Friday, April 30, 2010

Misti Spider Detski Koli4ki

Avispones 2

Hidden in the secluded "pits" of Las Villuercas standing still maintains a huge trunk of an old chestnut centennial, makes us imagine the dimensions of which should have been a huge tree. This natural monument, probably be spared the sharp saw for not being profitable its sturdy trunk hollowed out by the passage of time, and scorched by a wild fire in all likelihood, ended his strength. Fortunately the roots of his worn trunk sap have retained enough to give life to the seedlings grown from the strain, and are now mature trees.

Stuck on the trunk, at a height four meters, sheltered from sun and rain, appears hung a nest of hornets feared called "Scooter crabro." It is the largest "wasp" Europe, related to wasps that tripled in size and ferocity, if they are in danger. They are usually very peaceful and do not usually bite unless they are attacked, but I can assure that their sting is very painful. Can bite or sting with its sting is not clear from the body, which can sting multiple times. They often live in the mountains, unlike most assiduous vulgar wasps to urban centers.
hunt all kinds of insects, but also feed on tree sap, sucking its bark, such as oak, ash, alder or ripe fruit falls to the ground. You can also become attached to hunting bees, which captures around or inside the hive. Bees feel defenseless against these fierce enemies, which can lead to the depletion and weaken a hive in a short time. With its powerful jaws to tear their prey apart the head from the trunk, richer in protein, which is transported to the nest to feed their larvae. When the weather is adverse and can not go hunting, the larvae released drops of food that serve as food for the adult hornets. The larvae is a repository of live food and in this way, the Hornets do not need to be reservations supplies such as bees or bumblebees.
Source: Jesus Alvarez Alvarez ( )


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