The Blessed Virgin at Fatima tells of a battle being waged at this time including the widespread loss of faith, loss of many souls, war, destruction, but after all the worst war is the loss of faith, as the Lord says: "Do not fear those who kill the body, but to those who kill the soul."
The worst death is the soul who loses faith, is far from God, their love and their mandates, sinks into a life of sin, at the risk of eternal damnation, or eternal death.
Lady Blessed in this great battle we wage today, the battle to the Holy Father John Paul II called the culture of death, which not only includes the destruction of human life, but also the destruction of the soul, gives us his Heart as a safe haven, but at the same time, indicates that in these times in particular, God wanted that victory is gained by Ella: "tell the world that are great graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary "and" God has entrusted to the Immaculate Heart, peace and the conversion of the world. " (Jacinta). When Lucia asked Jesus, for the conversion of Russia will depend on the consecration of this to the Immaculate Heart the Lord answered: "Because I want you to clearly understand that success is the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus spread the cult and devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart. "
Why Our Lady battle against evil?
Since the beginning of Scripture (Genesis 3) to the end (Revelation 12), is revealed to the Blessed Virgin in enmity and battle against Satan, his minions and his works. Genesis
3.15 - "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, you bruise his heel." Revelation 12: "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head .... Then another sign appeared: a red dragon ..... wants to devour her child when born .... And the woman fled into the desert ... The dragon persecuted the woman, but she gave the woman the two wings of great eagle to fly to the desert .... So enraged against women, went to make war on the rest of their children, which keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. "
The Blessed Virgin plays an important role in the spiritual battle since the revolt of Lucifer. When God created Lucifer (the morning star, bringer of light) created a magnificent creature who shared his freedom and power. When Lucifer and his angels rebelled with a cry "I will not serve" was precisely because the announcement of the future event of the Incarnation: God became man born of woman would make the power of the Holy Spirit. God revealed his plan to save man from sin. Angels would have to serve the God made man, his mother and all the redeemed. This is considered a humiliation and rebelled and his followers were expelled from heaven. Satan became from that moment bearer of darkness, rebellion, lies, pride and arrogance. Enmity with God forever, fallen out with the woman who would bring the world to God made man and inimical to all followers of Christ who she is spiritual Mother.
"In the plan of salvation, the mystery of the Incarnation constitutes the superabundant fulfillment of the promise made by God to man after the original sin after sin that weigh the effects on the entire history of man on earth. Son comes into the world, the "seed of the woman" who will defeat the evil of sin from its very root. The victory of the Son of women will not happen without a tough fight, which penetrate all of human history. "Enmity" announced in the beginning is confirmed in Revelation, book of the last of the Church and the world. Mary, is located in the center of that "enmity" of that struggle which accompanies the history of mankind on earth and the very history of salvation ... In this history Mary remains a sign of future hope "(SS Juan Pablo ie, am # 11).
The Blessed Virgin is God's answer to Lucifer. She is the new morning star that brings us true light, the bringer of salvation, of the Incarnate Word, the Ark of the Covenant. The large sign appeared in heaven clothed with the sun, covered with the light of Christ. With the moon under her feet (moon symbolizes the time under your feet).
She has authority, exercises control over time, is its patron. She even lived at the time, is superior to the vicissitudes of time and is not conditioned by, or has the God-given power to crush the battles that occur at specific times). Crowned: participant in the real power of His Son (She is the queen of heaven and earth). With twelve stars symbolizes the triumph of the Church in Mary.
Mary's response: "Behold the Lord's servant "perfect answer to the cry of Lucifer:" I will not serve. "
The response of Mary to Elizabeth (praise, humility, service and mercy) in direct opposition to Satan, who seeks his own glory, their autonomy. That is proud, egotistical and full of hatred and accusation.
For perfect cooperation of Mary in God's saving plan from the Annunciation to the Cross, she with her "fiat" part of that "crush the head of Satan." And descendants of Mary, Christ and the heel are the spiritual children of Mary, crush the serpent's head, that is, the root of sin: pride.
The aftermath of the battle is sin. Mary has power over the devil and ends its destructive work, the Immaculate She had been established under the future redemption of his Son. She being Immaculate, never had original sin and personal, that is, Satan has never had power over her or his mind or heart, or actions. It is for this reason that our mother called us urgently to true conversion, the renunciation of sin, indifference, unbelief and rebellion that is in man today .... She always fight as a good mother in this decisive moment for humanity, at which time you play the eternal salvation of so many souls, including ours.
Are not all the apparitions of the Virgin Mother of Our direct interventions at a time to prevent and protect the Church and humanity from the dangers that the lack of conversion can lead to tragic consequences? Are not the apparitions of the Virgin, interference with the work and snares of the devil, and renew the faith and prayer? She always stands as a good mother in the defense of their children, between the devil and men, to counteract the effects of dark and sinful, evil action.
If the history of the Church, have been evident these interventions and interferences of the Blessed Virgin to protect their children, struggling and triumphing against the devil, in recent centuries, we have been seeing intervene as never before. This is understandable in light of what St. Louis de Montfort said: As time passes the battle will intensify.
San Luis María Grignon de Montfort: "God has made an irreconcilable enmity will last and grow until the end of the world is between Mary, His Blessed Mother and the devil among the children and servants of the Virgin Mary, and children and Lucifer's subjects, so that the most terrible of the enemies of Satan that God has raised is Mary, His Blessed Mother, to which he gave, from the very paradise on earth, but was not yet over the idea that both loathing the enemy of God, so much art to discover the malice of the ancient serpent, so hard to win, bring down and crush this proud monster that he fears more than all the angels and all men , and in a sense more than God himself
The most terrible enemy that has caused God against Satan is Mary. And why?
1-For Satan, who is so proud, suffers infinitely more to be conquered and punished by a simple and humble servant of God and the Virgin's humility humiliates him more than divine power.
2-For God has given to Mary great power against demons. (We see him in exorcism, Marian works). This power is her immaculate conception and that the devil could never involve them in the kingdom of darkness through sin.
3-What Lucifer lost by pride Mary won it with his humility. What Eve lost by disobedience, Mary won obedience. Eva obeying the serpent, became the cause of perdition for himself and all his children, Mary to remain faithful to God, he became the source of salvation for herself and her children and servants all holy. Mary
always find malice the infernal infernal serpent and his plots, his diabolical vanish and deliver advice to his faithful servants, to the end of time, their cruel claws. The power of Mary over all devils shine particularly in recent times when Satan will lie in wait for his heel, ie, the humble slaves and poor children that Mary will raise to make war to hell. " (Treatise on True Devotion # 52 and 53)
Is it necessary to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart?
Satan is the prince of this world, being a mighty angel, has had power on societies, nations and events. That power was broken by the death and resurrection of our Lord and that salvation is available to us, the Church. We have victory in Christ, but the battle for hosting and enjoy this victory continues in every generation until the end of time. It is precisely in this battle of humanity today, children of God and the Church, against Satan and his minions, that the Blessed Virgin comes to our aid as captain of the great battles of God to help us achieve victory that your heart is full and real.
Apparition at Fatima July 13, 1917: "You saw hell where the souls of poor sinners to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I'm going to say, it will save many souls and peace ..... there will be wars, famine and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this I come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my desires are met, Russia will be converted and there will be peace, if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated ..... Suddenly, the horizon looks bleak .... and then comes a bright ray of light and hope: "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. "
In this message of Fatima, Our Lady wanted to raise awareness that we are in a battle involving nations, societies and kingdoms, and each individual which they reside. "We can not deny the existence of forces in society to act with hostility towards the Church. All these things show the subtle work of the prince of this world and the mystery of iniquity even today. " (Synod of Bishops, 1985 - Final Approval for # 14)
The key to the strategy of Satan in our time Atheism has been the corruption of faith and humanity's total secularization. Gradually, Russia, as announced by the Virgin at Fatima, has spread its errors, not only politically, but more importantly, spreading a spiritual level, his atheism, materialism and secularism, humanism, reducing man to mere belief in the visible world, and want to put it under his control without God. Also, the Church, faith and the Scriptures have come under direct attack from a "religion made the world" (do not talk about techniques, but of the doctrine) or "of religious imposture," "false concepts of religion" "false concepts of Church. " "Too often deceived by the Evil men are vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator" (Lumen Gentium # 16)
clearly we deduce that the larger battle of the times that encloses all being waged today is: CRISIS OF FAITH. We have a crisis of faith because they do not believe in God or in His Word, a lack of obedience to God who has revealed himself and also revealed the truth. Lack of faith, which translates into a life whose end is ground, not celestial, and also deny the supernatural values. In the Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Juan Pablo II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, leemos: “De hecho, no se puede negar que la vida espiritual atraviesa en muchos cristianos un momento de incertidumbre que afecta no solo la vida moral, sino incluso a la oración y a la misma rectitud teologal de la fe. Esta, ya probada por el careo con nuestro tiempo, está a veces desorientada por posturas teológicas erróneas, que se difunden también a causa de la crisís de obediencia al Magisterio de la Iglesia”.(# 36)
El Santo Padre nos está diciendo que nuestra fe está siendo probada en estos tiempos porque el error ha entrado en todas las áreas de nuestra vida: espiritual, moral y doctrinal. Debido a esta crisís de fe, have darkened the minds and consciences are disoriented and confused. Sin is no longer called by name, and that is why we see so much chaos, intellectual pride, rebellion, seeking the truth outside of God and defining the truth according to personal interpretation of each and circumstances. There is also a fascination with the occult and the New Age movement. And all this confusion we can observe, sometimes even in religious circles.
is why it is necessary to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, because when the Church as a battle of our time, Mother comes to the rescue, to help us and take us to the desert (Revelation 12: hide in your heart, nourishing your faith strong, their willingness to the Word, obedience to God's revelation. Formándonos with her maternal mediation, with his teachings and directions and advice. And care of malignant defending in this war for our souls, keeping closely guarded in his heart where the devil can not enter, nor steal. "Fear not, my Immaculate Heart will be your shelter and your sure path to God" (The Virgin Lucia)
is evident that in these times, and I would say that urgently need a powerful Virgin victory over evil: the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of light over darkness, truth over error, of holiness on corruption, peace over war and violence. "We need the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to save mankind, showing Jesus the blessed fruit of your womb" (SSJuan Paul II, Angelus, July 8, 1984).
quoted Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Hlond August, that dying he said "the victory if it will come through Mary." As I walked into the problems of the universal Church, to be elected pope, wearing on me a similar conviction: that even in this universal, victory, if it comes, will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the victories of the Church in the contemporary world and in the future world be linked to her "(Crossing the Threshold of Hope, page 236)
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is also the triumph of the Church. "Will the new springtime of the Church that the Holy Father spoke in Tertio Millennium Adveniente" resurgence of faith, will shine the Church, Christ's Heart will triumph. "
What is this win?
The spiritual conquest of the world. In other words, our hearts go back to her Son, who belong to Him again, and her Immaculate Heart is the surest way, and perfect for getting to the heart of Christ. She, like our mother, wants to do everything possible to return to the path of His Son, for taking us to Him, reveal the only Savior and Lord. She wants to show us the way we've lost: love, faith, conversion, life of the sacraments, moral values, family values, obedience and fidelity to God and His commandments.
"The Immaculate must conquer the world and every individual, so to return to God. That is why we must recognize it for what it is and submit to her and her reign, which is all love and tenderness "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
We must always think about the triumph of the Blessed Virgin in terms of destruction sin, their structures and the consequences of sin. is precisely the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, because the battle being waged in the hearts of men who have hardened, have turned away from God and have given way to darkness and sin, the world, the flesh and the demon. She, in whose heart is fully live the victory of Christ Redeemer, we want people to share in that victory, saying to each one of us and all nations, the triumph of His Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of love over egoism, of peace over violence, faith renewed by the Holy Spirit on atheism, the loving devotion of indifference and coldness, the revelation of truth over falsehood, heresy and false religion.
How will this win? What are the media?
"The words of Fatima, with the end of the century, seem close to completion" (JPII).
This win is making its way through various acts significant and take place in the story through our response to the work of our Mother in these times, our faithful obedience to his requests and directions. In addition, it will be the sacrifice of the apostles of modern times (the children of Mary, lovers and worshipers of the Eucharist, the faithful to the Pope), following in the footsteps of the Twelve after Pentecost, with the same spirit delivers up to martyrdom for the faith of blood if that were the plan of God's mercy, or at least moral, will stand firm in his testimony of prayer, penance, love, peace, fidelity to the truth in the difficult time present.
¿Cuando y de qué manera?
Quizás esto pertenece a la tercera parte del secreto, que a su tiempo se patentizará mejor. No sabemos exactamente el como ni el cuando, pero sabemos los medios que la Santísima Virgen nos esta dando para que promovamos y aceleremos este triunfo. En el mismo mensaje de Julio 13, Ella nos lo dice: “para impedirla (batalla espiritual y crisís de fe) vendré a pedir la Consagración de Rusia a mi Inmaculado CORAZÓN y la comunión reparadora de los primeros sábados. Si se atienden mis deseos, Rusia se convertirá y habrá una era de paz”
1- Consagración and Repair.
Consecration is surrender, trusting the Heart of Our Mother. Let us form, shape, guide and teach through her. Is to fill their interior layouts and share their thanks. She is kept inside to be protected in this hard struggle we are waging against the forces of evil.
are belong to Our Blessed Mother, is to be claimed as a thing and his possession, which weakens the power of Satan over us who want to lose, away from God and condemn.
know that the souls who indulge completely and unreservedly She came to understand much better who is the Lord Jesus and mysteries of God. Mother of God can not lead anywhere except to our Lord, His Church and His Teaching. The apostles of our times, are formed in the Immaculate Heart, as well as after the resurrection, during this persecution, the apostles were with Mary.
She put on the service: "We want to be perfect instruments of the Immaculate and totally guided by her, in perfect obedience" (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
is important more than ever, make it known and make a lot of love and be devoted to her. "Jesus wants to use you to let me know and love me" (The Blessed Virgin Lucia)
Consecration is not just a prayer or an act of devotion, a commitment, a lifestyle of obedience, humility, unconditional service, openness to others, ability to silence, purification, etc.
Any act of consecration, draws and updates the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. The act of consecration of the world as Pope John Paul II, is directed to the ultimate triumph of the Immaculate Heart predicted at Fatima. Because when we give ourselves accept it as Mother, Teacher and Queen, and invite you to bring all its spiritual mission in us. We could conclude that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart has been slowly weaving a series of crucial events in the life of the Church of this century, apparitions, Marian movements, consecrations, John Paul II and the Consecration of 1984, the fall of Marxist political structures that impeded freedom of faith and religion, the Marian Year, the beatification of the children of Fatima, the renewal of consecration of the world and the Church in October 2000.
So sometimes extraordinary, but often in more subtle ways, we are seeing clear and direct intervention of Our Lady renewed faith chilled and confused, calling us to a life of prayer, penance, love and adoration of the Eucharist, Repair, sacraments, praying the Rosary and fidelity to the faith of the Church.
Along with the consecration, reparation. On December 10, 1925, appeared to Sister Lucia, the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. He told the boy: "Have mercy Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it unceasingly, with no one to do an act of reparation to pull them."
Immediately the Blessed Virgin said: "Look my dear, my heart encircled by thorns which ungrateful men constantly stick their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me. "
Elements Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays:
1 - Recitation of Holy Rosary thought (get into the mysteries of our Redemption)
2-Sacrament of Reconciliation and soul (conversion strategy and repentance)
3- Receive Communion in reparation for our sins and the sins of the world and the offenses to her Immaculate Heart.
4-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (being in the presence of Christ to worship, love, believe, for those who do not love, love, and believe). Repair attracts mercy.
2. El Santo Rosario
In each of the Fatima apparitions, She asked "pray the rosary," Why? Powerful weapon against the crisis of faith. "It's the faith contained in a hand." All the major mysteries of our salvation and redemption are contained in the mysteries of the rosary (deepen the faith in a spirit of prayer). Great Battles
have expired with the Rosary: \u200b\u200bSanto Domingo, Lepanto (October 7, 1571), Brazil (1964) Pope Pius IX: "Give me an army of people praying the rosary and conquer the world. "
After each decade we have been asked to recite: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy."
Large battles of God in his people, has delivered the Virgin Mary, coming to our aid and heading in the midst of trouble (Juan / Cruz) (Santiago Pilar) (Guadeloupe) (Covadonga) (Lepanto) (Poland) (Russia) ... As the pillar or column of Genesis 13, 21-22, of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night preceded the Israelites in the wilderness to teach Along the way, and never failed to take his place in front of the village, the Blessed Virgin is the new pillar or column, which reveals Santiago and lets a pillar at the beginning of Christianity, and also revealed in more recent times in the St. John Bosco's dream. She goes before the Church and of each other in times of confusion and fighting, leading to the Sacred Heart insurance.
She always intervene in human history. God has given him the power. The story of Esther, the Virgin at Fatima brought a particular detail in her dress: a star. This helps us understand the essential mission of the Blessed Virgin in this appearance. Esther means star. To do this go to Book of Esther, the Queen intervened to save the people from the trap and exterminate the enemy. Rather the enemy is killed, does the favor of King, who reverse the action of the enemy to it.
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is progressive and gives way to step
We have seen the fruit of the consecration of the world and Russia, the collapse of political structures that prevent faith. But this does not mean that the world today is a believing world. In 1991, when the Pope visited Fatima: "I am aware that the spirit behind communism is not dead, and there is a danger of replacing Marxism with another form of atheism that exalts the freedom tends to destroy the roots of human morality and Christian. The new conditions of the people and the Church are still dangerous and unstable. So Mother, reveal your love to each of your children and nations, as you need. "
That means us, the Holy Father, that the Blessed Virgin has already achieved the first stage of the battle, destroy a system estructurizado with political power, but there is much to tear down all the bugs that spread the materialism, insubordination, rebellion, violence, oppression, atheism, a world without God, without opening up its mysteries, dissent from the truth, secularism. other words, failure to achieve an end to the crisis of faith and its consequences within the Church and the world, hearts, families and entire nations. In this same message of Fatima: "Portugal will not lose faith ".... and then comes the secret .... that means that there are nations who do lose? Missing still overcome the crisis of faith: With this victory, it will fulfill all the promise "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph" and will come a time of peace.
"The current global crisis and within the Church, in the end will reveal a great truth hidden from the eyes of humanity will feel powerless to solve it by itself, despite the technical progress. Then at the bottom of their poverty, feel the need to join God as a vital requirement. This will be the turning point for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. "
But the fruit of this victory will be an era of peace. Why was peace? Because to win her heart, she's Queen of Peace we will share the peace that resides in your heart. Peace is the fruit of their total communion of love with Christ, peace you get from him for the perfect unity of two hearts. She has peace for its perfect harmony with the will of God and his designs.
work for that win
"Those who fully commit themselves to the Immaculate burn with a love so powerful that they will ignite the fire to everything that is around and cause many souls burn with that same love. Well conquer the world and every soul in particular for the Immaculate. This will be done as soon as possible. "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
The personal commitment and experience true: break down the existing structures of sin in our hearts. First, we need to make it succeed in our hearts and thus going to succeed in society.
"We must win the universe and every individual now and in the future, until the end of time, to the Blessed Virgin, and by it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These souls come to love the Sacred Heart much better and more deeply than they have done so far. Through your love and set fire to consume the world "(St. Maximilian Kolbe).
I think we should recognize the seriousness of the moment, and everything depends on our response time to live. Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, that would be nice knowing we even tiny instruments that triumph. Fatima (last night), "go and be Apostles of my Immaculate Heart. "
is, we must answer the call of our Mother, the media gives us to achieve the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, and more than ever we must make it known, make love and use means that it gives to our conversion and the era of peace.
Anne Catherine Emmerich (mystical early nineteenth century) tells us: "I saw flying over the surface of the sky a glowing heart of a red light, which was leaving a trail of white rays leading to the wound in the side of Jesus. Those rays they attracted a large number of souls, through the Heart and the shining path, entering Alongside of Jesus. I explained that the heart was that of Mary. "
For Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM
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