Sunday, April 18, 2010

How To Take Out Babies Flem

THE AMAZING SECRET OF THE ROSARY (5): fourth decade, St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort

Excellence of the Rosary expressed by the wonders that God has done for his

31st Rosa Blanca de Castilla and Alfonso VIII. 32nd Rosa: Mr. Perez. 33rd Rosa: A Albigensian possessed. Rosa 34th, Simon de Montfort, Alan de Lanvallay, Otero. Rosa 35th: Cardinal Pedro. 36th Rose: A woman of Antwerp, freed from the chains of the devil. 37th Rosa: El Rosario converted to a monastery. 38th Rosa, a English bishop Devotion to the Rosary. Rosa 39th: Sanctification of a parish by Rosario. 40th Rosa Rosario admirable effects.

31st Rosa Blanca Alfonso VIII of Castile and

98) was Santo Domingo to visit Blanca, Queen of France, that after twelve years of marriage was childless and was distressed greatly for it. He advised the Holy to pray the Rosary every day to reach the Heaven the grace of having offspring. She did, and his petition was heard in 1213, his eldest son was born whom he named Felipe.

But before the children leave the home, death snatched him. The pious queen came more than ever to the Blessed Virgin. He circulated a lot of rosaries in court and in various cities of the kingdom that God will grant a full blessing. What happened, and that in 1215 the world came to San Luis, the glory of France and model of Christian kings.

99) Alfonso VIII, king of León and Castile, was punished by God in different ways because of their sins, was forced to retire to a city of one of its allies. On Christmas Day Santo Domingo preached there, as usual, on the Holy Rosary and receive the graces of God for this devotion. He said among other things that reach all who pray to God triumph over his enemies and regain all lost. Struck by these words, did the king call Santo Domingo and asked if it was true he had said about the Holy Rosary. Replied the Ghost should not entertain no doubt, and he promised that if he wanted to practice this devotion and join the Brotherhood, would experience its salutary effects.

the king decided to recite the rosary every day. Practice in which he persevered for a year. Over which, on the day of Christmas, after reciting the Rosary, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and said: "Alfonso, a year ago I devoutly reciting honors Rosary. I want to reward! I reached my son's forgiveness for your sins. Here's this rosary I'm giving it! Carry it with you and none of your enemies can harm you! "And he disappeared. The king was greatly comforted. Returned home, carrying in their hands the rosary. He found the queen and told him, full of joy, for he had just received the Blessed Virgin. He touched her eyes with the rosary, and the queen that his sight was lost.

Some time later, the king met some troops, and with the help of its allies vigorously attacked his enemies. Forced to return their land and repair damage inferred. Totally threw his domain and was so fortunate in war, soldiers came from all over to fight under their banners, because the victories seemed to accompany his battles everywhere. No need to wonder about it, since it never went into battle without having prayed the rosary on his knees before. Had been enrolled in the Confraternity of the Rosary to all his court, and exhorted his officers and family to be devoted to it. The queen also committed to it. And they both persevered in the service of the Blessed Virgin, godly living.

32nd Rosa: Mr. Perez

100) had Santo Domingo a cousin named Mr. Smith or Don Pedro, who led a very dissolute life. He heard that preached the wonders of the Holy Rosary, and many were converted and changed hereby life and said: "I had lost hope of saving. But I'm beginning to regain confidence. We need to go to hear this man of God! "He went, therefore, a holy day sermon. Anyone who saw him, redoubled his zeal in attacking the vices, and prayed fervently that God would open the eyes of his cousin and make known the wretched state of his soul.

Mr. Perez was frightened, of course, but it was decided to convert. Again, however, the preaching of the saint. When he saw it, realizing that this would not become hardened heart but of a special blow, cried aloud: "Lord Jesus, please watch the whole auditorium is state of the person who has just come into your temple ! 'competition

All Don Pedro was then surrounded by a crowd of demons in the shape of hideous beasts, who were tied with iron chains. Filled with fear, they all fled in disorder, with great confusion of Don Pedro, terrified and ashamed to be turned into a horror for everyone. Santo Domingo had to stop and said to Don Pedro, "recognizes unhappy the deplorable state in which you are and throw yourself at the foot of the Blessed Virgin! Take this rosary! Rezal with devotion and repentance of your sins, and Resolve to change your life! "Don Pedro

knelt, prayed the Rosary and felt compelled to confess. What he did with great contrition. The Saint told him to pray the Rosary daily. He promised to do and enrolled in the Guild. His face, which had scared all seemed so bright as an angel, when he left the church. persevered in the devotion of the Rosary, led an orderly life and died happily (Ros. Myst. 7a. ed., chap. 1.)

33rd Rosa: A mad Albigensian

101) Santo Domingo While preaching near Carcassonne, Albi gave him a demon-possessed. The Holy exorcised the presence of a large crowd. is believed that were present more than twelve thousand men. The demons that possessed this unhappy were forced to respond, despite themselves, to questions of the Holy and confessed:

1) that there were fifteen thousand who had the body of this miserable, because he had fought the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary

2) that with the Rosary to St. Dominic preached caused terror and fear to all hell, and he was the man most hated by them because of the souls who snatched them with the devotion of the Rosary;

3) also revealed many other individuals. Santo Domingo

threw his rosary around his neck of the possessed and asked that all the saints in heaven to whom they feared most, and who should love and honor most mortals.

To this question, they burst into shrieks of demons so horrific, that most of the audience fell to the ground, terrified. Evil spirits, for not answering, began to mourn and lament so plaintive and poignant, many of these also began to mourn moved by natural compassion. They said in a pained voice by the mouth of the possessed: "Sunday! Sunday! Have mercy on us! We promise not to hurt! You're so holy that compassion and miserable sinners, have mercy on us! See how we suffer! Why you are pleased to increase our pain? Be content with those already suffering! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! ".

102) El Santo, undeterred to the grieving words of the spirits, he replied that he would not stop tormenting them until they had responded to their questions. told him the demons, who would respond, but secretly and hearing, not before the world. Santo insisted and ordered them to speak aloud. But his insistence was useless: the devils would not say a word. Then the Holy knelt and rose to the Blessed Virgin this prayer: "O powerful Virgin Mary By virtue of your Psalter and Rosario, orders for these enemies of mankind to respond to my question! "Having made this prayer, left a burning flame of the ears, nose and mouth of the possessed. These trembling with fright, but none was hurt. The devil then cried: "Sunday, we pray for the passion of Jesus Christ and the merits of His Most Holy Mother and of all the saints, let us leave this body without saying a word. Los Angeles, when you want it, I will reveal. Why give credit? No more torment us. Have mercy on us! "

" Unhappily, they are unworthy to be heard! "Replied Santo Domingo. And kneeling prayed to the Blessed Virgin, "most worthy Mother of Wisdom, pray for the people here, and instructed on how to recite the Hail Mary well. It forces your enemies to confess these full and real truth about it! ".

had just finished esta oración, cuando vio a su lado a la Santísima Virgen, rodeada de multitud de Ángeles, que con una varilla de oro en la mano, golpeaba al poseso y le decía: «¡Responde a Domingo, mi servidor!» Nótese que nadie veía ni oía a la Santísima Virgen, fuera de Santo Domingo.

103) Entonces los demonios comenzaron a gritar: «¡Oh enemiga nuestra! ¡Oh ruina y confusión nuestra! ¿Por qué viniste del Cielo a atormentarnos en forma tan cruel? ¿Será preciso que por Ti, oh Abogada de los pecadores a quienes sacas del infierno, oh Camino seguro del Cielo, seamos obligados, a pesar nuestro, a confesar delante de todos lo que es causa de nuestra confusión and ruin? Woe to us! Curse our princes of darkness! "

" Listen, then, Christians! This Mother of Christ is omnipotent, and might prevent his servants from falling into hell. She, like the sun, dispels the darkness of our clever machinations. Discover our temptations. We are forced to confess that no one who persevere in their service with us is doomed.

A sigh that she submit to the Holy Trinity is worth more than all the prayers, vows and wishes of all the saints. We fear more than all the saints together, and nothing we can against his faithful servants. "

104) "Have also note that many Christians who call on the die, and that should be condemned by ordinary laws, are being saved thanks to his intercession.

Ah! If this Mariucha, as they called in their fury had not been opposed to our intentions and efforts, we would have long ago torn down and destroyed the Church, and plunged into the error and infidelity to all hierarchies! We need to add more clarity and precision required by the violence that we do, that anyone who persevere in the recitation of the Rosary will be condemned. Because she gets to his faithful devotees of true contrition for sins, for confession and forgiveness reach and indulgence of them. " Santo Domingo

Then he prayed the Rosary to all attendees, very slowly and prayerfully. And they recited each Hail Mary - amazing thing! - Leaving the body of the possessed great multitude of devils in the form of coals. When they came out all demons, and the heretic was completely liberated, the Blessed Virgin gave his blessing, though invisibly great joy. This miracle was due to the conversion of many heretics, who came to join the Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary.

34th Rosa: Simon de Montfort, Alan de Lanvallay, Otero

105) Who can count the victories that Simon, Count of Montfort, achieved on the Albigenses, thanks to the protection of Our Lady of the Rosary? They were so famous that has never seen anything like it. With 500 men he defeated, once an army of ten thousand heretics. On another occasion, beat thirty three thousand. In another, eight hundred thousand cavalry and infantry, shattered the army of King of Aragon, consisting of one hundred thousand men, losing only one trooper and eight of infantry.

106) In many dangers escaped the Blessed Virgin of Lanvallay Alano, Breton knight who fought in for the faith against the Albigensian! While he was one day surrounded by enemies on all sides, the Blessed Virgin launched against them one hundred and fifty stones, and escaped his hands.

Another day, when his ship was wrecked, and was already close to dive, this good Mother did emerge from the water one hundred and fifty hills, above which arrived in Britain. He, in remembrance of the miracles on his behalf had made the Blessed Virgin in return that he prayed the Rosary every day, he built a convent at Dinan for the new Religious Order of Santo Domingo. He later became a religious and holy died in Orleans.

107) Likewise, Otero, Vaucouleurs Breton soldier, drove away sometimes whole companies of heretics and robbers with her rosary and sword arm. His enemies, after the defeats, he said they had seen his shining sword and sometimes a shield on his arm on which were engraved the images of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin and the saints, which made him invincible gave him strength in battle.

Once, with ten companies, twenty thousand heretics beat without losing a single one of his soldiers. Fact that so impressed the enemy army general who was in search of Otero, abjured heresy and said he had seen firearms uncovered during combat.

35th Rosa: Cardinal Pedro

108) Refer the Blessed Alan that a cardinal named Peter, the title of Santa Maria del Tiber, directed by Santo Domingo, a close friend in the devotion of Rosary, she was so interested he became in his eulogy and instilled those who could. Sent as legate to the Holy Land, from Christians who were fighting the Saracens, persuaded the Christian army so beautifully about the effectiveness of the Rosary, practicing all this devotion to implore aid Heaven in a battle with only three thousand triumphed over five thousand.

Demons-as we have seen, fear infinitely Rosario. San Bernardo says the Hail Mary the check out and make all hell tremble. The Blessed Alan says she saw several people who had surrendered to the devil, body and soul, and had resigned from the Baptism and Jesus Christ and, after embracing the devotion of the Rosary, were freed from their slavery to Satan.

36th Rosa: A woman from Antwerp, freed from the shackles of the devil

109) In 1578, a woman of Antwerp surrendered to the devil, signing commitment with his blood. Some time later repented and, wanting to repair the wrong he had done, she took a wise and compassionate confessor to find a way to break free from Satan's power.

found a wise and virtuous priest, who advised him to look for Father Henry, Religious of the Convent of Santo Domingo and director of the Confraternity of the Rosary, confess to him and ask him to enroll in the Guild. She went to look, but instead of the priest, found the devil in the form of a religious, who severely reprimanded and told him that God could not expect any grace or had means of setting aside what he had signed. That the afflicted deeply. Plus, why not completely lost hope in the mercy of God, and returned to find the priest. Found again the devil, who rejected it as in the previous time. But, repeating for the third time the attempt, allowing the Lord to find the P. Henry who was looking for, and received her love and asked them to trust in God's mercy and making a good confession. He received the Brotherhood, and ordered him to pray the Rosary often. One day, during Mass that Fr Henry welcomed to the above intentions woman, the Blessed Virgin forced the devil to return the signed commitment. And so she was released by the authority Mary and the devotion of the Rosary. 37th
Rosa: El Rosario converted to a monastery

110) A noble knight had many children. Had placed one of his daughters in a monastery totally relaxed: the Religious breathed only vanity and frivolity. the Confessor, earnest and devout man of the Holy Rosary, wanting to lead this young nun on the path of holiness, ordered him to pray the Rosary every day in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, meditating on the life, passion and glory of Jesus Christ. I liked her a lot this devotion, and gradually was hating the relaxation of her sisters. He began to enjoy the silence and prayer despite the contempt and ridicule of religious fervor as they played their self-righteousness.

In those days, a holy abbot came to visit the monastery and, as he prayed, had a strange vision. He seemed to see a nun who prayed in his cell with a lady of extraordinary beauty, and who was accompanied by numerous Angeles. These, with flaming arrows, away the crowd of demons trying to enter the cell. Evil spirits were running, as unclean animals, to take refuge in the cells of the other Sisters, exciting them to sin, in which many of them fell.

understood the Abbot of this vision, the evil spirit the monastery and thought he would die of sadness. Young called the Religious and urged them to persevere. Reflecting then on the excellence of the Rosary, decided to reform the monastery with this devotion. Acquired for this beautiful rosaries, distributed among the Sisters, advised them to recite the Rosary every day, and promised that, if they accept your advice, do not force them to accept the reform. Rosaries were pleased and promised to that condition. And a wonderful thing! Gradually left the Vanities, devoted to silence and meditation, and in less than a year called themselves the reform. El Rosario had wrought in their hearts more than they could the abbot with his exhortations and authority.

38th Rosa, a English bishop Devotion to the Holy Rosary

111) A English countess, educated by St. Dominic in the devotion of the Rosary, I pray every day with great advancement in virtue. Wanted nothing so much as living for perfection. requested a bishop and renowned preacher, some practices of perfection. He said he needed before he declared the state of his soul and spiritual exercises. She said that the principal of these was the Rosary, prayed every day, meditating on the joyful, sorrowful and glorious with great spiritual benefit. The Bishop explained excited to hear the wonderful teachings in the mysteries, he said: "Twenty years ago I am a doctor of theology. I have read about many great devotional practices. But I have not seen anything more fruitful or under Christianity than this. I want to imitate. Preach the Rosary! "

He did so, and with such success that before long contemplated a change of habits favorable throughout his diocese, many conversions, refunds and reconciliations. Ceased debauchery, luxury and play, and families reflourished peace, devotion and love. Change all the more admirable that Bishop had worked hard to reform his diocese, but with very little fruit.

To inculcate better devotion of the Rosary, he always carried with him a very beautiful and show it to his listeners by saying: "Know ye, brethren, the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin is so good that I to be their bishop, doctor both theology and rights, I glory to always carry with me as the most glorious mark of my episcopate and doctorate. "

39th Rosa: Sanctification of the Rosary parish through

112) The Danish parish rector had frequently, for the greater glory of God and great joy of his soul, he had obtained in his parish a similar result to that of the bishop in his diocese.

"I had preached, he said, all the more attractive and useful materials, without any result. Seeing no change in my parish, I decided to preach the Rosary, explaining its excellence and practice, and I can say that after having made love to my people this devotion, I noticed a distinct change in just six months. Indeed, this divine prayer is particularly effective to move the hearts and inspire the horror of sin and love of virtue. "

The Blessed Virgin said one day to Blessed Alan: "God chose the angelic salutation for the Incarnation of the Word and the redemption of man. Similarly, those who want to reform the customs of the people and regenerate in Jesus Christ must honor and address the same greeting. I am the way by which God came to men [116] and it is necessary that, through Jesus Christ to obtain my grace and virtue. "

113) As for me, that I write this, I learned from personal experience the power of this prayer to convert the most hardened hearts. I found people that were not touched by the preaching of tremendous truths, made during the mission. On my advice acquired the habit of praying the rosary daily and so converted and fully devoted to God.

I have also noted a huge difference in habits between the populations where di missions: one, for having abandoned the practice of the Rosary, fell back into bad habits, others have persevered thanks to recite it, were maintained in Grace of God and grew daily in virtue.

40th Rosa Rosario admirable effects

114) Blessed Alan de la Roche, Fathers John Dumont and Thomas, the Chronicles of the Holy Rosary, and others, often eyewitnesses, numerous conversions refer exceptional sinners, who for twenty, thirty or forty years past in great disorder, nothing had been converted. However, thanks to the wonderful prayer which is the Rosary, they reached the conversion. Fearing greater length of right, not narrate. Nor will refer those that I have seen. The omit for various reasons.

beloved reader, if you practice and preach this devotion, you will learn from experience better than any book, and happily check the wonderful effect of the promises made by the Blessed Virgin to Santo Domingo, Blessed Alan of Rupe and how may flourish this devotion which is so pleasing. Devotion to educate people in the virtues of her son and his own, leads to mental prayer, in imitation of Jesus Christ, the frequency of the Sacraments, the sound practice of the virtues and all sorts of good works, and gain such valuable indulgences that people ignore it because the preachers of this devotion can not speak of them almost never content to do a sermon on the Rosary to fashion, which often causes only admiration, but not instruct.

115) In short, I am content to say, with the Blessed Alan that the Rosary is a source and repository of all manner of goods:

1 º Try forgiveness to sinners
2 º satiate souls thirsty;
3 ° For the chains broken chains;
4 The joy back to those who mourn;
5 º Tranquility offers tempted;
6 The poor are relieved;
7 º Reform Religious Institutes;
8 º intelligence given to the ignorant ;
9 º Beat vanity which are alive;
10 º By their votes are relieved the dead

117) said one day the Virgin Mary to Blessed Alan: "I want devoted to my Rosary to obtain the grace and blessing my son during his life, at the hour of death and beyond. I want you to be free of all bondage and are real kings, with head crown and scepter in hand and have everlasting life. Amen.



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