Tuesday, April 26, 2011

High Off Of Benzonatate

postneoliberalism Rethinking the economic model: a brief analysis about the election as Causal

"A successful design must go much further development of wealth accumulation and growth of gross national product and other variables related to income." Amartya SEN

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

structural adjustment policies of the so-called Washington Consensus that were implemented in Peru from the 90's, contained among others, reducing the fiscal deficit, exchange rate adjustments, liberalization trade and foreign investment, privatization, deregulation and flexibility, protection of property rights, liberalization of interest rates, etc.

The above economic model was not able to combine macro-economic prosperity with social welfare, as can be seen below: (i) in the last 10 years the GDP growth reached 60% and only in the last 5 years, 42.8%; (ii) exports increased from $ 12 616 million in 2005 to $ 35 042 million U.S. dollars in 2010, (iii) average inflation (percentage change) in the year 2009 reached 2.9%, (iv) is counted with 46 mil millones de dólares de reservas internacionales netas. Sin embargo: (i) la pobreza disminuyo 13,9% en 5 años (de 48.7% en el año 2005 a 34.8% en el 2010), la pobreza urbana en el año 2009 se encontraba en el 21,1% y la pobreza rural en 60.3%; (ii) la extrema pobreza disminuyo en 5 años, 5.6% (de 17.1% a 11.5%); (iii) el salario mínimo vital aumento en los últimos 5 años en S/. 50.00 nuevos soles (de S/. 550.00 a S/. 600.00 nuevos soles); (iv) la tasa de analfabetismo en el año 2007, es del 7.1%, siendo en el sector rural de 19.7%; entre otros.

Como podemos observar no existe una relación directamente proporcional entre los indicadores macroeconómicos and social indicators: indeed, it is evident that the less well with the current economic model is the rural sector. Customers also do not enjoy economic booms, are often confronted with a model that prioritizes the mining industry to support the development, over the agricultural or livestock production. Thus, of the 236 conflicts identified by the Ombudsman, 116 are of a socio-environmental.

Nor can we fail to mention the achievements of the model implemented, the same genre macroeconomic growth and deflation. However, an ethical business model should aim a proportional relationship between macroeconomic prosperity with social welfare, establishing policies that will enable inclusion and equity through social investment, to admit reduce illiteracy and improve access and quality of health services and education. Reducing levels of unemployment, underemployment and increasing the percentage of decent work.

The challenge for the new government is to improve the life they lead all Peruvians, the same as measured by social indicators and break with the outdated idea that development is synonymous with economic growth, or rather "understanding the economic growth not as an end in itself but as part of human development. "

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Does A Black Hat Go With Brown Boots?

The Vacancy Nepotism

Julius Caesar Castiglioni

In recent weeks it has been seen that there are a number of requests for vacancies on the grounds of Nepotism, under the provisions of article 22 paragraph 8) of Law No. 27,972 Organic Law of Municipalities, so we will see some aspects of the subject.

Article 1 of Law N º 26771, Law establishes prohibition to exercise the power of appointment and recruitment in the public sector, in cases of kinship, states that the line officers and / or personal trusted entities and government departments making up the Sector National Public and State companies, which have power to appoint and hire staff, or have direct or indirect interference in the selection process are prohibited from exercising that power in your organization about their relatives to the fourth degree of consanguinity, affinity two by marriage. Extend the ban on non-personal service contracts.

Article 2 of Supreme Decree N º 021-2000-PCM, which approves the Regulations of the Law of Nepotism, provides in cases of kinship, states that set the act of nepotism, where the line officers and / or personal confidence of the Bank to exercise its power appointment and recruitment for relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity, affinity two by marriage, or when officials described previously exercised direct or indirect interference in the appointment and recruitment.

be presumed, unless proved otherwise, that there is direct interference when the official management or trust that holds the relationship indicated is charged more than one who has the power to appoint or employ staff, within their institution. Understood by indirect interference is exercised by an official address and / or confidence not part of the entity in which recruitment was conducted or the appointment is, by reason of their duties, any interference in those taking or take the decision to hire or appoint the appropriate entity.

Meanwhile, Resolution No. 156-2007-JNE, in its fifth recital states that the acts of nepotism as a cause of vacancy in the office of mayor or council members are set out in article 22 inc. 8) of the Organic Law of Municipal Order No. 27972, legal provision is applied and interpreted in accordance with Law No. 26771 and its Regulations approved by Supreme Decree N º 021-2000-PCM amended by Supreme Decree N º 017-2002-PCM that regulate and developed. Under these rules on nepotism is the act whereby an officer management and / or trusted staff conformant entities and public sector departments and state companies, which have power to appoint and hire staff, or have direct or indirect interference in the selection process exercise such power of appointment and recruitment for relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity, affinity two by marriage, that included in the first case, the family they have blood ties, as they are, parents, children, grandparents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and brothers first, and in the second case, besides the spouse, -laws, brothers and grandparents of the spouse.

In addition, Resolution No. 009-2008-JNE, in its sixth paragraph states that, in this sense, policy makers, to be officials of apparent power in the councils, are embedded within the prohibition of hiring entity in respect of their relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity, affinity two by marriage, then excluded from the scope of the "Law of nepotism, arguing on whether or not" line officers and / or personal confidence, "would contradict the essence of such a law, which in turn generate inequality the treatment of certain officials and dissatisfaction in the population and social demands of justice, a criterion that has been designated by the college of settled law.

turn Resolution No. 071-2008-JNE in the sixth paragraph states that according to Article 236 of the Civil Code, the blood relationship is a relationship existed between the descendants of one another or log common, determining the degree of kinship of a collateral line up of relatives down to the common trunk and then to the other, to respect it should be noted that the blood relationship was also established from a log common, it is necessary for civil purposes and the application of Law No. 26771 it is considered only in a straight line so that only take into account ascending and descending as parents, grandparents, great grandparents, grandparents and in turn, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great grandchildren, and this figure because it is recognized that the relationship side, that being so, it should be noted that although in the case resolved by Resolution No. 288-2005-JNE cited as case law is determined the nephew of the citizen in question was a relative by blood in the fifth grade, this does not mean that all the nephews belonging to the fifth degree of kinship as it is evident that children of the brothers, being nephews, are third-degree relatives, having warned the resolution to the family relationship was alluded to fifth grade, so it was not applicable to Law No. 26771 and in the seventh paragraph states that with these details and strictly applying the rules of the Civil Code and Law No. 26771 must be in this case the common core, constituting the first degree of consanguinity on Mr. Mayor, corresponding from them down to her niece granddaughter, to verify what is the degree of inbreeding that has this with the mayor vacated by the City Council, so things can be seen that the sister of Mayor is a relative in the second degree of consanguinity, being the son, his relative in third grade and both his children, fourth-degree relatives, which is credited to these kids that just closes the fourth degree of consanguinity referred, and therefore apply these standards.

As you can see the inside of nepotism are also involved the mayors and aldermen, according to the jurisprudence of the National Jury of Elections.

Thursday July 3, 2008

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guide On Pune To Coorg

By Humberto Campodonico

Public enterprises are of special importance in most Latin American countries. For example, in Colombia's oil production and export of ECOPETROL contributes significantly to foreign exchange earnings and tax revenues of the State. In addition, Ecopetrol is internationalized and recently bought a Peruvian oil, Petrotech, offshore Talara.

state is also important electrical ISA, based in Medellín, in Peru and Etesur Etecen bought state enterprises that handled all the transmission towers, but that were privatized in Toledo, in what has been one of the largest privatization failures as functioning like a little clock. In Brazil, Petrobras is key, has doubled oil production in 10 years. Now the country self-sufficient and not dependent on imported oil. It has investments in Africa, Asia and the U.S.. In Argentina is the second largest oil producer after Repsol and Peru has fields in Talara and Lot 57, near Camisea, which has found 1.7 tcf of natural gas. Both Petrobras and Ecopetrol are listed on the Stock Exchange and have a merit system election of its President, to preside a professional with a track-and honest. They also have an oversight committee of purchases, with the participation of civil society and business associations. With these two measures can prevent both the carve-up of positions of those who consider the state enterprises as a political spoils as "faenones" made in Peru.

state-owned Codelco in Chile is the first company in the world copper production costs are equal to those of private enterprises. Exports in 2010 was U.S. $ 16.066 million and payments to the Treasury of $ 6.069 million (Report 2010), including U.S. $ 1.271 million for its armed forces. Thus, Codelco is efficient, generates foreign exchange and contributes taxes. What you think.

ENAP is also the state, which owns the only two refineries in Chile and is a tool to achieve a safe and reliable energy supply. When in 2004 Argentina 85% restricted gas exports to Chile, ENAP formed a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with British Gas and invested U.S. $ 1.050 million to build a regasification terminal where LNG ships now come from around the world. In addition, Peru owns 50% of taps Primax-the other 50% is the Grupo Romero. This purchase occurred in Toledo, explicitly denying Petroperú involved in the operation.

So, right here! Archaic still said that public enterprises are synonymous with backwardness, why cling to in Article 60 of the 1993 Constitution established the principle of subsidiarity State's business. That is not part of the U.S. Constitution or even any European country or not, either, of course, no country in the region. A Petroperú to "look" Petrobras, Ecopetrol and Codelco could easily participate in a PPP with private companies to start, and the Andean pipeline construction with reserves of Block 88. All have south-to-energy gas industries (the Brazilian market is next), for cars in cities and interprovincial transport for the petrochemical Ilo. Anyway. The right not to public companies in these sectors so that everything is for the private sector. It has no national strategic interests as only think about the year-end earnings. It is in this context that move, happy, foreign companies.

course, if the state court will not scratch the national development, why would we? XXI Century public companies are the guarantee of energy supply, which means to be repealed-by anachronistic and anti-Art 60 of the Constitution Fujimori-Yoshiyama. It's time.