remember the pain, joy and glory of the life of Jesus and Mary, from the very conception of our Lord, through all his passion and death on Calvary, and culminating (after the Ascension Risen Christ and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven) in the distinction of Mary Queen of Creation.
To achieve its true meaning and effect, the recitation of the Rosary should lead us to contemplate the life of Jesus and Mary, to think deeply about God's love to men, on the absolute and unconditional surrender Our Lady of the Divine Will, as an example for all human beings; to draw, in short, all the Gospel teaching that this sentence has to convey as being a synthesis of the most significant experiences of Jesus and His Mother in the mysterious process of redemption. Otherwise, repetition is, as I said at the beginning of this note, a simple mechanical act of false piety.
1. Because God the Father sent the Angel Gabriel greeted as the Mother of his Son: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you." Read: Luke 1: 28. If the servants of God in heaven should bow and Mary, are the servants of God on earth not to do the same?
2. Because the Holy Spirit inspired praise and Mary and Jesus: "Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried with a loud voice: 'Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." Read: Luke 1.48. If you the Spirit does not inspire you to praise and to Mary, what spirit is that? Read: 1 John 4.1.
3. Because Jesus advises us to pray continually. Read: Luke 18.1.
is true that this mandate is met with any sentence, but the Rosary facilitates compliance.
... Therefore, one who prays the Rosary obey the mandate of the Father, Son and the recommendation of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit ....
Psalms of the Bible is 150, so the rosary consists of 150 Hail Marys. The Rosary is the chant of the laity busy people, the poor and the rich, the wise and the ignorant who want to comply with the mandate to praise God at all times with psalms and spiritual songs. Read: Colossians 3: 16.
Pray the Rosary is not just obey what the Bible commands, but pray as the Bible teaches
Jesus said, "When you pray, charláis not much like the Gentiles, for they think that their talk will be heard" . Read Matthew 6.7.
But is idle talk on "Our Father" we pray before each decade? Is it foolish talking to "Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Does is idle talk incessantly repeating the Hail Mary: "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus?"
The Gospel is the story of the life and work of Jesus Christ. The Rosary is contemplation of those mysteries. "This is precisely why the mysteries of the Rosary are compared to the windows through which you can direct gaze and dip into the 'world of God." Message of John Paul II (25-IV-87.) The Rosary helps us to see Jesus through the eyes of Mary and keep his teachings in our heart.
The Rosary is of clearly Gospel. It's Gospel where the Rosary draws the statement of the mysteries and its main formulas. It is in the Gospel is inspired to suggest, motivated by the joyful greeting of the angel and the Virgin pious assent, the attitude with which the faithful should recite, making the gospel, and while harmoniously happen Hail Marys, presents a mystery fundamental-the Incarnation of the Word, contemplated at the decisive moment of the announcement to Mary. The Rosary is thus a Gospel prayer ... The Rosary is a meditation order of events in Christ's saving work. Its division into three parts (birth, passion and resurrection) reflects the primitive ad faith, and the mystery of Christ, humiliation, death and exaltation. Read: Philippians 2.6 to 11 and "Marialis Cultus" 44-45.
The Rosary is not to say nonsense words, but a meditation on the mysteries of Our Lord. Source
catolicoshispanos.com and others.
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