and do not snatch the crown. That which is your reward. Dios te la había preparado y la tenías ganada con los rosarios bien dichos. Pero por haberte detenido en el hermoso camino por el que avanzabas tan de prisa –Habías empezado bien la carrera–, otro pasó adelante; sí, otro más diligente y fiel adquirió y ganó con sus rosarios y buenas obras lo que necesitaba para comprar esa corona. ¿Quién, pues, te cortó el camino hacia la conquista de tu corona? ¡Ah! ¡Los enemigos del santo rosario, que son muchos!
¡Créeme! Sólo alcanzarán esa corona los valerosos que la arrebatan por la fuerza. Tales coronas no son para los pusilánimes, que temen las burlas y amenazas del mundo. Ni para los perezosos y holgazanes, who pray the rosary with negligence, race, enforce, or at intervals and according to his whim. Not for cowards, they become discouraged and give up the weapons as soon see all hell unleashed on his rosary.
If you want, dear brother of Rosario, enroll in the service of Jesus and Mary by praying the rosary every day, prepare for temptation: My son, if you decide to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for the test. Do not flatter yourself! Heretics, libertines, the "good people" as the world, semidevotos and false prophets, in tune with your nature corrupted and all the infernal powers, will make all-out war to force you to abandon this practice.
attacks to warn you, I say declared heretics and libertines, but so-called "good people" as the world, and even pious people who dislike this practice, I'll simply describe something they think and say every day.
What does it mean this charlatan? Come on, we pursue the just bothers us and opposes our way of acting. What does he say this prayer leader? What is chewing all the time? Such a huge laziness! Merely stringing beads; much better if it worked and would not be lost in such self-righteousness! Claro yes! Just pray the rosary, and roasted larks fall from the sky! The rosary will serve us food! God said, yourself, and I'll help! Why complicate your life with these prayers? The short prayer penetrates heaven! One Our Father and Hail Mary, although these are more than enough! God has not imposed the rosary. That is a good thing and up best when he has time. But do not pray it does not lack the opportunity to save. Not many saints prayed!
There are people who judge everyone according to his own measure. Indiscreet to put everything to the extreme. Scrupulous they find sin where none exists and says that those who do not pray the Rosary will be damned.
"Praying the rosary? That's good for little women ignorant who can not read! Pray the rosary! Would not it be better to say the Office of Our Lady or the seven psalms? Is there perhaps something more beautiful than these psalms, dictated by the Holy Spirit?
How you intend to pray the rosary every day? Bah! Smoke straw bit hard! Would not you rather take fewer things and be more faithful to them? Come on, man, believe me! Reza well your prayers in the morning and night and working for God during the day! What else does God require? If you did not have to earn the life, it could devote to pray the rosary, but ... Rezal then on Sundays and holidays, they have the time, but not in the days of work. You have to work!
How? Will wearing a rosary as great as in women? I have seen one dozen worth as much as fifteen!
What! Bring a rosary around his waist! What nonsense! I advise you put it on the neck, as do the English! These are great rezandero other rosaries! They have a big hand! But in the other a knife to attack for treason!
Leave, leave those external devotions! That is true devotion in the heart! Etc.
Many talented people and great doctors, people proud and smug, almost never advise the rosary. Invite you, rather, to recite the seven penitential psalms or other prayers, but not the rosary. Are you a good confessor imposes a rosary as a penance for a fortnight or a month, enough that you confess to any of these "gentlemen" to change your penance in other prayers, fasting, or alms masses.
And even if you get to see some people of prayer, of those that exist in the world because they do not know from personal experience the excellence Rosary, not only does not advise anyone, but far from him to others, inviting them to devote themselves to contemplation, as if the Rosary and contemplation as if they were incompatible and so many saints who have been devotees of the Rosary is not have reached the most sublime contemplation.
Moreover, domestic enemies attack you more cruelly the more united you are with them. These enemies are the powers of the soul and the body's senses, the distractions of the mind, the exhaustion of the will, the aridity of the heart, depletion and physical illnesses. All together, in agreement with evil spirits, which conspired with them, you cry: "Leave your rosary! No obligation to recite under pain of sin! Be content, at least, say a single party. Your troubles are a sign that God does not want to pray. And I will pray morning, when you feel better ", etc.
Finally, dear brother, the daily Rosary has so many enemies, I think one of the most marked favor from God the power to persevere in the practice of this devotion to death. Persevere
you, and attain remarkable prepared crown in heaven thy faithfulness: Be faithful until death, and give you the crown. (Rev. 2.10)
49 th Rosa: Explanation of Indulgences
In order to pray the rosary to win the indulgences granted to the brothers, a few remarks about them.
Indulgence, in general, is total or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven today. This referral is made possible by the application of the superabundant satisfactions of Christ, the Blessed Virgin and the saints contained in the so-called treasure of the Church.
Indulgence is the remission of all punishment due for sin. The partial-for example, so many days or years is the remission of temporal punishment so much it could atone for as many days or years, with proportionally penance set by the ancient canons of the Church. However, such royalties ordered for a single mortal sin seven and sometimes ten or fifteen years of penance. So that twenty who had committed mortal sins should have done, at least sometimes twenty-seven years of penance, and so on.
To the brothers of the Rosary gain indulgences, one must: 1. No, they are truly repentant and have confessed and received Communion, as prescribed by the Bulls on indulgences; 2. No, not the least affection retain any venial sin. Because, if there is still the attachment to sin, the guilt remains, and, surviving her, do not forgive the penalty, 3. º, to recite the prayers and good works meet identified by the bulls.
When, as the intention of the potatoes, you can gain a partial indulgence, for example, a hundred years without winning the plenary, is not always necessary, partly to win having confessed and received communion. This is what happens with the indulgences granted to the holy rosary, the processions, the blessed rosaries, etc. Do not despise these indulgences.
Flammin and many authors report that a Alejandra distinguished maid-turned miraculously and inscribed in the Confraternity of the Rosary by St. Dominic-Santo appeared to after death to tell who was sentenced to seven years in purgatory because of the sins he had committed or caused to be committed to other with their vanities. Begged him to relieve the relieve and make the prayers of the brotherhood of the Rosary. He did the Holy One, and a fortnight later, Alexander again appeared, brighter than the sun. In such a short time had been freed from the penalty thanks to the prayers of the Rosary confraternity made on their behalf. He also know who came to Santo Domingo, from of the souls in purgatory, to urge you to continue to preach the rosary and make them make them relatives share their rosaries. At which they would reward them abundantly when they came to glory.
In order to provide you with the exercise of the Rosary, I now offer several ways to recite it, with meditation on the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of Jesus and Mary. Adopts the one you like. Others can compose yourself, as have many holy people.
50 th Rosa: Prayers
Magnificat (Lk 1, 46-55)
My soul proclaims the greatness of Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has regarded the lowliness of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Almighty has done great things for me holy is his name, and his mercy on those who fear him from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud-hearted, down from their thrones and lifted up the lowly, fills the hungry with goods and sent the rich away empty.
received Israel his servant, remembering his mercy as he promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever. Glory to the Father.
Jesus Prayer
Let me, most loving Jesus, that I address to you to vouch my appreciation for the favor you have done me the devotion of slavery, giving me Your Holy Mother, so she is my lawyer before your Majesty, and my very great misery my universal supplement. Oh, Lord! I am so wretched that without this good Mother, surely I had lost.
Yes, that I need Mary, before Thee and everywhere I need to calm your just anger, because I have offended you so much and every day you offend, I need to stop eternal and deserved punishment that threatens me your justice, to watch you, to speak, to ask you to come closer to you and to give pleasure, I need to save my soul and that of others, I need, in short, to always do your will, look at all your greater glory.
Ah, if I could publish throughout the universe that you have had mercy me! If I could make everyone know that if it were not for Mary I would be doomed! If I could worthily thank you for big profit! Mary is in me. Haec facta est mihi. Oh, what a treasure! Oh, what a relief! And, from now on, I not be everything to her? Oh, what ingratitude! Before death. Salvador My dear, do not let such disgrace, what better I die than live without all of Mary.
thousand times, to San Juan at the foot of the Cross, instead I took all my stuff. How often I have given to her! But if I have not done this release to your taste, I do now, my dear Jesus, as You want to do it. And if my soul or my body anything that you see outside your Blessed Mother, arrancadla, I pray you, throw him away from me not being of Mary, is unworthy of Thee.
Oh, Holy Spirit Give me all the graces, plant, irrigated and cultivated in my soul the Tree of Life true, which is the most lovable Mary, to grow and blossom and bear fruit with plenty of life. Oh, Holy Spirit Give me great devotion to Mary, your Immaculate Spouse, to support me a lot in her womb and make use of continuous maternal your mercy, that in her forméis within me to Jesus Christ, natural, big and powerful, to the fullness of their age perfect. Amen. Prayer
Mary Hail, Mary, beloved daughter of the eternal Father. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son. Hail Mary, Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Greetings, Mary, my beloved mother, my kind Lady, my powerful sovereign. Greetings, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I'm all yours for justice. But I am still not enough. Again, I surrender to You all integers as eternal slave, without reserving nothing for myself or for others.
If you see something in me that still is not yours, take it away, I beg you, and make you the absolute master of all my assets to destroy and uproot and annihilate in me all that displeases God and plant, raise and produce all what you like.
light of your faith dispel the darkness of my mind, your deep humility occupy the Instead of my pride, your sublime contemplation stop the distractions of my wandering imagination; your continued sight of God fill my memory of His presence, the love of your Heart scorch the warmth and coldness from mine site to cede your virtues my sins; your merits before God are my ornament and supplement. In short, dear and beloved Mother, do, if possible, that I have not more spirit than yours to know Jesus Christ and His divine will, that is no more soul than yours to praise and glorify the Lord has not more heart than yours to love God with pure love and love burning like Vos.
visions do not ask, nor revelations, nor tastes, nor happy, even spiritual. For You to see clearly, without darkness, for the like Vos entirely without bitterness, for Thee the glorious triumph at the right hand of your Son, without humiliation, for you the send the angels, men and demons, with absolute power, without resistance, and have finally, without reservation all the gifts of God.
This is, Blessed Virgin Mary, the best part it has been granted, and I never removed, it is for me great joy. For me and while I live I do not want another, but the experience that ye had, believe dry, with nothing to see and taste, suffer with joy, no comfort from the creatures die myself, continuously and tirelessly, work hard to death by Vos, without interest, as the vilest of slaves. Grace alone, pure mercy that I ask is that in every day and every moment of my life say three amens: Amen to everything you did when you lived on earth, amen to all that you do this in heaven, amen to everything you do in my soul, that there is nothing there but Thee, to fully glorify Jesus in me, in time and eternity. Amen.
Hail, Star of the Sea
Hail, Star of the Sea, Holy Mother of God
and ever virgin,
happy gate of heaven.
Accepting that 'Ave'
from the mouth of Gabriel, peace
afiánzanos in
to exchange the name of Eve.
Unleash the bonds of the prisoners, who gives birth
not see,
scares our ills,
calls for us all good.
shows that are our Mother,
that you acknowledge our prayers
Who was born for us,
be taking you. Virgin
sweet as any,
deliver us from guilt,
make us meek and chaste.
Please provide a pure,
prepare us a safe way,
to seeing Jesus,
nos podamos alegrar para siempre contigo.
Alabemos a Dios Padre,
glorifiquemos a Cristo soberano
y al Espíritu Santo,
y demos a las Tres personas un mismo honor.
Ven Espíritu Creador
Ven, Espíritu Creador,
visita las almas de tus fieles
y llena de la divina gracia los corazones,
que Tú mismo creaste.
Tú eres nuestro Consolador,
don de Dios Altísimo,
fuente viva, fuego, caridad
y espiritual unción.
Tú derramas sobre nosotros los siete dones;
Tu, el dedo de la mano de Dios;
Tú, el prometido del Padre;
You, you put on our lips the treasures of your word.
Turn your light our way;
pour your love into our hearts;
and, with your perpetual help,
strengthen our weak flesh.
away from us the enemy, soon write
peace, be yourself
our guide,
and placed under your direction, avoid anything harmful.
For You know the Father and the Son
and that in you, Spirit of both, we
at all times.
Glory to God the Father and the Son
and the Holy Comforter,
for ever and ever. Amen.
V. Send your Spirit and will be created.
R. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Oh God, who have enlightened the hearts of your children in light of the Holy Spirit make us docile to the Spirit that always taste good and enjoy their comfort. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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