Tuesday, April 26, 2011

High Off Of Benzonatate

postneoliberalism Rethinking the economic model: a brief analysis about the election as Causal

"A successful design must go much further development of wealth accumulation and growth of gross national product and other variables related to income." Amartya SEN

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

structural adjustment policies of the so-called Washington Consensus that were implemented in Peru from the 90's, contained among others, reducing the fiscal deficit, exchange rate adjustments, liberalization trade and foreign investment, privatization, deregulation and flexibility, protection of property rights, liberalization of interest rates, etc.

The above economic model was not able to combine macro-economic prosperity with social welfare, as can be seen below: (i) in the last 10 years the GDP growth reached 60% and only in the last 5 years, 42.8%; (ii) exports increased from $ 12 616 million in 2005 to $ 35 042 million U.S. dollars in 2010, (iii) average inflation (percentage change) in the year 2009 reached 2.9%, (iv) is counted with 46 mil millones de dólares de reservas internacionales netas. Sin embargo: (i) la pobreza disminuyo 13,9% en 5 años (de 48.7% en el año 2005 a 34.8% en el 2010), la pobreza urbana en el año 2009 se encontraba en el 21,1% y la pobreza rural en 60.3%; (ii) la extrema pobreza disminuyo en 5 años, 5.6% (de 17.1% a 11.5%); (iii) el salario mínimo vital aumento en los últimos 5 años en S/. 50.00 nuevos soles (de S/. 550.00 a S/. 600.00 nuevos soles); (iv) la tasa de analfabetismo en el año 2007, es del 7.1%, siendo en el sector rural de 19.7%; entre otros.

Como podemos observar no existe una relación directamente proporcional entre los indicadores macroeconómicos and social indicators: indeed, it is evident that the less well with the current economic model is the rural sector. Customers also do not enjoy economic booms, are often confronted with a model that prioritizes the mining industry to support the development, over the agricultural or livestock production. Thus, of the 236 conflicts identified by the Ombudsman, 116 are of a socio-environmental.

Nor can we fail to mention the achievements of the model implemented, the same genre macroeconomic growth and deflation. However, an ethical business model should aim a proportional relationship between macroeconomic prosperity with social welfare, establishing policies that will enable inclusion and equity through social investment, to admit reduce illiteracy and improve access and quality of health services and education. Reducing levels of unemployment, underemployment and increasing the percentage of decent work.

The challenge for the new government is to improve the life they lead all Peruvians, the same as measured by social indicators and break with the outdated idea that development is synonymous with economic growth, or rather "understanding the economic growth not as an end in itself but as part of human development. "


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