Electronic voting: a need or a threat
By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar
Last October 21 was published in the newspaper El Peruano Law No. 29603 Act authorizing the ONPE issuing regulations for the gradual and progressive implementation of electronic voting. Approval of that rule has generated different reactions from those who take a stand for those who have some doubts but consider it necessary and who confess that is a threat to the popular will.
When one reviews the doctrine, you can verify that there is no single type of electronic voting, at least we know the following types: i) the electronic voting system of paper; ii) the system of direct recording electronic voting iii) the DRE electronic voting system utility, and iv) the electronic voting system online. Each of these systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, mainly concerned with transparency, oversight software and time they are issued the results of the vote.
It is apparent from the information presented to us by ONPE the system to be implemented gradually, is the system of direct recording electronic voting, the characteristics of electronic voting module are: i) the hardware components are connected them, or the network of networks (internet), ie there is independence between computers (stand-alone). Likewise, software that is used to check the identity of the voter register and vote count are independent modules without any relationship between them, and ii) The voting module is made up four (04) voting booths and can handle up to 1,200 electors (300 electors voting booth.)
Clearly this electronic voting system gives us speed in the scrutiny and counting of votes, reducing the number of polling stations and polling and medium term to reduce the costs that every election or referendum. However, we generated the risks of possible flaws or weaknesses in any electronic component, and the challenges of counting with officials of political organizations with knowledge of computer and software control systems.
Some have shown too, that electronic voting is an open door electoral fraud, not realizing that with or without electronic voting, there is always the possibility of altering the truth. That those who act with fraudulent and deceitful conduct, in any system, whether traditional or electronic, can commit fraud, and that on the contrary, a good electronic voting system (Software), can mitigate the arbitrariness and spaces for the scheme.
Finally, it is necessary to show that at the end of the first decade of XXI century the rulers and the ruled can not resist the changes in technology, however we must seize it for all human activities, and best, to be used in democratic processes, as they have done at different levels countries of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay and Argentina.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme Music Chord
Green Left: reflections from the municipal elections
By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar
Historically has been the color red has found matches left and center left-see the symbolism of the German Social Democratic Party, the Workers Party of Brazil, Mexican Labour Party, among others, without However, the Partido Social Force Descentralista converges to leftist political organizations and center-left has been used as a color that forms its political meaning to green. Beyond
irrelevant may be to use particular color on the command supports a political organization, we must reflect on the message we want to give those who have chosen to use a friendly color, that gives up the traditional post-I think-a message of democratic openness, freshness ideological , consensus and tolerance to their constituents.
One of the great weaknesses of the Peruvian left has been its high degree of ideological orthodoxy, which has been divided first between "Muscovites" and "Peking" to be subdivided, at some point in over a fortnight left parties and center-left.
We must remember that after the election as mayor of Lima in 1983 Alfonzo Lingán Barrantes, there was the possibility of convergence of parties and movements of left and center left with success or success at the polls, on the contrary, the segmentation of the left made them very representative, together political violence that led to terrorist movements, generated to the left in general are not representative and have little electoral role.
Force Descentralista Social Party led by Susana Villa provides an electoral phenomenon that in less than 15 days voceada moves to the candidate as the likely winner of the elections (Lourdes Flores). Probably, few voted by their ideological perspective, perhaps some did for the great charisma of its women leaders, or the context and political situation. Indeed, whatever the nature of the possible victory of Susana Villaran, it did fly their flags of justice and social inclusion and achieving a more equitable Lima, with an obvious option for the less fortunate.
Could it be, the formula used by Susana Villar, the left of the fresh and modern twenty-first century are reinventing themselves, they are rethinking their ideological values, which treat globalization, have rejected the theory of the end of history Fukuyama, the end of ideology " y que dentro de una estructura económica capitalista basada en la propiedad privada de los medios de producción aspiran a lograr una sociedad democrática que tenga como ejes centrales la defensa de la libertad, la igualdad de oportunidades, la superación de la pobreza, la protección de los más vulnerables y el ejercicio práctico de una moral solidaria, como lo viene afirmando el Partido Descentralista Fuerza Social.
Quizás, para las izquierdas más ortodoxas que propugnan la socialización de los medios de producción, la postura ideológica que representa Fuerza Social no sea más que una quimera ó una nueva forma de neoliberalismo que pretende reinventar el capitalismo para darle un nuevo aspecto human. In short, we believe that no one has the ultimate truth and that the ideological debate is certainly endless.
By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar
Historically has been the color red has found matches left and center left-see the symbolism of the German Social Democratic Party, the Workers Party of Brazil, Mexican Labour Party, among others, without However, the Partido Social Force Descentralista converges to leftist political organizations and center-left has been used as a color that forms its political meaning to green. Beyond
irrelevant may be to use particular color on the command supports a political organization, we must reflect on the message we want to give those who have chosen to use a friendly color, that gives up the traditional post-I think-a message of democratic openness, freshness ideological , consensus and tolerance to their constituents.
One of the great weaknesses of the Peruvian left has been its high degree of ideological orthodoxy, which has been divided first between "Muscovites" and "Peking" to be subdivided, at some point in over a fortnight left parties and center-left.
We must remember that after the election as mayor of Lima in 1983 Alfonzo Lingán Barrantes, there was the possibility of convergence of parties and movements of left and center left with success or success at the polls, on the contrary, the segmentation of the left made them very representative, together political violence that led to terrorist movements, generated to the left in general are not representative and have little electoral role.
Force Descentralista Social Party led by Susana Villa provides an electoral phenomenon that in less than 15 days voceada moves to the candidate as the likely winner of the elections (Lourdes Flores). Probably, few voted by their ideological perspective, perhaps some did for the great charisma of its women leaders, or the context and political situation. Indeed, whatever the nature of the possible victory of Susana Villaran, it did fly their flags of justice and social inclusion and achieving a more equitable Lima, with an obvious option for the less fortunate.
Could it be, the formula used by Susana Villar, the left of the fresh and modern twenty-first century are reinventing themselves, they are rethinking their ideological values, which treat globalization, have rejected the theory of the end of history Fukuyama, the end of ideology " y que dentro de una estructura económica capitalista basada en la propiedad privada de los medios de producción aspiran a lograr una sociedad democrática que tenga como ejes centrales la defensa de la libertad, la igualdad de oportunidades, la superación de la pobreza, la protección de los más vulnerables y el ejercicio práctico de una moral solidaria, como lo viene afirmando el Partido Descentralista Fuerza Social.
Quizás, para las izquierdas más ortodoxas que propugnan la socialización de los medios de producción, la postura ideológica que representa Fuerza Social no sea más que una quimera ó una nueva forma de neoliberalismo que pretende reinventar el capitalismo para darle un nuevo aspecto human. In short, we believe that no one has the ultimate truth and that the ideological debate is certainly endless.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Darmowy Film Dla Doroslych
Cambio de cuerpo
Muda in Arthropods and ecdisozoos
ecdisozoos In other arthropods and there is a continuous outer cuticle or exoskeleton that moves at once, a phenomenon known as ecdysis specific. Molting is stimulated by ecdysone. In the collaborative process, apparently calls Inka cells. The period between each molt is called stage. The animal first enters a rest period prior to moulting. When it emerges, the new cuticle is soft and pale in color and the subject is called teneral. It may take a couple of hours to harden and acquire its normal color. The exoskeleton is named discarded exuviae. Some arthropods continue to mute throughout the life cycle, while others have a fixed number of seedlings, such as most insects, they also do not change in a state of imago (adult).
The exoskeleton of arthropods is a continuous cover called cuticle, which extends even at both ends of the digestive tract and respiratory tract or cavities, and is located above the epidermis (call them for that reason hypodermis) that is who the secret.
The thickness and hardness of the cuticle is not uniform throughout. On the contrary, appears to form hardened areas called sclerites.
The cuticle appears very often covered with setae (hairs) de diversa función, incluida la sensorial táctil.
Ecdisis de una Cigarra.El esqueleto externo tiene una desventaja y es que, para poder crecer, el animal debe desprenderse de él. Lo hace en un proceso, controlado hormonalmente, de ecdisis o muda. La hipodermis secreta enzimas que ablandan y digieren en parte la capa más inferior de la cutícula (la endocutícula), provocando que el resto se desprenda. Inmediatamente comienza la secreción de una cutícula nueva, primero la exocutícula y luego, debajo de ella, la procutícula. Hasta que no se endurece esta nueva cubierta el animal está relativamente indefenso, con menos posibilidad de escapar o resistirse. Todo the process of molting is hormonally controlled, the ecdysone or "molting hormone is the hormone responsible for these changes occur. Stages or instars are called the successive stages of the animal's existence among dumb and mute. This feature is shared with some other arthropod phyla, nematodes and also have a cuticle and molt.
To view the full consultation process:
Source: wikipedia

ecdisozoos In other arthropods and there is a continuous outer cuticle or exoskeleton that moves at once, a phenomenon known as ecdysis specific. Molting is stimulated by ecdysone. In the collaborative process, apparently calls Inka cells. The period between each molt is called stage. The animal first enters a rest period prior to moulting. When it emerges, the new cuticle is soft and pale in color and the subject is called teneral. It may take a couple of hours to harden and acquire its normal color. The exoskeleton is named discarded exuviae. Some arthropods continue to mute throughout the life cycle, while others have a fixed number of seedlings, such as most insects, they also do not change in a state of imago (adult).
The exoskeleton of arthropods is a continuous cover called cuticle, which extends even at both ends of the digestive tract and respiratory tract or cavities, and is located above the epidermis (call them for that reason hypodermis) that is who the secret.
The thickness and hardness of the cuticle is not uniform throughout. On the contrary, appears to form hardened areas called sclerites.
The cuticle appears very often covered with setae (hairs) de diversa función, incluida la sensorial táctil.
Ecdisis de una Cigarra.El esqueleto externo tiene una desventaja y es que, para poder crecer, el animal debe desprenderse de él. Lo hace en un proceso, controlado hormonalmente, de ecdisis o muda. La hipodermis secreta enzimas que ablandan y digieren en parte la capa más inferior de la cutícula (la endocutícula), provocando que el resto se desprenda. Inmediatamente comienza la secreción de una cutícula nueva, primero la exocutícula y luego, debajo de ella, la procutícula. Hasta que no se endurece esta nueva cubierta el animal está relativamente indefenso, con menos posibilidad de escapar o resistirse. Todo the process of molting is hormonally controlled, the ecdysone or "molting hormone is the hormone responsible for these changes occur. Stages or instars are called the successive stages of the animal's existence among dumb and mute. This feature is shared with some other arthropod phyla, nematodes and also have a cuticle and molt.
To view the full consultation process:
Source: wikipedia
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Batss In Christmas Trees
Well, here are my design for such a spectacular event ...
Until next time!
Well, here are my design for such a spectacular event ...
Until next time!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Images Of Genital Herpes On Arms
Awards '10 TRENDS

Yesterday, May 13, 2010, were held 1st Awards "Trends" to the fashion and design in a large Charity Gala, at the IVAM in Valencia.
Dinner served by the branch, use their profits to the Foundation ASPADIS.
Sponsors of the event and along with brands like Bulgari, Champagne MUM, IVAM, Bodegas Hispano Suiza, was Carolina Cot - Florists who was in charge of all floral arrgelo, which can see some samples.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Black Particle In Urine
¿Como ven los animales? - El mito del color
vision is called the ability to interpret our environment with light rays reaching the eye. Vision or sense of sight is a major sensory capabilities of man and many animals. To be able
need the proper functioning of the visual system is composed of the eye, optic nerve and various brain structures.
The eye is the gateway for entering the light stimuli are transformed into electrical impulses through a specialized cells of the retina are the rods and cones.
now know with certainty that not all animals have the ability to distinguish colors, there are many who have a magnificent view, but all I see in black and white or in shades of gray there are others who differ only bulk of objects, others, can only perceive changes in light intensity, and finally, those who are totally blind. All of them, however, have managed to overcome these deficiencies during its evolution, successfully adapted to the conditions and changes in their environment without much difficulty. The best proof of this is that have survived over millions of years, until today
· mites: their sense of vision in general is very poor. Most of them are completely blind, no eyes, however, many respond to changes in light intensity due to certain areas that are thin and transparent on the surface dorsal de su cuerpo.
· Las abejas: en 1914 el investigador alemán Karl von Frisch, pudo comprobar que las abejas tienen un sentido de color especialmente desarrollado, siendo capaces de diferenciar tres colores complementarios, entre varias intensidades de gris: el amarillo, el verde-azul y el azul. El rojo no pueden verlo y fácilmente lo confunden con el negro; en cambio pueden ver el ultravioleta. Por eso es que son atraídas por las flores rojas porque en las flores casi nunca se presenta sólo el color rojo; las amapolas, por ejemplo, que atraen de manera especial a estos insectos, tienen también algo de azul en su composición, pero lo más importante es que reflejan los rayos ultravioleta, perfectamente visible to bees. They may also differentiate the yellow, orange and green. Can distinguish colors but its sensitivity starts in the range of ultraviolet and goes to orange. Some of them can not distinguish red from gray.
· Fish: color vision depends on the depth or the turbulence of the waters, the optical media is clearer (coral reefs, lakes and rivers clean) in which all colors are equally abundant or more " dark "and blue (deep water) or reddish-brown (muddy ponds and streams), are in this group, from monochromatic vision (color blind) and (dichromatic) in fish in troubled waters (trichromatic) on coral reef fish (tetracrómatas) in fish from fresh water crystal clear waters which collect in the ultraviolet.
· Frogs and Toads: Vision is the dominant sense in most amphibians can see colors and have a good view, something important for animals that depend on the quick flight to avoid its many predators.
· Starfish: see only light and darkness, through the "eye cups" filled with light-sensitive cells in the tip of each arm, you can see in many directions, waving their arms and can project their glasses eye out to see better. Other animals with eye glasses are marine worms, some mollusks such as limpets, crustaceans, copepods and larvae of marine animals.
· The eyes of the animals that live in the ocean depths have developed a single class of photoreceptors (rods), capable of responding to stimuli of low light intensity, lack of color vision.
· Turtles: have little hearing, are virtually silent, but to compensate, have good sense of smell, sharp vision and color perception almost as good as humans.
· Lizards: have movable eyelids and good vision during the day, although some can not distinguish colors.
· Snakes: most have relatively poor eyesight, with the exception of the arboreal snake of tropical forests that have excellent binocular vision to find prey among the branches of trees where the smell would be impossible to follow.
· Pigeons: can perceive more colors than a human because they have up to five different types of cones.
· Butterflies: have four different types of cones. You can see a wide range of colors.
· mantis shrimp: has at least 12 kinds of cells sensitive to color and is probably the animal that perceives color.
· Squirrels: have only two types of photosensitive cells, so we see fewer colors, also has only two different types of cones.
· Raccoons and salamanders: have not only have cones and rods in their eyes, so one can not perceive color, but only changes in light intensity: the world is a world of shadows where shadows less dark than under light and less dark, less light. His world is in grayscale.
· Octopuses: not see colors, plus rods, has only one type cone (need to distinguish at least two colors).
· The animals whose body shows opaque colors, dark and inconspicuous , as in most mammals except humans, generally have a very limited colors or see but not perceive the same so that human.
· nocturnal animals that live underground like cururo possess some cones in their retinas, their way of life mainly nocturnal reveals a world in black and white. Birds (owls), amphibians (toads), reptiles (gekos) and rodents.
· animals bearing bright bold colors and, in some or all structures in your body, like many birds, reptiles, fish, insects and some spiders are able to distinguish colors.
· Herbivores: is determined to be able to distinguish colors. Recent research shows that cattle, sheep and goats have dichromatic vision, with cone of maximum sensitivity to light yellow-green and blue-purple. Most of these species are a full range of two colors, usually the entire spectrum, from green to blue:
· Cattle widespread belief that the bull is furious with the red cape is not true; what is striking is the movement itself.
· The horse: some studies showed that it could distinguish red and blue gray, but that did not distinguish green from gray. In another study found that most horses could differentiate the gray red, blue, yellow and green, but a horse could not distinguish between yellow and green.
· Dogs: for many years it was believed that dogs see in black and white, or who were blind to color. However, scientific studies have determined that it is not. And in fact, capture the tones similar to humans, although a decrease in the ranges of red and green. Can distinguish blue from yellow, red or green, but can not distinguish red from green. They can see colors, but not as much as men because we only have two different types of cones. Some studies also claim that the dogs see the world brighter and less detail than we are, approximately six times less
· Cats: for many years, scientists believed that cats had only a monochrome vision, because they did not teach to distinguish some colors from other (rewarding them with food.) However, trained cats come long enough to distinguish some colors, and have been found cones sensitive to green and blue, not red. Giving time can distinguish red and blue and white together, but are probably much like the green, yellow and white, and red they see it as a dark gray
More information: http://www . monografias.com/trabajos48/vision-animales/vision-animales2.shtml

need the proper functioning of the visual system is composed of the eye, optic nerve and various brain structures.
The eye is the gateway for entering the light stimuli are transformed into electrical impulses through a specialized cells of the retina are the rods and cones.
now know with certainty that not all animals have the ability to distinguish colors, there are many who have a magnificent view, but all I see in black and white or in shades of gray there are others who differ only bulk of objects, others, can only perceive changes in light intensity, and finally, those who are totally blind. All of them, however, have managed to overcome these deficiencies during its evolution, successfully adapted to the conditions and changes in their environment without much difficulty. The best proof of this is that have survived over millions of years, until today
· mites: their sense of vision in general is very poor. Most of them are completely blind, no eyes, however, many respond to changes in light intensity due to certain areas that are thin and transparent on the surface dorsal de su cuerpo.
· Las abejas: en 1914 el investigador alemán Karl von Frisch, pudo comprobar que las abejas tienen un sentido de color especialmente desarrollado, siendo capaces de diferenciar tres colores complementarios, entre varias intensidades de gris: el amarillo, el verde-azul y el azul. El rojo no pueden verlo y fácilmente lo confunden con el negro; en cambio pueden ver el ultravioleta. Por eso es que son atraídas por las flores rojas porque en las flores casi nunca se presenta sólo el color rojo; las amapolas, por ejemplo, que atraen de manera especial a estos insectos, tienen también algo de azul en su composición, pero lo más importante es que reflejan los rayos ultravioleta, perfectamente visible to bees. They may also differentiate the yellow, orange and green. Can distinguish colors but its sensitivity starts in the range of ultraviolet and goes to orange. Some of them can not distinguish red from gray.
· Fish: color vision depends on the depth or the turbulence of the waters, the optical media is clearer (coral reefs, lakes and rivers clean) in which all colors are equally abundant or more " dark "and blue (deep water) or reddish-brown (muddy ponds and streams), are in this group, from monochromatic vision (color blind) and (dichromatic) in fish in troubled waters (trichromatic) on coral reef fish (tetracrómatas) in fish from fresh water crystal clear waters which collect in the ultraviolet.
· Frogs and Toads: Vision is the dominant sense in most amphibians can see colors and have a good view, something important for animals that depend on the quick flight to avoid its many predators.
· Starfish: see only light and darkness, through the "eye cups" filled with light-sensitive cells in the tip of each arm, you can see in many directions, waving their arms and can project their glasses eye out to see better. Other animals with eye glasses are marine worms, some mollusks such as limpets, crustaceans, copepods and larvae of marine animals.
· The eyes of the animals that live in the ocean depths have developed a single class of photoreceptors (rods), capable of responding to stimuli of low light intensity, lack of color vision.
· Turtles: have little hearing, are virtually silent, but to compensate, have good sense of smell, sharp vision and color perception almost as good as humans.
· Lizards: have movable eyelids and good vision during the day, although some can not distinguish colors.
· Snakes: most have relatively poor eyesight, with the exception of the arboreal snake of tropical forests that have excellent binocular vision to find prey among the branches of trees where the smell would be impossible to follow.
· Pigeons: can perceive more colors than a human because they have up to five different types of cones.
· Butterflies: have four different types of cones. You can see a wide range of colors.
· mantis shrimp: has at least 12 kinds of cells sensitive to color and is probably the animal that perceives color.
· Squirrels: have only two types of photosensitive cells, so we see fewer colors, also has only two different types of cones.
· Raccoons and salamanders: have not only have cones and rods in their eyes, so one can not perceive color, but only changes in light intensity: the world is a world of shadows where shadows less dark than under light and less dark, less light. His world is in grayscale.
· Octopuses: not see colors, plus rods, has only one type cone (need to distinguish at least two colors).
· The animals whose body shows opaque colors, dark and inconspicuous , as in most mammals except humans, generally have a very limited colors or see but not perceive the same so that human.
· nocturnal animals that live underground like cururo possess some cones in their retinas, their way of life mainly nocturnal reveals a world in black and white. Birds (owls), amphibians (toads), reptiles (gekos) and rodents.
· animals bearing bright bold colors and, in some or all structures in your body, like many birds, reptiles, fish, insects and some spiders are able to distinguish colors.
· Herbivores: is determined to be able to distinguish colors. Recent research shows that cattle, sheep and goats have dichromatic vision, with cone of maximum sensitivity to light yellow-green and blue-purple. Most of these species are a full range of two colors, usually the entire spectrum, from green to blue:
· Cattle widespread belief that the bull is furious with the red cape is not true; what is striking is the movement itself.
· The horse: some studies showed that it could distinguish red and blue gray, but that did not distinguish green from gray. In another study found that most horses could differentiate the gray red, blue, yellow and green, but a horse could not distinguish between yellow and green.
· Dogs: for many years it was believed that dogs see in black and white, or who were blind to color. However, scientific studies have determined that it is not. And in fact, capture the tones similar to humans, although a decrease in the ranges of red and green. Can distinguish blue from yellow, red or green, but can not distinguish red from green. They can see colors, but not as much as men because we only have two different types of cones. Some studies also claim that the dogs see the world brighter and less detail than we are, approximately six times less
· Cats: for many years, scientists believed that cats had only a monochrome vision, because they did not teach to distinguish some colors from other (rewarding them with food.) However, trained cats come long enough to distinguish some colors, and have been found cones sensitive to green and blue, not red. Giving time can distinguish red and blue and white together, but are probably much like the green, yellow and white, and red they see it as a dark gray
More information: http://www . monografias.com/trabajos48/vision-animales/vision-animales2.shtml
Sunday, May 2, 2010
How To Unlock Master Lock On Ipod Nano
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Premium Bonds Draw Dates
Mariquitas = Lucha biológica
Or use the ladybugs for pest control of aphids in small gardens.
The ladybug is perhaps the best known of all beneficial insects to humans. One of the most active predators. The ladybug, Hippodamia covergens, looking for food from dawn to dusk, being able to devour 40 to 50 aphids a day, but also feeds on a wide variety of insects and larvae. Do not eat plants but is exclusively carnivorous. Are more effective if they are released before the pest population is too large. Therefore, it is necessary to release them early and give them time to see a decrease in the level of infestation.
Ladybugs live about one year. Born between April and May and immediately begin to eat ladybugs insectos.A low temperatures fall dormant, and may give the impression of being dead. As you come into heat they become active.
After the latency period is necessary to sprinkle lightly with water before releasing them. If you have been locked for a long time, it is advisable to feed them before release. You can suministraseles a mixture of honey and bee pollen. Never shall be released within hours of heat or sun. It is necessary to keep them refrigerated until almost completely dark. Thus, the garden will begin to release an active pest from the day after its release. To prevent the lady beetles will fly, some of them sprayed a mixture of equal parts of water and soda before releasing them immediately, which will keep the wings attached at one or two days. To achieve optimum results, release some ladybugs every day around flowers, shrubs and trees and keep the rest of them in the refrigerator, preventing freezing. In large plots, scatter the ladybugs in the center and the largest patches of infestation. Ladybugs can be used successfully indoors, but must be released at night to avoid bright colors so be volando.Los of these animals have a very clear (not to cheer the sight, of course).
Colors Ladybug protect you from many predators because they indicate that they are facing a kind venenosa.Este same phenomenon aposematic called, can be seen in other animal species, such as the spotted salamander, skunk or wasp.
eating habits are taking advantage of the ladybug on behalf of the interests of human beings in what is known as biological control , which is simply to use these insects to significantly reduce the damage caused by pests affecting plants.
ladybug can find a wide variety of plant species, only depends on its location in one plant to the presence of their staple food, the aphids.
Certain birds, like the swallow, are immune to poison the ladybugs exude. Ladybugs can also fall into the trap some ladybugs araña.Incluso sometimes attacked by other ladybugs. In this sense, it is rare that the larvae of these insects to eat ladybird eggs when aphids are scarce.
Unlike many insects, the ladybug is viewed favorably. Has a reputation even bring good luck.

The ladybug is perhaps the best known of all beneficial insects to humans. One of the most active predators. The ladybug, Hippodamia covergens, looking for food from dawn to dusk, being able to devour 40 to 50 aphids a day, but also feeds on a wide variety of insects and larvae. Do not eat plants but is exclusively carnivorous. Are more effective if they are released before the pest population is too large. Therefore, it is necessary to release them early and give them time to see a decrease in the level of infestation.
Ladybugs live about one year. Born between April and May and immediately begin to eat ladybugs insectos.A low temperatures fall dormant, and may give the impression of being dead. As you come into heat they become active.
After the latency period is necessary to sprinkle lightly with water before releasing them. If you have been locked for a long time, it is advisable to feed them before release. You can suministraseles a mixture of honey and bee pollen. Never shall be released within hours of heat or sun. It is necessary to keep them refrigerated until almost completely dark. Thus, the garden will begin to release an active pest from the day after its release. To prevent the lady beetles will fly, some of them sprayed a mixture of equal parts of water and soda before releasing them immediately, which will keep the wings attached at one or two days. To achieve optimum results, release some ladybugs every day around flowers, shrubs and trees and keep the rest of them in the refrigerator, preventing freezing. In large plots, scatter the ladybugs in the center and the largest patches of infestation. Ladybugs can be used successfully indoors, but must be released at night to avoid bright colors so be volando.Los of these animals have a very clear (not to cheer the sight, of course).
Colors Ladybug protect you from many predators because they indicate that they are facing a kind venenosa.Este same phenomenon aposematic called, can be seen in other animal species, such as the spotted salamander, skunk or wasp.
eating habits are taking advantage of the ladybug on behalf of the interests of human beings in what is known as biological control , which is simply to use these insects to significantly reduce the damage caused by pests affecting plants.
ladybug can find a wide variety of plant species, only depends on its location in one plant to the presence of their staple food, the aphids.
Certain birds, like the swallow, are immune to poison the ladybugs exude. Ladybugs can also fall into the trap some ladybugs araña.Incluso sometimes attacked by other ladybugs. In this sense, it is rare that the larvae of these insects to eat ladybird eggs when aphids are scarce.
Unlike many insects, the ladybug is viewed favorably. Has a reputation even bring good luck.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Procedure For Need Analysis
Peonia significa 'veracidad'
family is a flower that has more than fifteen different species. A curious note in the language of flowers, the peony means 'truth'.
The peony is a perennial plant of an underground tuber that has thick roots fasciculate of succulent. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the flower stalk is impressive, reaching over one meter in length. The leaves that shelter the peony is subdivided into lacinia and are presented alternately. The fruit is a pod which contain a multitude of shiny black seeds.
As for the flower, it has five sepals and petals number varies between five and ten. Sometimes we find species with many more petals, ie more populated because of the appearance of double flowers.

The peony is a perennial plant of an underground tuber that has thick roots fasciculate of succulent. One of the most noteworthy aspects of the flower stalk is impressive, reaching over one meter in length. The leaves that shelter the peony is subdivided into lacinia and are presented alternately. The fruit is a pod which contain a multitude of shiny black seeds.
As for the flower, it has five sepals and petals number varies between five and ten. Sometimes we find species with many more petals, ie more populated because of the appearance of double flowers.
Flowering occurs between the months from April to June and when grown this beautiful flower must be taken into account as usual multiplication and division is usually performed during the autumn season. The atmosphere more conducive to good growth is intermediate between the shadow and the sun. If we are in an area to the north, where temperatures are higher, will need to find more sunlight.
The terrain is more conducive to an excellent development is the clay and one that has some degree of moisture that stays fresh and good drainage. The soil should be watered at least twice during the week if we are in a very sunny area. So keep it from drying.
The terrain is more conducive to an excellent development is the clay and one that has some degree of moisture that stays fresh and good drainage. The soil should be watered at least twice during the week if we are in a very sunny area. So keep it from drying.
addition to the decoration and purely aesthetic use, the peony has long part time medical research. The heritage of Chinese medicine reached the West and many laboratories are experimenting with different qualities of this flower. Its properties include those of antitussive, sedative, anticonvulsant, gout, lax, laxative, emetic and antispasmodic.
was also used as a drug in ancient times, taking advantage from roots to seeds and, of course, the flower, its petals a frequent resulting in the preparation of infusions. Obviously, we should not regard the peony as a panacea in that their actions in the body have not been fully developed and is suspected of toxic elements that can lead vomiting, diarrhea and cramps even when the dosage is oral. However, there are natural preparations in gel form for topical level that can reduce varicose veins, heal wounds and relieve tired legs.
was also used as a drug in ancient times, taking advantage from roots to seeds and, of course, the flower, its petals a frequent resulting in the preparation of infusions. Obviously, we should not regard the peony as a panacea in that their actions in the body have not been fully developed and is suspected of toxic elements that can lead vomiting, diarrhea and cramps even when the dosage is oral. However, there are natural preparations in gel form for topical level that can reduce varicose veins, heal wounds and relieve tired legs.
herbaceous Peonies disappear every winter and reappear in spring. They are easy to grow, very rustic and offer a unique bloom. The most common is lactiflora called "peony from China," exhibit a large number of varieties, each more attractive and different. The flowers are simple shapes, semi-double or double.
Peonies were associated for a long time, the Ranunculaceae family, but the genus Paeonia had many differences with the rest of this family and therefore in the fifties created a separate family, the Paeoniaceae. The phylogenetic classification places this family in the order of Saxifraga.
Peonies were associated for a long time, the Ranunculaceae family, but the genus Paeonia had many differences with the rest of this family and therefore in the fifties created a separate family, the Paeoniaceae. The phylogenetic classification places this family in the order of Saxifraga.
Misti Spider Detski Koli4ki
Avispones 2
Hidden in the secluded "pits" of Las Villuercas standing still maintains a huge trunk of an old chestnut centennial, makes us imagine the dimensions of which should have been a huge tree. This natural monument, probably be spared the sharp saw for not being profitable its sturdy trunk hollowed out by the passage of time, and scorched by a wild fire in all likelihood, ended his strength. Fortunately the roots of his worn trunk sap have retained enough to give life to the seedlings grown from the strain, and are now mature trees.
Stuck on the trunk, at a height four meters, sheltered from sun and rain, appears hung a nest of hornets feared called "Scooter crabro." It is the largest "wasp" Europe, related to wasps that tripled in size and ferocity, if they are in danger. They are usually very peaceful and do not usually bite unless they are attacked, but I can assure that their sting is very painful. Can bite or sting with its sting is not clear from the body, which can sting multiple times. They often live in the mountains, unlike most assiduous vulgar wasps to urban centers.
hunt all kinds of insects, but also feed on tree sap, sucking its bark, such as oak, ash, alder or ripe fruit falls to the ground. You can also become attached to hunting bees, which captures around or inside the hive. Bees feel defenseless against these fierce enemies, which can lead to the depletion and weaken a hive in a short time. With its powerful jaws to tear their prey apart the head from the trunk, richer in protein, which is transported to the nest to feed their larvae. When the weather is adverse and can not go hunting, the larvae released drops of food that serve as food for the adult hornets. The larvae is a repository of live food and in this way, the Hornets do not need to be reservations supplies such as bees or bumblebees.
Source: Jesus Alvarez Alvarez ( jalvarezje@gmail.com )

Stuck on the trunk, at a height four meters, sheltered from sun and rain, appears hung a nest of hornets feared called "Scooter crabro." It is the largest "wasp" Europe, related to wasps that tripled in size and ferocity, if they are in danger. They are usually very peaceful and do not usually bite unless they are attacked, but I can assure that their sting is very painful. Can bite or sting with its sting is not clear from the body, which can sting multiple times. They often live in the mountains, unlike most assiduous vulgar wasps to urban centers.
hunt all kinds of insects, but also feed on tree sap, sucking its bark, such as oak, ash, alder or ripe fruit falls to the ground. You can also become attached to hunting bees, which captures around or inside the hive. Bees feel defenseless against these fierce enemies, which can lead to the depletion and weaken a hive in a short time. With its powerful jaws to tear their prey apart the head from the trunk, richer in protein, which is transported to the nest to feed their larvae. When the weather is adverse and can not go hunting, the larvae released drops of food that serve as food for the adult hornets. The larvae is a repository of live food and in this way, the Hornets do not need to be reservations supplies such as bees or bumblebees.
Source: Jesus Alvarez Alvarez ( jalvarezje@gmail.com )
Thursday, April 29, 2010
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Gamonita - "El alimento de los muertos"
The Asphodel Asphodel or branched (Asphodel ramosus) is a plant species perennial belonging to the family of asfodeláceas.
Its name derives from the Greek word ἀσφόδελος, "scepter" being the flower that is said, filled the plains of the Champs Elysees. Considered a favorite food of the dead , former often planted near the graves.
is a perennial plant native to central and southern Europe that grows in dry places on limestone, and now widespread throughout the world as an ornamental.
It grows to about 90 cm and has large white flowers with large petals brown travels along a nerve with many long leaves. Globe-shaped fruit.
Pliny, Dioscorides and Hippocrates mentioned as food, your bulbs were roasted in ashes. Both Greeks and Romans used to combat various diseases and the Persians drew up a strong adhesive with bulbs ground and mixed with water. Today its use is discouraged by the presence of asfodelina in roots. In meadows can be found in large numbers, and that cattle avoid it.
Active ingredients: Contains asfodelina, resin, daffodils, mucilage, sucrose.
Indications: detergent, vulnerario, antidermatosis, emollient, antitussive. Diuretic, emmenagogue. Not suitable for internal use for patients with nephritis and gastritis. Its use is almost always external, of erythema and a lightening of freckles.
Other uses: Can be obtained alcohol fermented from the tubers. It is used in cosmetics.
Castilian: abroita, afrodilla, asphodel, ball, rod, cebollana, Moorish onion, scallions, chives, scallions Mount, cockpit, gambonito, Gamito, Asphodel, Asphodel-lily gamonera, Gamones, Gamones Castilian Gamones males Gamones round gamonilla, gamonita, gamonito, gamonitos, soap, jamonita, labruétana, vara de San José, San José varices.
Source: Wikipedia

Its name derives from the Greek word ἀσφόδελος, "scepter" being the flower that is said, filled the plains of the Champs Elysees. Considered a favorite food of the dead , former often planted near the graves.
is a perennial plant native to central and southern Europe that grows in dry places on limestone, and now widespread throughout the world as an ornamental.
It grows to about 90 cm and has large white flowers with large petals brown travels along a nerve with many long leaves. Globe-shaped fruit.
Pliny, Dioscorides and Hippocrates mentioned as food, your bulbs were roasted in ashes. Both Greeks and Romans used to combat various diseases and the Persians drew up a strong adhesive with bulbs ground and mixed with water. Today its use is discouraged by the presence of asfodelina in roots. In meadows can be found in large numbers, and that cattle avoid it.
Active ingredients: Contains asfodelina, resin, daffodils, mucilage, sucrose.
Indications: detergent, vulnerario, antidermatosis, emollient, antitussive. Diuretic, emmenagogue. Not suitable for internal use for patients with nephritis and gastritis. Its use is almost always external, of erythema and a lightening of freckles.
Other uses: Can be obtained alcohol fermented from the tubers. It is used in cosmetics.
Castilian: abroita, afrodilla, asphodel, ball, rod, cebollana, Moorish onion, scallions, chives, scallions Mount, cockpit, gambonito, Gamito, Asphodel, Asphodel-lily gamonera, Gamones, Gamones Castilian Gamones males Gamones round gamonilla, gamonita, gamonito, gamonitos, soap, jamonita, labruétana, vara de San José, San José varices.
Source: Wikipedia
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¿Gigantes o Molinos?
Somewhere in La Mancha whose name I do not remember ...
"... because look there, friend Sancho Panza, where find thirty or more monstrous giants, with whom I do battle and take away all the lives ... "
"What giants? - Sancho Panza said. "
" Those you see there - said his master - the long arms, some have them nearly two leagues. "
" Look, your worship, "said Sancho," that those who are there seem not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the vanes that turned by the wind make the millstone go. "
know, Master Nicholas, "that this was the name of the barber that often befell my uncle could you be poring over these unholy books of misadventures for two days and nights, after which threw the book hands, and put up his sword and fall to slashing the walls, and when he was tired he said he had killed four giants like four towers, and the sweat that flowed from fatigue said it was blood from the wounds he had received in battle, [...]
(I, V, pp. 80-81)
D. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote.

"... because look there, friend Sancho Panza, where find thirty or more monstrous giants, with whom I do battle and take away all the lives ... "
"What giants? - Sancho Panza said. "
" Those you see there - said his master - the long arms, some have them nearly two leagues. "
" Look, your worship, "said Sancho," that those who are there seem not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the vanes that turned by the wind make the millstone go. "
know, Master Nicholas, "that this was the name of the barber that often befell my uncle could you be poring over these unholy books of misadventures for two days and nights, after which threw the book hands, and put up his sword and fall to slashing the walls, and when he was tired he said he had killed four giants like four towers, and the sweat that flowed from fatigue said it was blood from the wounds he had received in battle, [...]
(I, V, pp. 80-81)
D. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote.
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Formaciones Apalachianas - Navatrasierra
Because Appalachian formations Navatrasierra municipality (Cáceres) has been honored as "Geologic Park."
The Villuercas is a geological gem, being a mountain apalachense type, forming parallel mountains and valleys between them, strangely, is the only chain of the peninsula that is North-South orientation.

The Villuercas is a geological gem, being a mountain apalachense type, forming parallel mountains and valleys between them, strangely, is the only chain of the peninsula that is North-South orientation.
starts with the input of sediments that were deposited over many millions of years at the bottom of the Paleozoic seas. These were folded by the Hercynian orogeny forces emerging in this way relieves unimaginable today large folded and aligned structures. Subsequently, the effects of erosion wore down the mountainous terrain to raze and turn almost on a plain, now remembered for the similar height of the crests of quartzite. In its final phase, these views underwent a process of "rejuvenation" due to rising movement that facilitated the engagement of the rivers.
The result This process is not only one of the best examples of relief called "Apalachian" or "Apalachense"-its name taken from the formations of the Appalachian MONTANS (Appalaches Mounts) Norteam northeast, apparently far less than the Villuercas apalachenses .
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Cantueso albino

May and pushed the sun, it was impossible not to stare, and of course the camera, something that my eyes refused to accept: "lavender White.
On the net I found this:
Albinism is one of the most common genetic disorders in humans and also between animal and plant kingdom. The question is how to represent and why. As in the animals, this phenomenon is characterized in plants by the absence of pigments. However, in plants, this absence is fatal because the pigment chlorophyll is missing, and without it an albino plant lacks the means to develop nutrient necessary for their survival and growth.
The occurrence of outbreaks albinos probably results from the combination of recessive genes seed from the parent plant. In contrast, sprouts roots develop from mutations in a single cell or group of cells, since the rest of the plant that grows from the stem is normal albino. Albino plants are characterized by stems and leaves of white or pink. If the albino plant emerges from the stem of a normal plant, there may be transient features in the junction between the two. Albino plant can he survive for long? Outbreaks albinos usually do not survive more than days or weeks, but the shoots that emerge in the roots can live for something more because they can absorb nutrients from the mother plant. Despite its short life, the occurrence of outbreaks is useful albinos for all those studying forest genetics. The genes that cause the appearance of albinism can be used as references when studying rhythms and patterns of seed dispersal from trees that bear these genes in particular.
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was early April and the days were still fresh and a half rain. As he passed an old saw a rare dry oak lump hanging about two feet high, I stopped to photograph it and try to identify its origin, at first glance looked like an ostrich egg wrongly located by chance of fate. It was a hornet's nest, or swarm.

The cork was half rotten and cork bark was recessed. Investigators found that the crust had several holes that closely resembled the cavities that "woodpecker" made to open the fruits harvested. Scrutinizing these holes discovered some disturbing tenants. Appear to be a wasp, larger than the common, known as the "Hornets." Researching the net I found some curious information about these "bugs": "Seven hornet stings kill a horse, three to one adult and two child." This is nothing more than a saying, but that's the conventional wisdom ... You
expand more at:
and Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Translator Roman Tamil
Many evangelicals think that the Rosary is fully referred to Mary and that the central theme of the Rosary is Mary. I did a little calculation, simply because I read a book by evangelical author said that there is very little of Jesus in the Rosary.
understand it is a test a little "daring" to have the verses but I can assure you that this is the first time I did. Normally, the Rosary is very full for me, something similar to what I feel when I memorize a great song of praise.
So, at the risk of enhancing the "dreadful repetition factor" in the Rosary we only count with interest to see what their "rate of Jesus." There are two levels (or aspects), a meditative level and a level voice.
decade of the Rosary
Each focuses on a section of Scripture meditation. These are called "Mysteries." Of the 20 meditations (one for each decade or decade are 5 per day) 18 follow Jesus through the Bible and 19 refer to a specific passage in the Bible. Only 2 of the mysteries (the Assumption and Coronation of Mary) have no textual basis in the Bible and based on the tradition of the Church. That is,
Level Meditative is: • 90%
Jesus, Mary
• 10% (Assumption and Coronation) and 95%
• Bible
The Rosary begins with the Apostles' Creed, accepted by Most Christian denominations, and has 15 verses all grounded in Scripture.
The Lord's Prayer is repeated before each decade and 1 again (after the Creed), total 6 times. It contains about 6 lines of text (Bible). So are 36 lines of text "dedicated to Jesus"
"Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, now and forever
for ever and ever. "
(She reads at the end of each decade +1 again), is said 6 times. There are 4 lines for a total of 24 lines
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire
hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially
most need of Thy Mercy.
(She reads at the end of each decade after the Glory) "was says 5 times multiplied by 4 lines are 20 in total.
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee, (Lc.1, 28)
Blessed art thou among women, (Lk 1 41-42nd; Lc. 1.48)
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. (Luke 1.42 b)
Mary Mother of God (Luke 1.43)
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (Luke 2.35, John 2.5)
Amen Hail Mary has 5 lines taken directly from Scripture. The third line is specifically about Jesus. The Hail Mary is repeated 53 times. Here is the calculation:
Creed • 15 + 36 lines lines lines Padrenuesto Gloria + 24 + 20 lines of "Oh my Jesus" + 53 x 1 line of Jesus in the Ave Maria = 148 lines "Jesus"
• Hail Mary 53 x 4 lines = 212 lines "Mary" (106 verbatim extract from the Scriptures. The 212 based on Scripture as you see above)
• 36 Father + 106 text of the Ave Maria = 142 lines of Scripture text
Creed • 15 + 36 Our Father Hail Mary + 212 = 263 lines directly grounded in Scripture
After we prayed the Rosary: \u200b\u200b148 lines "of Jesus" + 212 lines "Mary" (106 text of Scripture) = 360 total
The vocal range of the Rosary and then forms: 212/360 = 0.59
• As 59% of the vocal range of the Rosary is an order of intercession to Mary. It is that 50% text of the Bible (106/212 = 0.5)
• 148/360 = 0.41 So 41% of the level member of the Rosary are direct prayers to Jesus. Of which 24% are verbatim from the Bible (36/148 = 0.24)
• 142/360 = 0.39. So that it contains 39% of sentences taken verbatim from the scriptures
• 263/360 = 0.73. So that it contains 73% of prayers based directly on Scripture
In conclusion, regarding the level member of the Rosary we can say that
• 41% of prayers to Jesus and
• 59% honor and asking the intercession of Mary. (39% of these sentences taken verbatim of the Bible. )
combining So we have: Meditative Prayer
0.9 (18/20) + 0.41 Vocal Prayer (148/360) = 1.31 for Jesus
0.1 Meditative Prayer (2 / 20) + 0.59 Vocal Prayer (212/360) = 0.69 for Mary
Total prayer (360 lines Meditations vocal prayer + 20) contains both: 1.31 + 0.69 Jesus Maria = 2
What leads to: 1.31 / 2 = 0.65 (percentage: 65%) .69 / 2 = 0.35 (Percentage: 35%)
Hence: Rosario
65% goes to Jesus and 35% to honor and submit orders intecesión Mary.
Meditative Prayer
0.95 (19/20) is verbatim extract from the Bible Prayer Recited
0.39 (142/360) is a paraphrase of Scripture Prayer Recited
0.73 ( 263/360) is directly grounded in Scripture (including text excerpts and foundations)
assigning equal importance to both aspects can assign: 1.0 + 1.0 Meditative Prayer Prayer Recited = 2 (because both constitute in itself a whole) of 0.95
Meditative Prayer + 0.39 of Prayer Recited = 1.34 of the total Rosario es texto de la Escritura. 1.34/2 = 0.67. En porcentaje: 67%
0.95 de la Oración Meditativa + 0.73 de la Oración Recitada = 1.68 parte del total del Rosario fundamentado en la Escritura 1.68 / 2 = 0.84. En porcentaje: 84%
En conclusión:
El Rosario se conforma en un 67% de la Escritura, valor que se eleva al 84% cuando incluimos las oraciones con fundamentos bíblicos directos aunque no se hayan copiado textualmente!.
Fuente: PuenteCatolico.com

understand it is a test a little "daring" to have the verses but I can assure you that this is the first time I did. Normally, the Rosary is very full for me, something similar to what I feel when I memorize a great song of praise.
So, at the risk of enhancing the "dreadful repetition factor" in the Rosary we only count with interest to see what their "rate of Jesus." There are two levels (or aspects), a meditative level and a level voice.
decade of the Rosary
Each focuses on a section of Scripture meditation. These are called "Mysteries." Of the 20 meditations (one for each decade or decade are 5 per day) 18 follow Jesus through the Bible and 19 refer to a specific passage in the Bible. Only 2 of the mysteries (the Assumption and Coronation of Mary) have no textual basis in the Bible and based on the tradition of the Church. That is,
Level Meditative is: • 90%
Jesus, Mary
• 10% (Assumption and Coronation) and 95%
• Bible

The Lord's Prayer is repeated before each decade and 1 again (after the Creed), total 6 times. It contains about 6 lines of text (Bible). So are 36 lines of text "dedicated to Jesus"
"Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, now and forever
for ever and ever. "
(She reads at the end of each decade +1 again), is said 6 times. There are 4 lines for a total of 24 lines
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire
hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially
most need of Thy Mercy.
(She reads at the end of each decade after the Glory) "was says 5 times multiplied by 4 lines are 20 in total.
Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee, (Lc.1, 28)
Blessed art thou among women, (Lk 1 41-42nd; Lc. 1.48)
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. (Luke 1.42 b)
Mary Mother of God (Luke 1.43)
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (Luke 2.35, John 2.5)
Amen Hail Mary has 5 lines taken directly from Scripture. The third line is specifically about Jesus. The Hail Mary is repeated 53 times. Here is the calculation:
Creed • 15 + 36 lines lines lines Padrenuesto Gloria + 24 + 20 lines of "Oh my Jesus" + 53 x 1 line of Jesus in the Ave Maria = 148 lines "Jesus"
• Hail Mary 53 x 4 lines = 212 lines "Mary" (106 verbatim extract from the Scriptures. The 212 based on Scripture as you see above)
• 36 Father + 106 text of the Ave Maria = 142 lines of Scripture text
Creed • 15 + 36 Our Father Hail Mary + 212 = 263 lines directly grounded in Scripture
After we prayed the Rosary: \u200b\u200b148 lines "of Jesus" + 212 lines "Mary" (106 text of Scripture) = 360 total
The vocal range of the Rosary and then forms: 212/360 = 0.59
• As 59% of the vocal range of the Rosary is an order of intercession to Mary. It is that 50% text of the Bible (106/212 = 0.5)
• 148/360 = 0.41 So 41% of the level member of the Rosary are direct prayers to Jesus. Of which 24% are verbatim from the Bible (36/148 = 0.24)
• 142/360 = 0.39. So that it contains 39% of sentences taken verbatim from the scriptures
• 263/360 = 0.73. So that it contains 73% of prayers based directly on Scripture
In conclusion, regarding the level member of the Rosary we can say that
• 41% of prayers to Jesus and
• 59% honor and asking the intercession of Mary. (39% of these sentences taken verbatim of the Bible. )

0.9 (18/20) + 0.41 Vocal Prayer (148/360) = 1.31 for Jesus
0.1 Meditative Prayer (2 / 20) + 0.59 Vocal Prayer (212/360) = 0.69 for Mary
Total prayer (360 lines Meditations vocal prayer + 20) contains both: 1.31 + 0.69 Jesus Maria = 2
What leads to: 1.31 / 2 = 0.65 (percentage: 65%) .69 / 2 = 0.35 (Percentage: 35%)
Hence: Rosario
65% goes to Jesus and 35% to honor and submit orders intecesión Mary.
Meditative Prayer
0.95 (19/20) is verbatim extract from the Bible Prayer Recited
0.39 (142/360) is a paraphrase of Scripture Prayer Recited
0.73 ( 263/360) is directly grounded in Scripture (including text excerpts and foundations)
assigning equal importance to both aspects can assign: 1.0 + 1.0 Meditative Prayer Prayer Recited = 2 (because both constitute in itself a whole) of 0.95
Meditative Prayer + 0.39 of Prayer Recited = 1.34 of the total Rosario es texto de la Escritura. 1.34/2 = 0.67. En porcentaje: 67%
0.95 de la Oración Meditativa + 0.73 de la Oración Recitada = 1.68 parte del total del Rosario fundamentado en la Escritura 1.68 / 2 = 0.84. En porcentaje: 84%
En conclusión:
El Rosario se conforma en un 67% de la Escritura, valor que se eleva al 84% cuando incluimos las oraciones con fundamentos bíblicos directos aunque no se hayan copiado textualmente!.
Fuente: PuenteCatolico.com
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remember the pain, joy and glory of the life of Jesus and Mary, from the very conception of our Lord, through all his passion and death on Calvary, and culminating (after the Ascension Risen Christ and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven) in the distinction of Mary Queen of Creation.
To achieve its true meaning and effect, the recitation of the Rosary should lead us to contemplate the life of Jesus and Mary, to think deeply about God's love to men, on the absolute and unconditional surrender Our Lady of the Divine Will, as an example for all human beings; to draw, in short, all the Gospel teaching that this sentence has to convey as being a synthesis of the most significant experiences of Jesus and His Mother in the mysterious process of redemption. Otherwise, repetition is, as I said at the beginning of this note, a simple mechanical act of false piety.
1. Because God the Father sent the Angel Gabriel greeted as the Mother of his Son: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you." Read: Luke 1: 28. If the servants of God in heaven should bow and Mary, are the servants of God on earth not to do the same?
2. Because the Holy Spirit inspired praise and Mary and Jesus: "Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried with a loud voice: 'Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." Read: Luke 1.48. If you the Spirit does not inspire you to praise and to Mary, what spirit is that? Read: 1 John 4.1.
3. Because Jesus advises us to pray continually. Read: Luke 18.1.
is true that this mandate is met with any sentence, but the Rosary facilitates compliance.
... Therefore, one who prays the Rosary obey the mandate of the Father, Son and the recommendation of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit ....
Psalms of the Bible is 150, so the rosary consists of 150 Hail Marys. The Rosary is the chant of the laity busy people, the poor and the rich, the wise and the ignorant who want to comply with the mandate to praise God at all times with psalms and spiritual songs. Read: Colossians 3: 16.
Pray the Rosary is not just obey what the Bible commands, but pray as the Bible teaches
Jesus said, "When you pray, charláis not much like the Gentiles, for they think that their talk will be heard" . Read Matthew 6.7.
But is idle talk on "Our Father" we pray before each decade? Is it foolish talking to "Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Does is idle talk incessantly repeating the Hail Mary: "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus?"
The Gospel is the story of the life and work of Jesus Christ. The Rosary is contemplation of those mysteries. "This is precisely why the mysteries of the Rosary are compared to the windows through which you can direct gaze and dip into the 'world of God." Message of John Paul II (25-IV-87.) The Rosary helps us to see Jesus through the eyes of Mary and keep his teachings in our heart.
The Rosary is of clearly Gospel. It's Gospel where the Rosary draws the statement of the mysteries and its main formulas. It is in the Gospel is inspired to suggest, motivated by the joyful greeting of the angel and the Virgin pious assent, the attitude with which the faithful should recite, making the gospel, and while harmoniously happen Hail Marys, presents a mystery fundamental-the Incarnation of the Word, contemplated at the decisive moment of the announcement to Mary. The Rosary is thus a Gospel prayer ... The Rosary is a meditation order of events in Christ's saving work. Its division into three parts (birth, passion and resurrection) reflects the primitive ad faith, and the mystery of Christ, humiliation, death and exaltation. Read: Philippians 2.6 to 11 and "Marialis Cultus" 44-45.
The Rosary is not to say nonsense words, but a meditation on the mysteries of Our Lord. Source
catolicoshispanos.com and others.
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For Pope John Paul II
1. Over the centuries the cult of Mary has been a continuous development. In addition to the traditional liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God, have flourished countless expressions of piety, often approved and encouraged by the Magisterium of the Church. Many
Marian devotions and prayers are an extension of the liturgy and have sometimes contributed to enrich it, as in the case of the Office in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other compositions that have become part of the Breviary.
The first call is known dates back to the third century and begins with the words: "Under your protection (Sub tuum praesidium) welcome us, holy Mother of God ...". But prayer to the Virgin most common among Christians since the fourteenth century is the "Ave Maria." Repeating
first words the angel spoke to Mary, it introduces the faithful to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation. The Latin word "bird", which corresponds to xare Greek word is an invitation to joy and could be translated as "Rejoice." Eastern Anthem "Akathistos' repeated insistence that" rejoice. " In the Hail Mary the Virgin call "full of grace" and thus recognize the perfection and beauty of your soul.
The expression "The Lord is with you" reveals the special relationship between God and Mary, who is in the grand design of God's covenant with all humanity. Moreover, the expression "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus", says the realization of the divine in the virginal body of the Daughter of Zion.
By invoking "Holy Mary, Mother of God," Christians pray to that which by a singular privilege is immaculate Mother of the Lord: "Pray for us sinners," and are entrusted to it now and in the final hour of death.
2. Also the traditional Angelus prayer invites us to reflect the mystery of the Incarnation, urging Christians to take Mary as a reference point at the various stages of his journey to imitate in their willingness to perform the divine plan of salvation. This prayer makes us relive the great event in the history of humanity, the Incarnation, to which reference and each "Hail Mary." Here is the value and attractiveness of the Angelus, which have so often shown not only theologians and pastors, but also poets and painters.
In the Marian devotion has acquired an important position the rosary, that through the repetition of "Ave Maria" has to contemplate the mysteries of faith. Also this simple prayer, which feeds the love of Christians to the Mother of God, focuses more clearly the Marian prayer to an end: the glorification of Christ.
Pope Paul VI, like its predecessors, especially Leo XIII, Pius XII and John XXIII, took into serious consideration the Rosary and recommended its distribution in families. Furthermore, in the Apostolic Exhortation Marialis cultus, illustrated his doctrine, noting that it is a "prayer evangelical centered on the mystery of the redemptive Incarnation," and reaffirming its "clearly Christological orientation" (n. 46).
often popular devotion to the rosary, litanies joins, among which the best known are those who pray at the shrine of Loreto and so called "Loreto".
With very simple invocations, helps you focus on the person of Mary to capture the spiritual wealth that the Father's love has been poured into it.
3. As the liturgy and Christian piety show, the Church has always highly regarded the worship of Mary, considering inextricably linked to faith in Christ. In fact, finds its basis in the plan of the Father, the will of the Savior and inspiring action of the Paraclete.
Lady, having received Christ's salvation and grace, is expected to play an important role in the redemption of mankind. With Marian devotion Christians recognize the value of Mary's presence on the road to salvation, coming to her for all kinds of graces. Above all, they know they can have your maternal intercession of the Lord to receive everything they need for the development of divine life and to attain eternal salvation.
As evidenced by the many titles attributed to the Virgin and the continuous pilgrimages to Marian shrines, the confidence of the faithful in the Mother of Jesus impels them to rely on their daily needs.
are sure that your mother's heart can not remain indifferent to the material and spiritual poverty of their children.
Thus, devotion to the Mother of God, encouraging confidence and spontaneity, helping to instill calm in the spiritual life and make progress to the faithful on the demanding path of the beatitudes.
4. Finally, we recall that the devotion to Mary, giving relief to the human dimension of the Incarnation, helps discover better the face of a God who shares the joys and sufferings of humanity, "God with us," she conceived as a man in his pure heart, father, attended and followed with ineffable love since the days of Nazareth and Bethlehem to the cross and resurrection.
Of Pope John Paul II

1. Over the centuries the cult of Mary has been a continuous development. In addition to the traditional liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God, have flourished countless expressions of piety, often approved and encouraged by the Magisterium of the Church. Many
Marian devotions and prayers are an extension of the liturgy and have sometimes contributed to enrich it, as in the case of the Office in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and other compositions that have become part of the Breviary.
The first call is known dates back to the third century and begins with the words: "Under your protection (Sub tuum praesidium) welcome us, holy Mother of God ...". But prayer to the Virgin most common among Christians since the fourteenth century is the "Ave Maria." Repeating
first words the angel spoke to Mary, it introduces the faithful to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation. The Latin word "bird", which corresponds to xare Greek word is an invitation to joy and could be translated as "Rejoice." Eastern Anthem "Akathistos' repeated insistence that" rejoice. " In the Hail Mary the Virgin call "full of grace" and thus recognize the perfection and beauty of your soul.
The expression "The Lord is with you" reveals the special relationship between God and Mary, who is in the grand design of God's covenant with all humanity. Moreover, the expression "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus", says the realization of the divine in the virginal body of the Daughter of Zion.
By invoking "Holy Mary, Mother of God," Christians pray to that which by a singular privilege is immaculate Mother of the Lord: "Pray for us sinners," and are entrusted to it now and in the final hour of death.
2. Also the traditional Angelus prayer invites us to reflect the mystery of the Incarnation, urging Christians to take Mary as a reference point at the various stages of his journey to imitate in their willingness to perform the divine plan of salvation. This prayer makes us relive the great event in the history of humanity, the Incarnation, to which reference and each "Hail Mary." Here is the value and attractiveness of the Angelus, which have so often shown not only theologians and pastors, but also poets and painters.
In the Marian devotion has acquired an important position the rosary, that through the repetition of "Ave Maria" has to contemplate the mysteries of faith. Also this simple prayer, which feeds the love of Christians to the Mother of God, focuses more clearly the Marian prayer to an end: the glorification of Christ.
Pope Paul VI, like its predecessors, especially Leo XIII, Pius XII and John XXIII, took into serious consideration the Rosary and recommended its distribution in families. Furthermore, in the Apostolic Exhortation Marialis cultus, illustrated his doctrine, noting that it is a "prayer evangelical centered on the mystery of the redemptive Incarnation," and reaffirming its "clearly Christological orientation" (n. 46).
often popular devotion to the rosary, litanies joins, among which the best known are those who pray at the shrine of Loreto and so called "Loreto".
With very simple invocations, helps you focus on the person of Mary to capture the spiritual wealth that the Father's love has been poured into it.
3. As the liturgy and Christian piety show, the Church has always highly regarded the worship of Mary, considering inextricably linked to faith in Christ. In fact, finds its basis in the plan of the Father, the will of the Savior and inspiring action of the Paraclete.
Lady, having received Christ's salvation and grace, is expected to play an important role in the redemption of mankind. With Marian devotion Christians recognize the value of Mary's presence on the road to salvation, coming to her for all kinds of graces. Above all, they know they can have your maternal intercession of the Lord to receive everything they need for the development of divine life and to attain eternal salvation.
As evidenced by the many titles attributed to the Virgin and the continuous pilgrimages to Marian shrines, the confidence of the faithful in the Mother of Jesus impels them to rely on their daily needs.
are sure that your mother's heart can not remain indifferent to the material and spiritual poverty of their children.
Thus, devotion to the Mother of God, encouraging confidence and spontaneity, helping to instill calm in the spiritual life and make progress to the faithful on the demanding path of the beatitudes.
4. Finally, we recall that the devotion to Mary, giving relief to the human dimension of the Incarnation, helps discover better the face of a God who shares the joys and sufferings of humanity, "God with us," she conceived as a man in his pure heart, father, attended and followed with ineffable love since the days of Nazareth and Bethlehem to the cross and resurrection.
Of Pope John Paul II
Friday, April 23, 2010
How Much Are Revo Hot Air Brushes
the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph
When we simultaneously win talk about battle. Success means winning a battle.
The Blessed Virgin at Fatima tells of a battle being waged at this time including the widespread loss of faith, loss of many souls, war, destruction, but after all the worst war is the loss of faith, as the Lord says: "Do not fear those who kill the body, but to those who kill the soul."
The worst death is the soul who loses faith, is far from God, their love and their mandates, sinks into a life of sin, at the risk of eternal damnation, or eternal death.
Lady Blessed in this great battle we wage today, the battle to the Holy Father John Paul II called the culture of death, which not only includes the destruction of human life, but also the destruction of the soul, gives us his Heart as a safe haven, but at the same time, indicates that in these times in particular, God wanted that victory is gained by Ella: "tell the world that are great graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary "and" God has entrusted to the Immaculate Heart, peace and the conversion of the world. " (Jacinta). When Lucia asked Jesus, for the conversion of Russia will depend on the consecration of this to the Immaculate Heart the Lord answered: "Because I want you to clearly understand that success is the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus spread the cult and devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart. "
Why Our Lady battle against evil?
Since the beginning of Scripture (Genesis 3) to the end (Revelation 12), is revealed to the Blessed Virgin in enmity and battle against Satan, his minions and his works. Genesis
3.15 - "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, you bruise his heel." Revelation 12: "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head .... Then another sign appeared: a red dragon ..... wants to devour her child when born .... And the woman fled into the desert ... The dragon persecuted the woman, but she gave the woman the two wings of great eagle to fly to the desert .... So enraged against women, went to make war on the rest of their children, which keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. "
The Blessed Virgin plays an important role in the spiritual battle since the revolt of Lucifer. When God created Lucifer (the morning star, bringer of light) created a magnificent creature who shared his freedom and power. When Lucifer and his angels rebelled with a cry "I will not serve" was precisely because the announcement of the future event of the Incarnation: God became man born of woman would make the power of the Holy Spirit. God revealed his plan to save man from sin. Angels would have to serve the God made man, his mother and all the redeemed. This is considered a humiliation and rebelled and his followers were expelled from heaven. Satan became from that moment bearer of darkness, rebellion, lies, pride and arrogance. Enmity with God forever, fallen out with the woman who would bring the world to God made man and inimical to all followers of Christ who she is spiritual Mother.
"In the plan of salvation, the mystery of the Incarnation constitutes the superabundant fulfillment of the promise made by God to man after the original sin after sin that weigh the effects on the entire history of man on earth. Son comes into the world, the "seed of the woman" who will defeat the evil of sin from its very root. The victory of the Son of women will not happen without a tough fight, which penetrate all of human history. "Enmity" announced in the beginning is confirmed in Revelation, book of the last of the Church and the world. Mary, is located in the center of that "enmity" of that struggle which accompanies the history of mankind on earth and the very history of salvation ... In this history Mary remains a sign of future hope "(SS Juan Pablo ie, am # 11).
The Blessed Virgin is God's answer to Lucifer. She is the new morning star that brings us true light, the bringer of salvation, of the Incarnate Word, the Ark of the Covenant. The large sign appeared in heaven clothed with the sun, covered with the light of Christ. With the moon under her feet (moon symbolizes the time under your feet).
She has authority, exercises control over time, is its patron. She even lived at the time, is superior to the vicissitudes of time and is not conditioned by, or has the God-given power to crush the battles that occur at specific times). Crowned: participant in the real power of His Son (She is the queen of heaven and earth). With twelve stars symbolizes the triumph of the Church in Mary.
Mary's response: "Behold the Lord's servant "perfect answer to the cry of Lucifer:" I will not serve. "
The response of Mary to Elizabeth (praise, humility, service and mercy) in direct opposition to Satan, who seeks his own glory, their autonomy. That is proud, egotistical and full of hatred and accusation.
For perfect cooperation of Mary in God's saving plan from the Annunciation to the Cross, she with her "fiat" part of that "crush the head of Satan." And descendants of Mary, Christ and the heel are the spiritual children of Mary, crush the serpent's head, that is, the root of sin: pride.
The aftermath of the battle is sin. Mary has power over the devil and ends its destructive work, the Immaculate She had been established under the future redemption of his Son. She being Immaculate, never had original sin and personal, that is, Satan has never had power over her or his mind or heart, or actions. It is for this reason that our mother called us urgently to true conversion, the renunciation of sin, indifference, unbelief and rebellion that is in man today .... She always fight as a good mother in this decisive moment for humanity, at which time you play the eternal salvation of so many souls, including ours.
Are not all the apparitions of the Virgin Mother of Our direct interventions at a time to prevent and protect the Church and humanity from the dangers that the lack of conversion can lead to tragic consequences? Are not the apparitions of the Virgin, interference with the work and snares of the devil, and renew the faith and prayer? She always stands as a good mother in the defense of their children, between the devil and men, to counteract the effects of dark and sinful, evil action.
If the history of the Church, have been evident these interventions and interferences of the Blessed Virgin to protect their children, struggling and triumphing against the devil, in recent centuries, we have been seeing intervene as never before. This is understandable in light of what St. Louis de Montfort said: As time passes the battle will intensify.
San Luis María Grignon de Montfort: "God has made an irreconcilable enmity will last and grow until the end of the world is between Mary, His Blessed Mother and the devil among the children and servants of the Virgin Mary, and children and Lucifer's subjects, so that the most terrible of the enemies of Satan that God has raised is Mary, His Blessed Mother, to which he gave, from the very paradise on earth, but was not yet over the idea that both loathing the enemy of God, so much art to discover the malice of the ancient serpent, so hard to win, bring down and crush this proud monster that he fears more than all the angels and all men , and in a sense more than God himself
The most terrible enemy that has caused God against Satan is Mary. And why?
1-For Satan, who is so proud, suffers infinitely more to be conquered and punished by a simple and humble servant of God and the Virgin's humility humiliates him more than divine power.
2-For God has given to Mary great power against demons. (We see him in exorcism, Marian works). This power is her immaculate conception and that the devil could never involve them in the kingdom of darkness through sin.
3-What Lucifer lost by pride Mary won it with his humility. What Eve lost by disobedience, Mary won obedience. Eva obeying the serpent, became the cause of perdition for himself and all his children, Mary to remain faithful to God, he became the source of salvation for herself and her children and servants all holy. Mary
always find malice the infernal infernal serpent and his plots, his diabolical vanish and deliver advice to his faithful servants, to the end of time, their cruel claws. The power of Mary over all devils shine particularly in recent times when Satan will lie in wait for his heel, ie, the humble slaves and poor children that Mary will raise to make war to hell. " (Treatise on True Devotion # 52 and 53)
Is it necessary to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart?
Satan is the prince of this world, being a mighty angel, has had power on societies, nations and events. That power was broken by the death and resurrection of our Lord and that salvation is available to us, the Church. We have victory in Christ, but the battle for hosting and enjoy this victory continues in every generation until the end of time. It is precisely in this battle of humanity today, children of God and the Church, against Satan and his minions, that the Blessed Virgin comes to our aid as captain of the great battles of God to help us achieve victory that your heart is full and real.
Apparition at Fatima July 13, 1917: "You saw hell where the souls of poor sinners to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I'm going to say, it will save many souls and peace ..... there will be wars, famine and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this I come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my desires are met, Russia will be converted and there will be peace, if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated ..... Suddenly, the horizon looks bleak .... and then comes a bright ray of light and hope: "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. "
In this message of Fatima, Our Lady wanted to raise awareness that we are in a battle involving nations, societies and kingdoms, and each individual which they reside. "We can not deny the existence of forces in society to act with hostility towards the Church. All these things show the subtle work of the prince of this world and the mystery of iniquity even today. " (Synod of Bishops, 1985 - Final Approval for # 14)
The key to the strategy of Satan in our time Atheism has been the corruption of faith and humanity's total secularization. Gradually, Russia, as announced by the Virgin at Fatima, has spread its errors, not only politically, but more importantly, spreading a spiritual level, his atheism, materialism and secularism, humanism, reducing man to mere belief in the visible world, and want to put it under his control without God. Also, the Church, faith and the Scriptures have come under direct attack from a "religion made the world" (do not talk about techniques, but of the doctrine) or "of religious imposture," "false concepts of religion" "false concepts of Church. " "Too often deceived by the Evil men are vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator" (Lumen Gentium # 16)
clearly we deduce that the larger battle of the times that encloses all being waged today is: CRISIS OF FAITH. We have a crisis of faith because they do not believe in God or in His Word, a lack of obedience to God who has revealed himself and also revealed the truth. Lack of faith, which translates into a life whose end is ground, not celestial, and also deny the supernatural values. In the Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Juan Pablo II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, leemos: “De hecho, no se puede negar que la vida espiritual atraviesa en muchos cristianos un momento de incertidumbre que afecta no solo la vida moral, sino incluso a la oración y a la misma rectitud teologal de la fe. Esta, ya probada por el careo con nuestro tiempo, está a veces desorientada por posturas teológicas erróneas, que se difunden también a causa de la crisís de obediencia al Magisterio de la Iglesia”.(# 36)
El Santo Padre nos está diciendo que nuestra fe está siendo probada en estos tiempos porque el error ha entrado en todas las áreas de nuestra vida: espiritual, moral y doctrinal. Debido a esta crisís de fe, have darkened the minds and consciences are disoriented and confused. Sin is no longer called by name, and that is why we see so much chaos, intellectual pride, rebellion, seeking the truth outside of God and defining the truth according to personal interpretation of each and circumstances. There is also a fascination with the occult and the New Age movement. And all this confusion we can observe, sometimes even in religious circles.
is why it is necessary to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, because when the Church as a battle of our time, Mother comes to the rescue, to help us and take us to the desert (Revelation 12: hide in your heart, nourishing your faith strong, their willingness to the Word, obedience to God's revelation. Formándonos with her maternal mediation, with his teachings and directions and advice. And care of malignant defending in this war for our souls, keeping closely guarded in his heart where the devil can not enter, nor steal. "Fear not, my Immaculate Heart will be your shelter and your sure path to God" (The Virgin Lucia)
is evident that in these times, and I would say that urgently need a powerful Virgin victory over evil: the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of light over darkness, truth over error, of holiness on corruption, peace over war and violence. "We need the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to save mankind, showing Jesus the blessed fruit of your womb" (SSJuan Paul II, Angelus, July 8, 1984).
quoted Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Hlond August, that dying he said "the victory if it will come through Mary." As I walked into the problems of the universal Church, to be elected pope, wearing on me a similar conviction: that even in this universal, victory, if it comes, will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the victories of the Church in the contemporary world and in the future world be linked to her "(Crossing the Threshold of Hope, page 236)
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is also the triumph of the Church. "Will the new springtime of the Church that the Holy Father spoke in Tertio Millennium Adveniente" resurgence of faith, will shine the Church, Christ's Heart will triumph. "
What is this win?
The spiritual conquest of the world. In other words, our hearts go back to her Son, who belong to Him again, and her Immaculate Heart is the surest way, and perfect for getting to the heart of Christ. She, like our mother, wants to do everything possible to return to the path of His Son, for taking us to Him, reveal the only Savior and Lord. She wants to show us the way we've lost: love, faith, conversion, life of the sacraments, moral values, family values, obedience and fidelity to God and His commandments.
"The Immaculate must conquer the world and every individual, so to return to God. That is why we must recognize it for what it is and submit to her and her reign, which is all love and tenderness "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
We must always think about the triumph of the Blessed Virgin in terms of destruction sin, their structures and the consequences of sin. is precisely the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, because the battle being waged in the hearts of men who have hardened, have turned away from God and have given way to darkness and sin, the world, the flesh and the demon. She, in whose heart is fully live the victory of Christ Redeemer, we want people to share in that victory, saying to each one of us and all nations, the triumph of His Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of love over egoism, of peace over violence, faith renewed by the Holy Spirit on atheism, the loving devotion of indifference and coldness, the revelation of truth over falsehood, heresy and false religion.
How will this win? What are the media?
"The words of Fatima, with the end of the century, seem close to completion" (JPII).
This win is making its way through various acts significant and take place in the story through our response to the work of our Mother in these times, our faithful obedience to his requests and directions. In addition, it will be the sacrifice of the apostles of modern times (the children of Mary, lovers and worshipers of the Eucharist, the faithful to the Pope), following in the footsteps of the Twelve after Pentecost, with the same spirit delivers up to martyrdom for the faith of blood if that were the plan of God's mercy, or at least moral, will stand firm in his testimony of prayer, penance, love, peace, fidelity to the truth in the difficult time present.
¿Cuando y de qué manera?
Quizás esto pertenece a la tercera parte del secreto, que a su tiempo se patentizará mejor. No sabemos exactamente el como ni el cuando, pero sabemos los medios que la Santísima Virgen nos esta dando para que promovamos y aceleremos este triunfo. En el mismo mensaje de Julio 13, Ella nos lo dice: “para impedirla (batalla espiritual y crisís de fe) vendré a pedir la Consagración de Rusia a mi Inmaculado CORAZÓN y la comunión reparadora de los primeros sábados. Si se atienden mis deseos, Rusia se convertirá y habrá una era de paz”
1- Consagración and Repair.
Consecration is surrender, trusting the Heart of Our Mother. Let us form, shape, guide and teach through her. Is to fill their interior layouts and share their thanks. She is kept inside to be protected in this hard struggle we are waging against the forces of evil.
are belong to Our Blessed Mother, is to be claimed as a thing and his possession, which weakens the power of Satan over us who want to lose, away from God and condemn.
know that the souls who indulge completely and unreservedly She came to understand much better who is the Lord Jesus and mysteries of God. Mother of God can not lead anywhere except to our Lord, His Church and His Teaching. The apostles of our times, are formed in the Immaculate Heart, as well as after the resurrection, during this persecution, the apostles were with Mary.
She put on the service: "We want to be perfect instruments of the Immaculate and totally guided by her, in perfect obedience" (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
is important more than ever, make it known and make a lot of love and be devoted to her. "Jesus wants to use you to let me know and love me" (The Blessed Virgin Lucia)
Consecration is not just a prayer or an act of devotion, a commitment, a lifestyle of obedience, humility, unconditional service, openness to others, ability to silence, purification, etc.
Any act of consecration, draws and updates the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. The act of consecration of the world as Pope John Paul II, is directed to the ultimate triumph of the Immaculate Heart predicted at Fatima. Because when we give ourselves accept it as Mother, Teacher and Queen, and invite you to bring all its spiritual mission in us. We could conclude that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart has been slowly weaving a series of crucial events in the life of the Church of this century, apparitions, Marian movements, consecrations, John Paul II and the Consecration of 1984, the fall of Marxist political structures that impeded freedom of faith and religion, the Marian Year, the beatification of the children of Fatima, the renewal of consecration of the world and the Church in October 2000.
So sometimes extraordinary, but often in more subtle ways, we are seeing clear and direct intervention of Our Lady renewed faith chilled and confused, calling us to a life of prayer, penance, love and adoration of the Eucharist, Repair, sacraments, praying the Rosary and fidelity to the faith of the Church.
Along with the consecration, reparation. On December 10, 1925, appeared to Sister Lucia, the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. He told the boy: "Have mercy Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it unceasingly, with no one to do an act of reparation to pull them."
Immediately the Blessed Virgin said: "Look my dear, my heart encircled by thorns which ungrateful men constantly stick their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me. "
Elements Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays:
1 - Recitation of Holy Rosary thought (get into the mysteries of our Redemption)
2-Sacrament of Reconciliation and soul (conversion strategy and repentance)
3- Receive Communion in reparation for our sins and the sins of the world and the offenses to her Immaculate Heart.
4-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (being in the presence of Christ to worship, love, believe, for those who do not love, love, and believe). Repair attracts mercy.
2. El Santo Rosario
In each of the Fatima apparitions, She asked "pray the rosary," Why? Powerful weapon against the crisis of faith. "It's the faith contained in a hand." All the major mysteries of our salvation and redemption are contained in the mysteries of the rosary (deepen the faith in a spirit of prayer). Great Battles
have expired with the Rosary: \u200b\u200bSanto Domingo, Lepanto (October 7, 1571), Brazil (1964) Pope Pius IX: "Give me an army of people praying the rosary and conquer the world. "
After each decade we have been asked to recite: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy."
Large battles of God in his people, has delivered the Virgin Mary, coming to our aid and heading in the midst of trouble (Juan / Cruz) (Santiago Pilar) (Guadeloupe) (Covadonga) (Lepanto) (Poland) (Russia) ... As the pillar or column of Genesis 13, 21-22, of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night preceded the Israelites in the wilderness to teach Along the way, and never failed to take his place in front of the village, the Blessed Virgin is the new pillar or column, which reveals Santiago and lets a pillar at the beginning of Christianity, and also revealed in more recent times in the St. John Bosco's dream. She goes before the Church and of each other in times of confusion and fighting, leading to the Sacred Heart insurance.
She always intervene in human history. God has given him the power. The story of Esther, the Virgin at Fatima brought a particular detail in her dress: a star. This helps us understand the essential mission of the Blessed Virgin in this appearance. Esther means star. To do this go to Book of Esther, the Queen intervened to save the people from the trap and exterminate the enemy. Rather the enemy is killed, does the favor of King, who reverse the action of the enemy to it.
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is progressive and gives way to step
We have seen the fruit of the consecration of the world and Russia, the collapse of political structures that prevent faith. But this does not mean that the world today is a believing world. In 1991, when the Pope visited Fatima: "I am aware that the spirit behind communism is not dead, and there is a danger of replacing Marxism with another form of atheism that exalts the freedom tends to destroy the roots of human morality and Christian. The new conditions of the people and the Church are still dangerous and unstable. So Mother, reveal your love to each of your children and nations, as you need. "
That means us, the Holy Father, that the Blessed Virgin has already achieved the first stage of the battle, destroy a system estructurizado with political power, but there is much to tear down all the bugs that spread the materialism, insubordination, rebellion, violence, oppression, atheism, a world without God, without opening up its mysteries, dissent from the truth, secularism. other words, failure to achieve an end to the crisis of faith and its consequences within the Church and the world, hearts, families and entire nations. In this same message of Fatima: "Portugal will not lose faith ".... and then comes the secret .... that means that there are nations who do lose? Missing still overcome the crisis of faith: With this victory, it will fulfill all the promise "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph" and will come a time of peace.
"The current global crisis and within the Church, in the end will reveal a great truth hidden from the eyes of humanity will feel powerless to solve it by itself, despite the technical progress. Then at the bottom of their poverty, feel the need to join God as a vital requirement. This will be the turning point for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. "
But the fruit of this victory will be an era of peace. Why was peace? Because to win her heart, she's Queen of Peace we will share the peace that resides in your heart. Peace is the fruit of their total communion of love with Christ, peace you get from him for the perfect unity of two hearts. She has peace for its perfect harmony with the will of God and his designs.
work for that win
"Those who fully commit themselves to the Immaculate burn with a love so powerful that they will ignite the fire to everything that is around and cause many souls burn with that same love. Well conquer the world and every soul in particular for the Immaculate. This will be done as soon as possible. "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
The personal commitment and experience true: break down the existing structures of sin in our hearts. First, we need to make it succeed in our hearts and thus going to succeed in society.
"We must win the universe and every individual now and in the future, until the end of time, to the Blessed Virgin, and by it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These souls come to love the Sacred Heart much better and more deeply than they have done so far. Through your love and set fire to consume the world "(St. Maximilian Kolbe).
I think we should recognize the seriousness of the moment, and everything depends on our response time to live. Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, that would be nice knowing we even tiny instruments that triumph. Fatima (last night), "go and be Apostles of my Immaculate Heart. "
is, we must answer the call of our Mother, the media gives us to achieve the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, and more than ever we must make it known, make love and use means that it gives to our conversion and the era of peace.
Anne Catherine Emmerich (mystical early nineteenth century) tells us: "I saw flying over the surface of the sky a glowing heart of a red light, which was leaving a trail of white rays leading to the wound in the side of Jesus. Those rays they attracted a large number of souls, through the Heart and the shining path, entering Alongside of Jesus. I explained that the heart was that of Mary. "
For Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM

The Blessed Virgin at Fatima tells of a battle being waged at this time including the widespread loss of faith, loss of many souls, war, destruction, but after all the worst war is the loss of faith, as the Lord says: "Do not fear those who kill the body, but to those who kill the soul."
The worst death is the soul who loses faith, is far from God, their love and their mandates, sinks into a life of sin, at the risk of eternal damnation, or eternal death.
Lady Blessed in this great battle we wage today, the battle to the Holy Father John Paul II called the culture of death, which not only includes the destruction of human life, but also the destruction of the soul, gives us his Heart as a safe haven, but at the same time, indicates that in these times in particular, God wanted that victory is gained by Ella: "tell the world that are great graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary "and" God has entrusted to the Immaculate Heart, peace and the conversion of the world. " (Jacinta). When Lucia asked Jesus, for the conversion of Russia will depend on the consecration of this to the Immaculate Heart the Lord answered: "Because I want you to clearly understand that success is the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus spread the cult and devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart. "
Why Our Lady battle against evil?
Since the beginning of Scripture (Genesis 3) to the end (Revelation 12), is revealed to the Blessed Virgin in enmity and battle against Satan, his minions and his works. Genesis
3.15 - "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, you bruise his heel." Revelation 12: "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head .... Then another sign appeared: a red dragon ..... wants to devour her child when born .... And the woman fled into the desert ... The dragon persecuted the woman, but she gave the woman the two wings of great eagle to fly to the desert .... So enraged against women, went to make war on the rest of their children, which keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. "
The Blessed Virgin plays an important role in the spiritual battle since the revolt of Lucifer. When God created Lucifer (the morning star, bringer of light) created a magnificent creature who shared his freedom and power. When Lucifer and his angels rebelled with a cry "I will not serve" was precisely because the announcement of the future event of the Incarnation: God became man born of woman would make the power of the Holy Spirit. God revealed his plan to save man from sin. Angels would have to serve the God made man, his mother and all the redeemed. This is considered a humiliation and rebelled and his followers were expelled from heaven. Satan became from that moment bearer of darkness, rebellion, lies, pride and arrogance. Enmity with God forever, fallen out with the woman who would bring the world to God made man and inimical to all followers of Christ who she is spiritual Mother.
"In the plan of salvation, the mystery of the Incarnation constitutes the superabundant fulfillment of the promise made by God to man after the original sin after sin that weigh the effects on the entire history of man on earth. Son comes into the world, the "seed of the woman" who will defeat the evil of sin from its very root. The victory of the Son of women will not happen without a tough fight, which penetrate all of human history. "Enmity" announced in the beginning is confirmed in Revelation, book of the last of the Church and the world. Mary, is located in the center of that "enmity" of that struggle which accompanies the history of mankind on earth and the very history of salvation ... In this history Mary remains a sign of future hope "(SS Juan Pablo ie, am # 11).
The Blessed Virgin is God's answer to Lucifer. She is the new morning star that brings us true light, the bringer of salvation, of the Incarnate Word, the Ark of the Covenant. The large sign appeared in heaven clothed with the sun, covered with the light of Christ. With the moon under her feet (moon symbolizes the time under your feet).
She has authority, exercises control over time, is its patron. She even lived at the time, is superior to the vicissitudes of time and is not conditioned by, or has the God-given power to crush the battles that occur at specific times). Crowned: participant in the real power of His Son (She is the queen of heaven and earth). With twelve stars symbolizes the triumph of the Church in Mary.
Mary's response: "Behold the Lord's servant "perfect answer to the cry of Lucifer:" I will not serve. "
The response of Mary to Elizabeth (praise, humility, service and mercy) in direct opposition to Satan, who seeks his own glory, their autonomy. That is proud, egotistical and full of hatred and accusation.
For perfect cooperation of Mary in God's saving plan from the Annunciation to the Cross, she with her "fiat" part of that "crush the head of Satan." And descendants of Mary, Christ and the heel are the spiritual children of Mary, crush the serpent's head, that is, the root of sin: pride.
The aftermath of the battle is sin. Mary has power over the devil and ends its destructive work, the Immaculate She had been established under the future redemption of his Son. She being Immaculate, never had original sin and personal, that is, Satan has never had power over her or his mind or heart, or actions. It is for this reason that our mother called us urgently to true conversion, the renunciation of sin, indifference, unbelief and rebellion that is in man today .... She always fight as a good mother in this decisive moment for humanity, at which time you play the eternal salvation of so many souls, including ours.
Are not all the apparitions of the Virgin Mother of Our direct interventions at a time to prevent and protect the Church and humanity from the dangers that the lack of conversion can lead to tragic consequences? Are not the apparitions of the Virgin, interference with the work and snares of the devil, and renew the faith and prayer? She always stands as a good mother in the defense of their children, between the devil and men, to counteract the effects of dark and sinful, evil action.
If the history of the Church, have been evident these interventions and interferences of the Blessed Virgin to protect their children, struggling and triumphing against the devil, in recent centuries, we have been seeing intervene as never before. This is understandable in light of what St. Louis de Montfort said: As time passes the battle will intensify.
San Luis María Grignon de Montfort: "God has made an irreconcilable enmity will last and grow until the end of the world is between Mary, His Blessed Mother and the devil among the children and servants of the Virgin Mary, and children and Lucifer's subjects, so that the most terrible of the enemies of Satan that God has raised is Mary, His Blessed Mother, to which he gave, from the very paradise on earth, but was not yet over the idea that both loathing the enemy of God, so much art to discover the malice of the ancient serpent, so hard to win, bring down and crush this proud monster that he fears more than all the angels and all men , and in a sense more than God himself
The most terrible enemy that has caused God against Satan is Mary. And why?
1-For Satan, who is so proud, suffers infinitely more to be conquered and punished by a simple and humble servant of God and the Virgin's humility humiliates him more than divine power.
2-For God has given to Mary great power against demons. (We see him in exorcism, Marian works). This power is her immaculate conception and that the devil could never involve them in the kingdom of darkness through sin.
3-What Lucifer lost by pride Mary won it with his humility. What Eve lost by disobedience, Mary won obedience. Eva obeying the serpent, became the cause of perdition for himself and all his children, Mary to remain faithful to God, he became the source of salvation for herself and her children and servants all holy. Mary
always find malice the infernal infernal serpent and his plots, his diabolical vanish and deliver advice to his faithful servants, to the end of time, their cruel claws. The power of Mary over all devils shine particularly in recent times when Satan will lie in wait for his heel, ie, the humble slaves and poor children that Mary will raise to make war to hell. " (Treatise on True Devotion # 52 and 53)
Is it necessary to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart?
Satan is the prince of this world, being a mighty angel, has had power on societies, nations and events. That power was broken by the death and resurrection of our Lord and that salvation is available to us, the Church. We have victory in Christ, but the battle for hosting and enjoy this victory continues in every generation until the end of time. It is precisely in this battle of humanity today, children of God and the Church, against Satan and his minions, that the Blessed Virgin comes to our aid as captain of the great battles of God to help us achieve victory that your heart is full and real.
Apparition at Fatima July 13, 1917: "You saw hell where the souls of poor sinners to save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I'm going to say, it will save many souls and peace ..... there will be wars, famine and persecutions of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this I come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If my desires are met, Russia will be converted and there will be peace, if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated ..... Suddenly, the horizon looks bleak .... and then comes a bright ray of light and hope: "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. "
In this message of Fatima, Our Lady wanted to raise awareness that we are in a battle involving nations, societies and kingdoms, and each individual which they reside. "We can not deny the existence of forces in society to act with hostility towards the Church. All these things show the subtle work of the prince of this world and the mystery of iniquity even today. " (Synod of Bishops, 1985 - Final Approval for # 14)
The key to the strategy of Satan in our time Atheism has been the corruption of faith and humanity's total secularization. Gradually, Russia, as announced by the Virgin at Fatima, has spread its errors, not only politically, but more importantly, spreading a spiritual level, his atheism, materialism and secularism, humanism, reducing man to mere belief in the visible world, and want to put it under his control without God. Also, the Church, faith and the Scriptures have come under direct attack from a "religion made the world" (do not talk about techniques, but of the doctrine) or "of religious imposture," "false concepts of religion" "false concepts of Church. " "Too often deceived by the Evil men are vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator" (Lumen Gentium # 16)
clearly we deduce that the larger battle of the times that encloses all being waged today is: CRISIS OF FAITH. We have a crisis of faith because they do not believe in God or in His Word, a lack of obedience to God who has revealed himself and also revealed the truth. Lack of faith, which translates into a life whose end is ground, not celestial, and also deny the supernatural values. In the Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Juan Pablo II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, leemos: “De hecho, no se puede negar que la vida espiritual atraviesa en muchos cristianos un momento de incertidumbre que afecta no solo la vida moral, sino incluso a la oración y a la misma rectitud teologal de la fe. Esta, ya probada por el careo con nuestro tiempo, está a veces desorientada por posturas teológicas erróneas, que se difunden también a causa de la crisís de obediencia al Magisterio de la Iglesia”.(# 36)
El Santo Padre nos está diciendo que nuestra fe está siendo probada en estos tiempos porque el error ha entrado en todas las áreas de nuestra vida: espiritual, moral y doctrinal. Debido a esta crisís de fe, have darkened the minds and consciences are disoriented and confused. Sin is no longer called by name, and that is why we see so much chaos, intellectual pride, rebellion, seeking the truth outside of God and defining the truth according to personal interpretation of each and circumstances. There is also a fascination with the occult and the New Age movement. And all this confusion we can observe, sometimes even in religious circles.
is why it is necessary to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, because when the Church as a battle of our time, Mother comes to the rescue, to help us and take us to the desert (Revelation 12: hide in your heart, nourishing your faith strong, their willingness to the Word, obedience to God's revelation. Formándonos with her maternal mediation, with his teachings and directions and advice. And care of malignant defending in this war for our souls, keeping closely guarded in his heart where the devil can not enter, nor steal. "Fear not, my Immaculate Heart will be your shelter and your sure path to God" (The Virgin Lucia)
is evident that in these times, and I would say that urgently need a powerful Virgin victory over evil: the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of light over darkness, truth over error, of holiness on corruption, peace over war and violence. "We need the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to save mankind, showing Jesus the blessed fruit of your womb" (SSJuan Paul II, Angelus, July 8, 1984).
quoted Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Hlond August, that dying he said "the victory if it will come through Mary." As I walked into the problems of the universal Church, to be elected pope, wearing on me a similar conviction: that even in this universal, victory, if it comes, will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because He wants the victories of the Church in the contemporary world and in the future world be linked to her "(Crossing the Threshold of Hope, page 236)
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is also the triumph of the Church. "Will the new springtime of the Church that the Holy Father spoke in Tertio Millennium Adveniente" resurgence of faith, will shine the Church, Christ's Heart will triumph. "
What is this win?
The spiritual conquest of the world. In other words, our hearts go back to her Son, who belong to Him again, and her Immaculate Heart is the surest way, and perfect for getting to the heart of Christ. She, like our mother, wants to do everything possible to return to the path of His Son, for taking us to Him, reveal the only Savior and Lord. She wants to show us the way we've lost: love, faith, conversion, life of the sacraments, moral values, family values, obedience and fidelity to God and His commandments.
"The Immaculate must conquer the world and every individual, so to return to God. That is why we must recognize it for what it is and submit to her and her reign, which is all love and tenderness "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
We must always think about the triumph of the Blessed Virgin in terms of destruction sin, their structures and the consequences of sin. is precisely the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, because the battle being waged in the hearts of men who have hardened, have turned away from God and have given way to darkness and sin, the world, the flesh and the demon. She, in whose heart is fully live the victory of Christ Redeemer, we want people to share in that victory, saying to each one of us and all nations, the triumph of His Heart, the triumph of grace over sin, of love over egoism, of peace over violence, faith renewed by the Holy Spirit on atheism, the loving devotion of indifference and coldness, the revelation of truth over falsehood, heresy and false religion.
How will this win? What are the media?
"The words of Fatima, with the end of the century, seem close to completion" (JPII).
This win is making its way through various acts significant and take place in the story through our response to the work of our Mother in these times, our faithful obedience to his requests and directions. In addition, it will be the sacrifice of the apostles of modern times (the children of Mary, lovers and worshipers of the Eucharist, the faithful to the Pope), following in the footsteps of the Twelve after Pentecost, with the same spirit delivers up to martyrdom for the faith of blood if that were the plan of God's mercy, or at least moral, will stand firm in his testimony of prayer, penance, love, peace, fidelity to the truth in the difficult time present.
¿Cuando y de qué manera?
Quizás esto pertenece a la tercera parte del secreto, que a su tiempo se patentizará mejor. No sabemos exactamente el como ni el cuando, pero sabemos los medios que la Santísima Virgen nos esta dando para que promovamos y aceleremos este triunfo. En el mismo mensaje de Julio 13, Ella nos lo dice: “para impedirla (batalla espiritual y crisís de fe) vendré a pedir la Consagración de Rusia a mi Inmaculado CORAZÓN y la comunión reparadora de los primeros sábados. Si se atienden mis deseos, Rusia se convertirá y habrá una era de paz”
1- Consagración and Repair.
Consecration is surrender, trusting the Heart of Our Mother. Let us form, shape, guide and teach through her. Is to fill their interior layouts and share their thanks. She is kept inside to be protected in this hard struggle we are waging against the forces of evil.
are belong to Our Blessed Mother, is to be claimed as a thing and his possession, which weakens the power of Satan over us who want to lose, away from God and condemn.
know that the souls who indulge completely and unreservedly She came to understand much better who is the Lord Jesus and mysteries of God. Mother of God can not lead anywhere except to our Lord, His Church and His Teaching. The apostles of our times, are formed in the Immaculate Heart, as well as after the resurrection, during this persecution, the apostles were with Mary.
She put on the service: "We want to be perfect instruments of the Immaculate and totally guided by her, in perfect obedience" (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
is important more than ever, make it known and make a lot of love and be devoted to her. "Jesus wants to use you to let me know and love me" (The Blessed Virgin Lucia)
Consecration is not just a prayer or an act of devotion, a commitment, a lifestyle of obedience, humility, unconditional service, openness to others, ability to silence, purification, etc.
Any act of consecration, draws and updates the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. The act of consecration of the world as Pope John Paul II, is directed to the ultimate triumph of the Immaculate Heart predicted at Fatima. Because when we give ourselves accept it as Mother, Teacher and Queen, and invite you to bring all its spiritual mission in us. We could conclude that the triumph of the Immaculate Heart has been slowly weaving a series of crucial events in the life of the Church of this century, apparitions, Marian movements, consecrations, John Paul II and the Consecration of 1984, the fall of Marxist political structures that impeded freedom of faith and religion, the Marian Year, the beatification of the children of Fatima, the renewal of consecration of the world and the Church in October 2000.
So sometimes extraordinary, but often in more subtle ways, we are seeing clear and direct intervention of Our Lady renewed faith chilled and confused, calling us to a life of prayer, penance, love and adoration of the Eucharist, Repair, sacraments, praying the Rosary and fidelity to the faith of the Church.
Along with the consecration, reparation. On December 10, 1925, appeared to Sister Lucia, the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. He told the boy: "Have mercy Heart of your Most Holy Mother, covered with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it unceasingly, with no one to do an act of reparation to pull them."
Immediately the Blessed Virgin said: "Look my dear, my heart encircled by thorns which ungrateful men constantly stick their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me. "
Elements Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays:
1 - Recitation of Holy Rosary thought (get into the mysteries of our Redemption)
2-Sacrament of Reconciliation and soul (conversion strategy and repentance)
3- Receive Communion in reparation for our sins and the sins of the world and the offenses to her Immaculate Heart.
4-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (being in the presence of Christ to worship, love, believe, for those who do not love, love, and believe). Repair attracts mercy.
2. El Santo Rosario
In each of the Fatima apparitions, She asked "pray the rosary," Why? Powerful weapon against the crisis of faith. "It's the faith contained in a hand." All the major mysteries of our salvation and redemption are contained in the mysteries of the rosary (deepen the faith in a spirit of prayer). Great Battles
have expired with the Rosary: \u200b\u200bSanto Domingo, Lepanto (October 7, 1571), Brazil (1964) Pope Pius IX: "Give me an army of people praying the rosary and conquer the world. "
After each decade we have been asked to recite: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy."
Large battles of God in his people, has delivered the Virgin Mary, coming to our aid and heading in the midst of trouble (Juan / Cruz) (Santiago Pilar) (Guadeloupe) (Covadonga) (Lepanto) (Poland) (Russia) ... As the pillar or column of Genesis 13, 21-22, of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night preceded the Israelites in the wilderness to teach Along the way, and never failed to take his place in front of the village, the Blessed Virgin is the new pillar or column, which reveals Santiago and lets a pillar at the beginning of Christianity, and also revealed in more recent times in the St. John Bosco's dream. She goes before the Church and of each other in times of confusion and fighting, leading to the Sacred Heart insurance.
She always intervene in human history. God has given him the power. The story of Esther, the Virgin at Fatima brought a particular detail in her dress: a star. This helps us understand the essential mission of the Blessed Virgin in this appearance. Esther means star. To do this go to Book of Esther, the Queen intervened to save the people from the trap and exterminate the enemy. Rather the enemy is killed, does the favor of King, who reverse the action of the enemy to it.
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart is progressive and gives way to step
We have seen the fruit of the consecration of the world and Russia, the collapse of political structures that prevent faith. But this does not mean that the world today is a believing world. In 1991, when the Pope visited Fatima: "I am aware that the spirit behind communism is not dead, and there is a danger of replacing Marxism with another form of atheism that exalts the freedom tends to destroy the roots of human morality and Christian. The new conditions of the people and the Church are still dangerous and unstable. So Mother, reveal your love to each of your children and nations, as you need. "
That means us, the Holy Father, that the Blessed Virgin has already achieved the first stage of the battle, destroy a system estructurizado with political power, but there is much to tear down all the bugs that spread the materialism, insubordination, rebellion, violence, oppression, atheism, a world without God, without opening up its mysteries, dissent from the truth, secularism. other words, failure to achieve an end to the crisis of faith and its consequences within the Church and the world, hearts, families and entire nations. In this same message of Fatima: "Portugal will not lose faith ".... and then comes the secret .... that means that there are nations who do lose? Missing still overcome the crisis of faith: With this victory, it will fulfill all the promise "Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph" and will come a time of peace.
"The current global crisis and within the Church, in the end will reveal a great truth hidden from the eyes of humanity will feel powerless to solve it by itself, despite the technical progress. Then at the bottom of their poverty, feel the need to join God as a vital requirement. This will be the turning point for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. "
But the fruit of this victory will be an era of peace. Why was peace? Because to win her heart, she's Queen of Peace we will share the peace that resides in your heart. Peace is the fruit of their total communion of love with Christ, peace you get from him for the perfect unity of two hearts. She has peace for its perfect harmony with the will of God and his designs.
work for that win
"Those who fully commit themselves to the Immaculate burn with a love so powerful that they will ignite the fire to everything that is around and cause many souls burn with that same love. Well conquer the world and every soul in particular for the Immaculate. This will be done as soon as possible. "(St. Maximilian Kolbe)
The personal commitment and experience true: break down the existing structures of sin in our hearts. First, we need to make it succeed in our hearts and thus going to succeed in society.
"We must win the universe and every individual now and in the future, until the end of time, to the Blessed Virgin, and by it to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These souls come to love the Sacred Heart much better and more deeply than they have done so far. Through your love and set fire to consume the world "(St. Maximilian Kolbe).
I think we should recognize the seriousness of the moment, and everything depends on our response time to live. Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, that would be nice knowing we even tiny instruments that triumph. Fatima (last night), "go and be Apostles of my Immaculate Heart. "
is, we must answer the call of our Mother, the media gives us to achieve the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, and more than ever we must make it known, make love and use means that it gives to our conversion and the era of peace.
Anne Catherine Emmerich (mystical early nineteenth century) tells us: "I saw flying over the surface of the sky a glowing heart of a red light, which was leaving a trail of white rays leading to the wound in the side of Jesus. Those rays they attracted a large number of souls, through the Heart and the shining path, entering Alongside of Jesus. I explained that the heart was that of Mary. "
For Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM
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Marialis Cultus: Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Paul VI, 1974
Pope Paul VI says that the Church recognizes in devotion to the Virgin a powerful aid for man to come to get the prime of life, itself a pledge, guarantee and proof that a person of our human race has done and the plan of God to save every man.
He adds that the cult of the Virgin has strong roots in the revealed word and that mission of multiple exercises for the Virgin Mary with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
the Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is in the nature of Christian worship. The worship always and everywhere has told the Mother of God, from the blessing of Elizabeth to the expressions of praise and supplication of our time, is a strong testimony of how the 'lex orandi' (worship) is a invitation to revive in the minds of "lex credendi (faith). And vice versa: the lex credendi of the Church requires that all over the blooming flower "lex orandi" in connection with the Mother of Christ.
The cult of the Virgin is deeply rooted in the revealed word and a solid foundation in the truths of Catholic doctrine, such as:
- the singular dignity of Mary, Mother of the Son of God and, therefore, beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit, for such extraordinary grace far outstrips all other creatures, celestial and terrestrial
- unconditional cooperation at decisive moments in the work of salvation accomplished by her Son ;
- his holiness , Which was already full at the time of her immaculate conception and that, however, grew more and more as they clung to the father's and crossing the path of suffering, you constantly progressing, hope and charity;
- its mission and the position held , only the People of God, which is both a prominent member, exemplary finish and most loving mother;
- his incessant and effective intercession , whereby even having been assumed into heaven, is still shown near the faithful who beg and even those who know they really are her children;
- glory, finally, that elevates the entire human race, as expressed beautifully the poet Dante: "You're the one that ennobled human nature so that its Creator Did not disdain to become your own making", in fact, Mary belongs to our race as a true daughter Eva, although outside the spot of the mother, and our real sister, who fully shared our condition, as humble and poor women.
add that the cult of the Virgin has its ultimate justification in the unfathomable and free plan of God, which, being eternal and divine love, does all as a loving, loved and worked it wonders he loved himself, the loved by us, he gave himself and gave it to us.
Christ is the only way to the Father, Christ is the supreme model to which the disciple must conform his own conduct, until they have their feelings, live their own life and his Spirit. This is what the Church has always taught and nothing in pastoral activity should obscure this doctrine.
But the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit and tamed by centuries of experience, also recognizes that the cult of the Virgin Mary, subordinated to worship the Savior and surrender in connection with it, has a great pastoral effectiveness and is a force for renewing Christian living. The reason of this effect is easily sensed. The multiple mission to the Virgin Mary exercises with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
be useful to consider the various aspects of the mission and see how all are oriented, each with its own effectiveness, toward the same goal: to play in their children the spiritual characteristics of the firstborn Son.
We mean that the maternal intercession of Mary, her exemplary holiness and God's grace in it, become for the human race a source of supernatural hope.
maternal mission entrusted to Mary constantly invites the people of God to turn with filial confidence to her who is always ready to accept their prayers and maternal love effective relief aid. why the people of God is invoked as "comforting the afflicted," "Health of the Sick" and "refuge of sinners, for comfort in tribulation, relief in sickness and liberating force in sin. And indeed she, free from all sin, leads to children with strong determination to overcome sin. And, we must affirm it again, this deliverance from sin is the necessary condition for any renewal of Christian.
exemplary Holiness encourages the faithful Virgin to lift their eyes to Mary who shines as a model of virtue to the whole community of the elect. And it's solid virtues, evangelical, faith and the docile acceptance of the Word of God, obedience generous, sincere humility, the solicitous charity reflective wisdom, the true piety, which moves to perform their religious duties , to express their gratitude for the goods received, to offer in the Temple and take part in the prayer of the apostolic community, the strength in exile and sorrow, poverty led with dignity and trust in the Lord, the watchful care for the Son from the humility of the cradle to the ignominy of the Cross, the delicacy service, purity and strong virginal and chaste married love.
Of these virtues of Mother adorn the children, covered with tenacious resolve their examples to emulate in their lives. And such progress in virtue will result and the ripe fruit of that pastoral power that springs from the worship given to the Virgin Mary.
Devotion to the Mother of God provides true opportunity to grow in divine grace ultimate goal of all pastoral activity. it is impossible to honor the gracious no value in itself the gift of grace, ie, friendship with God, communion of life with Him, the indwelling the Spirit. This grace affects the whole person and does conform to the image of the Son.
The Catholic Church, supported by secular experience, recognizes in devotion to the Virgin a powerful aid for man to come to get the fullness of his life. Mary, the "new woman" is with Christ, "the new man, in the light of whose mystery is felt the mystery of man. And so as a pledge and guarantee that a person of our human race, Mary, has already made the plan of God to save every man.
contemporary man, often tossed between anguish and hope, the feeling prostrate its limits, assaulted by endless aspirations, troubled in spirit and broken heart, the mind suspended by the enigma of death, oppressed by loneliness while tends strongly to communication with others, overcome by feelings of nausea and boredom and to that modern man, the Virgin, referred to in the circumstances of his earthly life or the happiness that was already in the City of God, offers a serene view and a reassuring word: it is a guarantee that hope will triumph over anxiety, fellowship over solitude, peace over the embarrassment, joy and beauty over boredom and disgust, the eternal perspective on earthly desires, life over death. Sean
the hallmark of our appeal and a new proof of the pastoral value of devotion to Our Lady to lead men to Christ, the same words that she spoke to the servants at the wedding at Cana: "Do whatever he say. " Words apparently limited to the desire to remedy the awkward situation of a banquet, but really, if we consider the prospects of the Fourth Gospel, is a phrase that seems to echo the formula used by the people of Israel to ratify the covenant of Sinai or to renew the commitments acquired there, and are also fully compliant with the word of the Father in the appearance of Mount Tabor: "Listen to him."
We thought well, Venerable Brethren, treat extensively of this cult of the Mother of God, being an integral part of Christian worship. He asked for the importance of the subject under study, review and dispute in recent years.
comforts us to think that the work done to implement the norms of the Council, by the Apostolic See for yourself, especially in the reform of the liturgy, is being a great help for that tribute to the Father , Son and Holy Spirit worship more and more alive and aware and you grow the Christian life of the faithful. It is also a matter of trust the finding that the renewed Roman liturgy is a clear testimony to the devotion of the Church to the Virgin Mary. We also maintains the hope that will be truly accepted and implemented the guidelines for making such devotion increasingly vigorous. And finally we welcome the opportunity that the Lord has given us to offer these considerations on some points of doctrine, with which we hope to grow the esteem and renew and confirm the practice of the Rosary.
Consuelo, confidence, hope and joy, uniting our voice with that of the Virgin Mary in her Magnificat, we translate into fervent praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
While we are willing, Dear brothers and sisters because, thanks to your diligent efforts, takes place in the clergy and the people entrusted to your care, a healthy increase of Marian devotion, with undoubted benefit to the Church and human society, impart to you and all the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care, a special Apostolic Blessing.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, on February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in 1974, the eleventh of Our Pontificate. Paul VI

He adds that the cult of the Virgin has strong roots in the revealed word and that mission of multiple exercises for the Virgin Mary with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
the Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is in the nature of Christian worship. The worship always and everywhere has told the Mother of God, from the blessing of Elizabeth to the expressions of praise and supplication of our time, is a strong testimony of how the 'lex orandi' (worship) is a invitation to revive in the minds of "lex credendi (faith). And vice versa: the lex credendi of the Church requires that all over the blooming flower "lex orandi" in connection with the Mother of Christ.
The cult of the Virgin is deeply rooted in the revealed word and a solid foundation in the truths of Catholic doctrine, such as:
- the singular dignity of Mary, Mother of the Son of God and, therefore, beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit, for such extraordinary grace far outstrips all other creatures, celestial and terrestrial
- unconditional cooperation at decisive moments in the work of salvation accomplished by her Son ;
- his holiness , Which was already full at the time of her immaculate conception and that, however, grew more and more as they clung to the father's and crossing the path of suffering, you constantly progressing, hope and charity;
- its mission and the position held , only the People of God, which is both a prominent member, exemplary finish and most loving mother;
- his incessant and effective intercession , whereby even having been assumed into heaven, is still shown near the faithful who beg and even those who know they really are her children;
- glory, finally, that elevates the entire human race, as expressed beautifully the poet Dante: "You're the one that ennobled human nature so that its Creator Did not disdain to become your own making", in fact, Mary belongs to our race as a true daughter Eva, although outside the spot of the mother, and our real sister, who fully shared our condition, as humble and poor women.
add that the cult of the Virgin has its ultimate justification in the unfathomable and free plan of God, which, being eternal and divine love, does all as a loving, loved and worked it wonders he loved himself, the loved by us, he gave himself and gave it to us.
Christ is the only way to the Father, Christ is the supreme model to which the disciple must conform his own conduct, until they have their feelings, live their own life and his Spirit. This is what the Church has always taught and nothing in pastoral activity should obscure this doctrine.
But the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit and tamed by centuries of experience, also recognizes that the cult of the Virgin Mary, subordinated to worship the Savior and surrender in connection with it, has a great pastoral effectiveness and is a force for renewing Christian living. The reason of this effect is easily sensed. The multiple mission to the Virgin Mary exercises with the People of God is a supernatural reality that acts effectively in the church community.
be useful to consider the various aspects of the mission and see how all are oriented, each with its own effectiveness, toward the same goal: to play in their children the spiritual characteristics of the firstborn Son.
We mean that the maternal intercession of Mary, her exemplary holiness and God's grace in it, become for the human race a source of supernatural hope.
maternal mission entrusted to Mary constantly invites the people of God to turn with filial confidence to her who is always ready to accept their prayers and maternal love effective relief aid. why the people of God is invoked as "comforting the afflicted," "Health of the Sick" and "refuge of sinners, for comfort in tribulation, relief in sickness and liberating force in sin. And indeed she, free from all sin, leads to children with strong determination to overcome sin. And, we must affirm it again, this deliverance from sin is the necessary condition for any renewal of Christian.
exemplary Holiness encourages the faithful Virgin to lift their eyes to Mary who shines as a model of virtue to the whole community of the elect. And it's solid virtues, evangelical, faith and the docile acceptance of the Word of God, obedience generous, sincere humility, the solicitous charity reflective wisdom, the true piety, which moves to perform their religious duties , to express their gratitude for the goods received, to offer in the Temple and take part in the prayer of the apostolic community, the strength in exile and sorrow, poverty led with dignity and trust in the Lord, the watchful care for the Son from the humility of the cradle to the ignominy of the Cross, the delicacy service, purity and strong virginal and chaste married love.
Of these virtues of Mother adorn the children, covered with tenacious resolve their examples to emulate in their lives. And such progress in virtue will result and the ripe fruit of that pastoral power that springs from the worship given to the Virgin Mary.
Devotion to the Mother of God provides true opportunity to grow in divine grace ultimate goal of all pastoral activity. it is impossible to honor the gracious no value in itself the gift of grace, ie, friendship with God, communion of life with Him, the indwelling the Spirit. This grace affects the whole person and does conform to the image of the Son.
The Catholic Church, supported by secular experience, recognizes in devotion to the Virgin a powerful aid for man to come to get the fullness of his life. Mary, the "new woman" is with Christ, "the new man, in the light of whose mystery is felt the mystery of man. And so as a pledge and guarantee that a person of our human race, Mary, has already made the plan of God to save every man.
contemporary man, often tossed between anguish and hope, the feeling prostrate its limits, assaulted by endless aspirations, troubled in spirit and broken heart, the mind suspended by the enigma of death, oppressed by loneliness while tends strongly to communication with others, overcome by feelings of nausea and boredom and to that modern man, the Virgin, referred to in the circumstances of his earthly life or the happiness that was already in the City of God, offers a serene view and a reassuring word: it is a guarantee that hope will triumph over anxiety, fellowship over solitude, peace over the embarrassment, joy and beauty over boredom and disgust, the eternal perspective on earthly desires, life over death. Sean
the hallmark of our appeal and a new proof of the pastoral value of devotion to Our Lady to lead men to Christ, the same words that she spoke to the servants at the wedding at Cana: "Do whatever he say. " Words apparently limited to the desire to remedy the awkward situation of a banquet, but really, if we consider the prospects of the Fourth Gospel, is a phrase that seems to echo the formula used by the people of Israel to ratify the covenant of Sinai or to renew the commitments acquired there, and are also fully compliant with the word of the Father in the appearance of Mount Tabor: "Listen to him."
We thought well, Venerable Brethren, treat extensively of this cult of the Mother of God, being an integral part of Christian worship. He asked for the importance of the subject under study, review and dispute in recent years.
comforts us to think that the work done to implement the norms of the Council, by the Apostolic See for yourself, especially in the reform of the liturgy, is being a great help for that tribute to the Father , Son and Holy Spirit worship more and more alive and aware and you grow the Christian life of the faithful. It is also a matter of trust the finding that the renewed Roman liturgy is a clear testimony to the devotion of the Church to the Virgin Mary. We also maintains the hope that will be truly accepted and implemented the guidelines for making such devotion increasingly vigorous. And finally we welcome the opportunity that the Lord has given us to offer these considerations on some points of doctrine, with which we hope to grow the esteem and renew and confirm the practice of the Rosary.
Consuelo, confidence, hope and joy, uniting our voice with that of the Virgin Mary in her Magnificat, we translate into fervent praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
While we are willing, Dear brothers and sisters because, thanks to your diligent efforts, takes place in the clergy and the people entrusted to your care, a healthy increase of Marian devotion, with undoubted benefit to the Church and human society, impart to you and all the faithful entrusted to your pastoral care, a special Apostolic Blessing.
Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, on February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in 1974, the eleventh of Our Pontificate. Paul VI
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