The ladybug is perhaps the best known of all beneficial insects to humans. One of the most active predators. The ladybug, Hippodamia covergens, looking for food from dawn to dusk, being able to devour 40 to 50 aphids a day, but also feeds on a wide variety of insects and larvae. Do not eat plants but is exclusively carnivorous. Are more effective if they are released before the pest population is too large. Therefore, it is necessary to release them early and give them time to see a decrease in the level of infestation.
Ladybugs live about one year. Born between April and May and immediately begin to eat ladybugs insectos.A low temperatures fall dormant, and may give the impression of being dead. As you come into heat they become active.
After the latency period is necessary to sprinkle lightly with water before releasing them. If you have been locked for a long time, it is advisable to feed them before release. You can suministraseles a mixture of honey and bee pollen. Never shall be released within hours of heat or sun. It is necessary to keep them refrigerated until almost completely dark. Thus, the garden will begin to release an active pest from the day after its release. To prevent the lady beetles will fly, some of them sprayed a mixture of equal parts of water and soda before releasing them immediately, which will keep the wings attached at one or two days. To achieve optimum results, release some ladybugs every day around flowers, shrubs and trees and keep the rest of them in the refrigerator, preventing freezing. In large plots, scatter the ladybugs in the center and the largest patches of infestation. Ladybugs can be used successfully indoors, but must be released at night to avoid bright colors so be volando.Los of these animals have a very clear (not to cheer the sight, of course).
Colors Ladybug protect you from many predators because they indicate that they are facing a kind venenosa.Este same phenomenon aposematic called, can be seen in other animal species, such as the spotted salamander, skunk or wasp.
eating habits are taking advantage of the ladybug on behalf of the interests of human beings in what is known as biological control , which is simply to use these insects to significantly reduce the damage caused by pests affecting plants.
ladybug can find a wide variety of plant species, only depends on its location in one plant to the presence of their staple food, the aphids.
Certain birds, like the swallow, are immune to poison the ladybugs exude. Ladybugs can also fall into the trap some ladybugs araña.Incluso sometimes attacked by other ladybugs. In this sense, it is rare that the larvae of these insects to eat ladybird eggs when aphids are scarce.
Unlike many insects, the ladybug is viewed favorably. Has a reputation even bring good luck.
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