Rosa: Creed. 12th Rosa: The Lord's Prayer (I). 13th Rosa: The Father (II). 14th Rosa: The Lord's Prayer (III). 15th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Their Excellencies. 16th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Its beauty. 17th Rosa: The Hail Mary. His wonderful fruit. 18th Rosa: The Hail Mary. His blessings. 19th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Happy sharing. 20th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Conclusion.
11th Rosa: Creed
34) The Creed or symbol of the Apostles, is prayed on the crucifix of the Rosary is a prayer of great merit, as a sacred compendium and summary of Christian truths.
Faith, indeed, is the basic foundation and principle of all Christian virtues, of all the eternal truths of all the prayers acceptable to God. "Whoever comes to God must begin to believe "(Heb 11.6). Yes, those who approach God in prayer must begin with an act of faith and the greater their faith, more effective and worthwhile for him and more glory to God will be his prayer.
I will not explain the words of the Apostles' Creed. But I can not clarify the first words: "I believe in God."
These contain the acts of the three theological virtues: faith, hope and charity. They have a wonderful performance to sanctify and defeat the demon. Many saints overcame the temptations with these words, especially the opposite of faith, hope and charity during his life and time of death. Were the last words he wrote St. Peter Martyr with his finger, as best he could and sand, when, with his head cut off by the stroke of a heretic, was about to expire.
35) Faith is the only key that allows entry into all the mysteries of Jesus and Mary, contained in the Holy Rosary. Therefore it is necessary to start praying the Rosary Creed with great attention and devotion. And the more lively and strong faith is more deserving is our Rosary. We must be alive and animated by charity, that is, to recite the Rosary well, you should be in the grace of God or looking for it. It is also necessary that faith is strong and steady that is, that you will not find in the Holy Rosary only sensible pleasure and spiritual consolation. In other words, you should not stop when you jump the involuntary distractions in the mind, an incomprehensible boredom in the soul, a nuisance or near-continuous slumber in the body. To pray the Rosary well are not needed for pleasure or comfort or sighs and tears and fervor, or prolonged application of imagination. Enough faith pure and right intention. "We only have the faith" (fourth stanza of the hymn "Pange lingua".)
12th Rosa: The Lord's Prayer (I)
36) The Lord's Prayer or Prayer, draws all its excellence of its Author, which is not man nor angel, but the King of angels and men, Jesus Christ. "It was necessary," says St. Cyprian (PL 4, 537) - the party came as Savior to give us the life of grace, teach us also, as heavenly Master, how to pray. "
The wisdom of the Divine Master is clearly in order, tenderness and strength of this divine prayer. It's short, but rich in lessons. It is accessible to the ignorant, but full of mysteries for the wise.
The Our Father contains all the responsibilities we have towards God, acts of all virtues and the request for all our spiritual and material needs. "It the compendium of the Gospel, "says Tertullian (PL 1, 1255). "Leads to the wishes of the saints," says Thomas a Kempis (Enchiridium Monachorum, c.3). Summarizes all the sweet expressions of psalms and chants, prays as needed, praise God excellently, elevates the soul from earth to heaven and intimately united with Him
37) We recite the Lord's Prayer with the certainty that the Eternal Father will listen because it is the prayer of his Son, whom He always listens (Jn 11, 42 and Heb 5.7), whose members are (Eph 5, 30). Could he as good a father as rejecting an appeal well-founded, supported as this, on the merits and intercession of such a worthy son? Ensures
St. Augustine (PL 41, 748) that the good Lord's Prayer prayed venial sins erased. The just man falls seven times per day (Prov 24, 16), but with the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer can remedy their falls and fortify itself against its enemies. Prayer is short and easy, so that, fragile as we are and how we are subjected to so much misery, receive help more quickly, more frequently rezándola and devotion.
38) kid yourself, then, pious soul, that you despise the prayer composed and arranged by the very Son of God to all believers. You only appreciate the prayers that made by men, as if the man, enlightened as it is, know better than Jesus how to pray! You are looking for human carrying the method of worship and prayer to God, as if you ashamed of using his Son has prescribed, and live convinced that the prayers contained in the books are for the wise and rich, while the Rosario is good only for women, children and ordinary people, as if the praise and prayers that you read in your prayer book were more beautiful and pleasing to God than the Lord's Prayer. Leaving aside the sentence recommended by Jesus Christ to adhere to the compound by men is a dangerous temptation!
not disapproved by this compound sentences by Saints to excite the faithful to praise God. But we can not allow those who prefer to have that burst from the lips of Wisdom incarnate, let the spring to run after the streams and disdain for the living water to drink to go cloudy. Because, after all, the Rosary, consisting of the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary, is the clean water flowing from the eternal source of grace. While other prayers, searched in the books, there are more than streams that flow from it.
39) Blessed the man who recites the prayer taught (Mt 6, 9-13) by the Lord, meditating intently to every word! Find what you need and it may be desired.
When we pray this wonderful prayer, intrigued from the moment the heart of God, invoking it with the sweet name of Father.
"Our Father." The most tender of all parents in creating powerful, admirable in the conservation of creatures, extremely gracious in his providence and infinitely good in the work of redemption. God is our Father! So we are all brothers and Heaven is our home and our heritage! Is not it enough to inspire at the same time, love for God and neighbor, and detachment from all earthly things?
us love, then, to a father like this and let's say thousands of times: "Our Father who art in heaven." You who fills heaven and earth with the immensity of your essence and you are present everywhere. You who dwell in the saints with your glory, in the row with your justice, the just for your grace, sinners for your patience, understanding, let us always remember our heavenly home and live as true sons and daughters and move always toward You alone with all the ardor of our desires.
"Hallowed be thy name." The Name of the Lord is holy and terrible, the prophet king (Ps 98, 3), Heaven resounds with the incessant praise of the seraphim to the holiness of the Lord God of hosts, "exclaims Isaiah (Is 6, 3.) -. With these words we recognize that all land and worship God the attributes of a great and holy. Let it be known, loved and adored by pagans, Turks, Jews, barbarians and all infidels. That all men serve and glorify him with lively faith, with firm hope, with ardent charity, giving up all the errors: in a word that all men are saints because he himself is (from 11.44 to 45 and 1 Peter Lev 1, 16).
"Thy Kingdom Come." is, queen, the Lord in our souls with your grace in this life so that you deserve to reign after the death, in your kingdom which is the supreme happiness, which believe, which we hope and wish. Happiness that the goodness of the Father has promised, the merits of the Son we have acquired, and the light of the Holy Spirit has revealed.
"Thy will be done on earth as in heaven." When we ask that His will is because we accept humbly as wanted to order from us. And who always do and all his holy will, expressed in his commandments, with the same swiftness, love and perseverance with which the angels and saints in heaven obey him.
40) "Give us this day our daily bread." Jesus Christ teaches us to ask God what is necessary for the life of the body and soul. With these words, humbly confess our misery and pay tribute to Providence, stating that we believe and receive His goodness all temporal goods. With the word "bread", we ask God what is necessary for life: we exclude the superfluous. This bread we pray "today" ie, we limit our requests to the present, trusting to Providence tomorrow. We ask for bread each day, "confessed and our needs are constantly renewed and continued dependence proclaim that we are of divine protection and relief.
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Our sins "Said St. Augustine and Tertullian, are debts that we contract with God, and the justification required to pay every penny. And we all have those sad debts! But, despite our many sins, let us draw near to Him with confidence, and tell Him with true repentance: "Our Father, who art in Heaven, forgive the sins of our heart and our mouth, the sins of commission and omission, that make us infinitely guilty in the eyes of justice. Because, as children of so gracious and merciful Father, forgive out of obedience and charity to those who have offended us.
"Lead us not-for infidelity to your grace into temptation "of the world and the flesh.
"Deliver us from evil" that is sin, the evil of the temporal and eternal punishment we deserved.
"Amen!" Expression very comforting, "says St. Jerome. It's like God puts the seal at the end of our prayer to make sure we have heard. It is as if we respond, "Amen!" Yes, get as requested, they have succeeded. Because this is what the term means: "Amen."
13th Rosa: The Father (II)
41) When we recite every word of the Lord's Prayer, we honor the divine perfections. We honor their fertility calling him "Father": Father from eternity produce a son like you, eternal and inseparable, which is the same essence, the same power, the same kindness, the same wisdom with you. Father and Son that the Holy Spirit produces love, which is God like you three lovely people who are one God!
"Our Father!". That is, the Father of men for the creation, preservation and redemption. Sinners merciful Father, Father friend of the righteous Great Father of the blessed.
"are you." With these words, we admire the vastness, greatness and fullness of the divine essence , called truly WHICH IS (Ex 3.14), ie there is essential, necessary and eternal, which is the Being of beings, the Cause of all being. It contains in itself, is imminent, the perfections of all beings. That is in all its essence, presence and power without being covered by them.
honor its sublimity, glory and majesty with words that are in heaven, that is, as sitting on his throne to pursue justice for all men.
worship his holiness, the desire that his name be sanctified. We recognize their sovereignty and justice of its laws, longing for the arrival of his kingdom, and longing for them to obey men on earth as the angels obey Him in Heaven. Asking him to give us daily bread, we believe in Providence. When we ask you not tempted to leave, we recognize its power. Waiting to deliver us from evil, we trust to his goodness.
The Son of God the Father glorified forever with his works and came to earth to teach men to glorify Him. And they have been taught how to honor him with this sentence that he deigned to dictate. We must, therefore, to pray often and attention, and with the same spirit with which he composed it.
14th Rosa: The Lord's Prayer (III)
42) When we pray devoutly this divine prayer, performed many acts of the noblest Christian virtues such as spoken words.
By saying "Our Father which art in Heaven", do acts of faith, worship, and humility.
Wishing that your name be sanctified and glorified, express ardent zeal for his glory.
When ordering the possession of his kingdom, we do an act of hope.
Desiring to fulfill its will on earth as in heaven, we show the spirit of perfect obedience. Asking
give us bread every day, practice the spirit of poverty and detachment from earthly goods.
Al beg him to forgive our sins, we make an act of contrition.
By forgiving those who have offended us, we exercise mercy in the highest perfection.
Al implore aid in temptation, do acts of humility, prudence, fortitude.
Al implore us from evil, practice patience.
Finally, asking all this not only for ourselves but also for others and for all members of the Church, we behave as true children of God, imitate in charity which embraces all men and fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor.
43) detest also all the sins and practice God's commands, when to pray this prayer, our hearts in tune with the language and do not keep intentions contrary to these divine words. Since, when we reflect that God is in Heaven, ie, infinitely above us by the greatness of his majesty went into the feelings of deep respect in his presence and, overwhelmed with fear, fled the pride and we folded down to annihilation. To pronounce the name of the Father, we remember that we have received God's existence through our parents and education by our teachers. All of which represent for us a God whose image are alive. Therefore we feel obliged to honor, or rather, to honor God in their people and we keep a lot of scorn and afflict them.
When we want the Holy Name of God be glorified, we are far from polluting. When we consider the kingdom of God as our inheritance, give up all unhealthy attachment to the goods of this world. When we ask with sincerity to our neighbor's goods we want for ourselves, we renounce hatred, dissension and jealousy.
Asking God daily bread, hate greed and lust, which feed in abundance.
Al sincerely pray to God to forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us, repressed anger and revenge, we return good for evil and love our enemies.
Asking God not let us fall into sin at the time of temptation, laziness express flee and seek ways to combat the vices and save.
Al pray to God to deliver us from evil, righteousness and we are glad that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Ps 100, 10, Pr 1, 7), the fear of God causes the man to avoid sin (Prov 15.27; Sir 1.27).
15th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Excellencies
44) La salutación angélica es tan sublime y elevada, que el Beato Alano de la Rupe ha creído que ninguna creatura puede comprenderla y que solamente Jesucristo, Hijo de María, puede explicarla.
Deriva su excelencia: de la Santísima Virgen, a quien fue dirigida; de la finalidad de la Encarnación del Verbo, para la cual fue traída del Cielo; y del Arcángel San Gabriel, que fue el primero en pronunciarla (Lc 1,28.42).
El Avemaría resume, en la más concisa síntesis, toda la teología cristiana sobre la Santísima Virgen. En el Avemaría encontramos una alabanza y una invocación. La alabanza contiene cuanto constitutes the true greatness of Mary. The invocation contains as we ask and how we can reach your kindness.
Holy Trinity unveiled the first part, Santa Isabel, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, said the second. And the Church ordered to invoke the Blessed Virgin under the glorious title with these words: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."
45) The Blessed Virgin received the divine greeting in order to bring to fruition the most sublime and important issue in the world, namely the Incarnation Eternal reconciliation between God and men and the redemption of mankind. Ambassador of the good news was the Archangel Gabriel, one of the first princes of the heavenly.
The Hail Mary has faith and hope of the patriarchs, prophets and apostles. Is the constancy and fortitude of the martyrs, the science of the doctors, the perseverance of the confessors and the Religious life. New song is the law of grace, joy of angels and of men and the terror and confusion of demons.
For the salutation, God became man, a virgin became the Mother of God, the souls of the righteous were released, repaired the ruins of Heaven and the empty thrones were again occupied, the sin was forgiven, we returned the favor, diseases healed, the dead resurrected, the outcasts were called, the Trinity relented, and the men were granted eternal life.
Finally, the Hail Mary is the rainbow, the sign of the mercy and grace given by God to the world.
16th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Its beauty
46) Although there is nothing as exalted as the divine Majesty or as abject as the man regarded as a sinner, yet Augusta Majesty disdains our homage and is honored when we sing their praises. However, the Hail Mary is one of the most beautiful songs that we sing to the glory of the Almighty: "I will sing a new song" (Ps 143.9). The Hail Mary is precisely the new song be sung in David predicted the coming of the Messiah.
There is a old song a new song.
The old song is sung by the Israelites in thanksgiving for the creation, preservation, freedom from slavery, from the Red Sea, the manna and all other heavenly favors.
The new song is sung by Christians in thanksgiving for the Incarnation and Redemption. Since these miracles were performed by the angel's greeting, repeat the greeting to thank the Holy Trinity for so inestimable benefits.
praise be to God the Father so loved the world that he gave his only Son to save it. God bless
Son have descended from heaven to earth, by becoming man and rescued us.
glorify the Holy Spirit to have formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary that body pure that he suffered for our sins. These
feelings of gratitude, we pray the Hail Mary, accompanied by acts of faith, hope, charity and thanksgiving for the sake of our salvation.
47) Although this new song is addressed directly to the Mother of God, contain its praise, is, however, very glorious Trinity, for all the honor they pay taxes to the Virgin Mary turns to God, because all perfections and virtues. This new song glorify God the Father because we honor the most perfect of his creatures, glorify the Son, because we praise your Immaculate Mother, we glorify the Holy Spirit, because we admire the grace with which filled his spouse.
Just as the Virgin Mary with its beautiful song, the Magnificat, addressed to God the praise and blessings that give tribute to St. Elizabeth for his lofty dignity of Mother of God, and goes immediately to God the praise and blessings that presented by the angelic salutation.
48) If the Hail Mary glorifies the Holy Trinity, is also the most perfect praise can be directed to Mary.
Santa Matilde wanted to know what the best way to witness his tender devotion to the Mother of God. One day, ecstatic trances, saw the Blessed Virgin on his chest that the angelic salutation in letters of gold and said:
"My daughter, no one can honor me with friendly greetings that I offered the Holy Trinity. For me he rose to the dignity of Mother of God.
"The word AVE let me know that God in His omnipotence, I had preserved from every stain of sin and calamity to the first woman was subjected."
"The name" Mary ", which means "Lady of light" as bright star to light the heavens and the earth. "
" The words "full of grace" I remember that the Holy Spirit filled me with many thanks that I can communicate with an abundance of those who ordered through me. "
"saying" the Lord is with thee, I renewed the ineffable joy experienced when the eternal Word became flesh in my womb. "
"When I say" Blessed art thou among women ", praise the Divine Mercy was pleased to rise to such a degree of happiness."
"Before the words" blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus ", all of Heaven rejoices me to see Jesus, my Son, worshiped and glorified for saving the man. "
17th Rosa: The Hail Mary. His wonderful fruits
49) Among the wonderful things that the Blessed Virgin revealed to Blessed Alan de la Roche, and we know that this great devotee of Mary confirmed under oath his revelations, there are three more important: The first
that the negligence, boredom, and aversion to the angelic salutation, who restored the world, are likely signal immediate and eternal condemnation.
The second, that those who have devotion to this divine greeting have a great sign of predestination.
The third, who have received from God the grace to love and serve the Blessed Virgin of love should strive to use its best efforts to continue loving and serving it up so she can place in Heaven, through His Son, to the extent of glory befitting its merits (Blessed Alan, DP, c. 11).
50) All heretics, who are children of satan and have obvious signs of failure, have a horror of the Hail Mary. Perhaps learning the Lord's Prayer, but the Hail Mary. Prefer to take upon himself a snake before a Rosary.
Among Catholics, those who bear the mark of disapproval only if they are interested by Rosario, they neglect to recite recite or tibia and abruptly.
Although I do not agree with pious faith revealed to Blessed Alan, I just personal experience to convince me of this terrible and yet comforting truth. I do not know clearly how a devotion so small can be an infallible sign of eternal salvation, and failing that, a sign of disapproval. However, nothing is more certain. We, in fact, that those who today profess novel doctrines condemned by the Church, despite their apparent piety, neglected too much the devotion of the Rosary and frequently from the heart of those around them, with the most beautiful pretexts world. Carefully avoided openly condemn the Rosary and the Scapular. But his approach is the more harmful the more subtle. We'll talk about that later.
51) My Hail Mary, Crown Rosary or my favorite is my prayer and my surefire touchstone for distinguishing those who are led by the Spirit of God, of those who are under the illusion of the evil spirit. I have known souls who seemed to fly like an eagle into the clouds, by the sublimity of his contemplation. They were, however, miserably deceived by the devil. I only discover their dreams, to see who rejected the Hail Mary and the Rosary as unworthy of their esteem.
The Hail Mary is a heavenly and divine dew, which drop into a predestined soul tells wonderful fertility to produce all kinds of virtues. The more the soul is watered by this prayer, the more it illuminates the spirit, rather it burns the heart and the stronger against their enemies.
The Hail Mary is an arrow piercing inflamed, which linked by a preacher who announces God's word gives power to transfer and convert the most hardened hearts, although he did not have extraordinary natural talent for preaching.
The Hail Mary was the secret weapon, as I said earlier (Rosa 2a. And 4a), suggested the Blessed Virgin to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan to convert the heretics and sinners.
Hence arose the custom of the preachers to pray a Hail Mary to start preaching, as claimed by San Antonio.
18th Rosa: The Hail Mary. His blessings
52) This divine salutation attracts us the abundant blessing of Jesus and Mary. is indeed infallible principle that Jesus and Mary magnanimously rewarded those who glorify them, and return hundredfold the blessings they are taxed, "I want to I want ... to enrich those who love me and fill their holds' (Prv 17/08/1921). It is so loudly proclaim Jesus and Mary: "We love those who love us, enrich and fill their treasures." "He who sows bountifully will harvest" (2 Cor 9.6).
Now, what's not to love, bless and glorify Jesus and Mary devoutly reciting the Hail Mary? In each Hail Mary tribute to Jesus and Mary a double blessing: Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Pay taxes in each Hail Mary that God the same honor to greet him by the Archangel Gabriel. Who can
even think that Jesus and Mary, who so often do good to those who curse, curses will respond to those who honored and blessed with the Hail Mary?
Queen of Heaven, "says St. Bernard and St. Bonaventure is no less grateful and polite than the nobles and well-educated people in this world. The leads in this virtue as in the other perfections, and not allow the honor with respect not return a hundredfold. "Mary greets us with grace, provided that the salute to the" Hail Mary " (San Buenaventura, Psalterium, lect. 4; VD 144-181).
Who can understand the graces and blessings that the greeting and benign gaze of Mary bring upon us?
At the time that St. Elizabeth heard the greeting that he addressed the Mother of God, was filled with the Holy Spirit and the child in her womb leapt for joy. If we become worthy of mutual greeting and blessing of the Blessed Virgin, we will, no doubt, full of grace, and a stream of spiritual consolations flood our souls.
19th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Happy sharing
53) is written: "Give and it will give you" (Luke 6.38). Recall the comparison of the Blessed Alan: "If I give you every day hundreds fifty diamonds, Would not forgive me even if your enemy? And if you are my friend, I will grant every favor possible? Want to get rich with all the means of grace and glory? Say hello to the Blessed Virgin, honor your good mother! "
" He who gives glory to his mother prepares a treasure "[Eccl 3.5). Introduce at least fifty Hail Marys daily, each contains fifteen gems that appeal more to Mary than the riches of the earth. What you can not then expect from your generosity? She is our mother and friend. Is the Empress of the universe and loves us more than all the mothers and queens loved boards some fatal. Because, says St. Augustine, the love of the Blessed Virgin surpasses all the natural love of all men and all the Angels.
54) The Lord appeared one day at Santa Gertrudis, counting gold coins. She dared to ask him what he was telling. Jesus replied: "Count your Hail Mary, are the currency you are buying Paradise."
The learned and pious Suarez, a Jesuit, both the angelic salutation estimated he used to say: "I would give gladly all my science for the value of a Hail Mary well said!" (Poire, Triple Couronne, Paris 1639; 3,13.69)
55) The Blessed Alan of Rupe is thus directed to the Blessed Virgin (Cartagena, in CS,. 14-157).
Who loves you, oh divine Mary, listen to this and fill with joy:
Heaven rejoices with happiness,
land, admiration,
when I say: Hail Mary!
While the world panics,
I have the love of God,
when I say: Hail Mary!
dispel my fears, my passions subside
when I say: Hail Mary!
My devotion is increasing and reached
when I say: Hail Mary!
It confirms my hope, my comfort is enhanced
when I say: Hail Mary! Jump for joy
my spirit, my sadness dissipates
when I say: Hail Mary!
Because the sweetness of this most sweet salutation is so great that there are no adequate words to explain it properly and, having said she wonders, is still so hidden and deep, it is impossible to discover. Is short on words but big on mysteries. It is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold. There you have it frequently in the heart to meditate and mouth to recite and repeat devoutly
Refer the same Blessed Alan, Chapter 69 of the Psalter (CS,. 187), a devout Religious Rosary appeared after her death to one of her sisters and said, 'If I could return to my body to recite only a Hail Mary, but without much fervor, would gladly suffer all the pain I suffered before dying, so to reach the merits of this prayer. " should be remembered that he had suffered cruel pain for several years.
56) Miguel de Lisle, Bishop of Health, disciple and companion of Blessed Alan of Rupe in the restoration of the Holy Rosary, said the Hail Mary is the cure for all ills afflict us, provided that the devoutly pray in honor of the Blessed Virgin.
20th Rosa: The Hail Mary. Conclusion
57) Do you debates in the misery of sin? Invokes the divine Mary and say: Hail! Which means: "I greet you with deep respect to you that you are without sin and misfortune!" She will deliver you from the misfortune of your sins.
Do you wrap the darkness of ignorance or error? Recourse to Mary and say: Hail Mary! Ie: "Lit by the rays of the sun of justice." She will report its lights.
lost Do you walk outside the path of Heaven? Summons Mary, which means "Star of the Sea and Polar Star, which guides our journey through this world." She will lead to the harbor.
Are you suffering? Go to Mary, which means "bitter sea" because it was full of bitterness in this world, and now in Heaven has become a sea of \u200b\u200bpurest delights. She will turn your sorrow into joy and your sorrows in comfort.
You lost the grace? Honors the abundance of grace that God filled the Blessed Virgin, and say: "Full of grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit." She'll give her thanks.
Do you feel alone and abandoned by God? Go Mary and say, "The Lord is with thee is nobler and more intimately than in the just and holy, for you are with him the same thing since, being your son, your flesh is your flesh. And since you are his Mother, you're with the Lord and in mutual charity and perfect likeness. " Finally say: "The whole Trinity is with you, for you are his precious temple." She will be placed under the protection and safeguarding of the Lord.
Are you hungry for the bread of grace and the bread of life? Come to who was the living bread come down from heaven. Say, "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, who conceive without compromising your virginity, you brought out of work and gave birth without pain. Blessed Jesus, who rescued the enslaved world, healed the sick world, raised the dead man was banished back to man, man justified criminal and saved the condemned man. Indeed, your soul is content of the bread of grace in this life and eternal life in the other. Amen.
58) Conclude your prayer with the Church and say
"Holy Mary, holy in body and soul, holy for your unique and eternal devotion in the service of God, your quality of holy Mother of God who gave you eminent sanctity befitting this infinite dignity. "
"Mother of God and our Mother, Lawyer Mediator and ours, Treasurer and Dispensing of the graces of God, obtain for us soon the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with the Divine Majesty. "
"Pray for us, sinners, because you have so much compassion for the miserable, do not despise or reject sinners, without which there would be the mother of the Savior. Pray for us now, during the time of our lives short, fragile and miserable. Now, because only the present moment is ours. Now, when we are rushed and we were surrounded, night and day, powerful and ruthless enemies. "
"And in the hour of our death, so terrible and dangerous, when our forces are exhausted, when our body and spirit will be killed by the pain and terror. In the hour of our death, when Satan will redouble its efforts to ruin forever. At that time it will decide our fate for all eternity, happy or unhappy. Come help thy poor children, Mother of mercy, Advocate and Refuge of sinners. Away from us in the hour of death to the demons, our enemies, whose hideous appearance frightens us. Come to enlighten the darkness of our death. Guide us and join us in the court of our Judge, who is your Son. Intercede for us to forgive us and get in the mansion of eternal glory. Amen so be it! "
59) Will there who does not admire the excellence of the Holy Rosary of the parties as excellent as the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) and the Hail Mary (Hail Mary)? Is there
prayer most pleasing to God and the Blessed Virgin, and easier, fresh and healthy for men? Let's take her continually in the hearts and mouths to honor the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ our Savior and His Blessed Mother.
addition, at the end of each decade should add Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning is now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
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