Sola, accompanied only by John the beloved disciple, become the son of Mary for the Master's words to his mother and the disciple, and Mary Magdalene, were at the foot of the cross in the middle of the abandonment of all, the perpetrators, who fled in terror at the time of the seizure of the matter, scared to death of its creator, tremor, fear and upheaval that changed in appearance in distant regions, to the point reached the awe of nature, even away from the place of the hideous crime.
Mary was at the foot of the cross being a model of personal love to His Son, who pointed his wonderful value, and sustained by faith and God will put it there as a model of affect , suffering and resignation in fulfilling the will of Mother who made inestimable treasure.
"The presence of Mary at the foot of the cross, says Augusto Nicolás, shines in loyalty and heroism, seen in opposition to its absence from all scenes of glory and love in her divine Son had revealed and given to his disciples. They had acquired these accession enthusiasm soon faded to the danger and disgrace. "
"The Gospel tells us that were with her sister Mary of Cleophas, Mary Magdalene and St. John. But the very context of this narrative is that they were only there as Mary's entourage claimed that his own firm. And you can still truthfully say you were not there with the spirit in which it was Mary, a spirit of faith, as it clearly showed his doubt and his amazement at the scenes of the Resurrection. The absence of Mary in these final scenes with a light also illuminates supernatural presence at the foot of the cross and make it appear unique. "
The author illustrates that fact Athalia paints us a beautiful description: "The Blessed Virgin stood, and not faint as the painters paint. She remembered the words of the angel and knew the divinity of his Son. And not in the next chapter, or any Evangelista, she is named among the holy women at the tomb because it was certain that Jesus was not there. "
Indeed the truth is in the quiet resignation and the pain of Mary without vain demonstrations of pain, anxiety, feeling, are clearly evidenced in accordance with that sad God's will, will that abides met Mary, but left boot and painfully silent fibers maternal sensitivity of his tender and loving heart.
Nicole, in his Essays Moral, said: "The greatest show that ever was, which was filled with wonder at all the angels of heaven and astonish all the saints in eternity, this ineffable mystery of which were defeated demons and reconciled men with God, in short, this astounding miracle of a God suffering for their slaves and enemies, only had to witness then to the Blessed Virgin, Jews and pagans were only there a man who hated, or who despised nailed to the cross, the women of Galilee, saw only one who had just killed cruelly. Only Mary, representing the whole Church, was there a God suffering for the people. "
Ah! Mary alone at the foot of the cross, no other witnesses of the immense pain that these people beloved of Jesus, divine pity these conditions and participated in its infinity. So the prophet, after searching throughout nature something big, huge, with which to compare the pain, sorrow, the suffering of Mary, finds nothing but the sea, vast, vast, whose length and bitterness is the only term comparison is similar to the extension pain in the heart of Mary in these harsh and cruel trances.
And this term is not because the sea can serve as a measure, but as Hugo of St. Victor says, "because the sea and incomparably exceeds the waters depth and extent and the sorrows of Mary surpass all pain. " She published it at the foot of the cross through these pathetic and penetrating words of the prophet himself puts on his lips: Oh, all ye that pass by the way: consider and see if there is any suffering like my, and it has ratified all humanity by calling Mary with the big names of Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Mercy, Comforter of the Afflicted and going to take the foot of the altar to overcome them and temper them with your example, most acute pains of the poor human heart, which without her would not model ones who suffer in the loved ones of our soul, pain of grief, sympathy and compassion.
Mother Mary was, and such is the strength of this feeling, which leads to the ultimate sacrifice. It was Mother! but what does Mother and Son! The perfect mother, the purest, most faithful, tender and affectionate, the Son most perfect, most beautiful, kindest, Son. Who can understand the richness of such a heart in the gearing the most contrary to form the ultimate love?
was Mother of the Redeemer, of Victoria, our salvation, and therefore, redeemer and compassionate mother, given the sacrifice of His Son. Not the Son of God may suffer and die in his divine nature, had had to adapt a body, a passible nature, an attitude of victim. And this ability took Mary, and Mary: Mary, which could say as his Father, Corpus aptasti mihi. But Mary, also destined for this divine mercy ministry had previously received Him as God, the compassionate nature that should he take after his heart as a man; in such a way that, under this respect, between Mary and Jesus was a prodigious rapport complexion, temperament, habits of heart that made the guts and flesh of Mary, of Mary, predestined by God to the same end as inclined to God to be His Son, for an end to sacrifice and sacrifice that made the Mother of God, made at the same time Mother of compassion and sorrow, in such a way, that everything was in it for love, glory and greatness in relation to Jesus alone, was given with such generosity to make it more apt to suffer with Jesus in the same conditions, to place at the foot of the Cross as the center of all the miseries and all the calamities that support is given to a child. Mary suffers
there all the pains of nature as the most tender Mother, seeing breathe among the most cruel pain and suffering to the Son ignominious more lovable. As her pain provided to love, there is no pain comparable to yours, for the reason that there is no love that can compare with the anguish of that mother.
But apart from the pains of nature, Mary experienced even more profound pain, the pain of grace with which, elevating and enriching their very nature, gives you more energy to gently and suffering. This is the pain Christian heart. Bossuet
eloquently puts it:
"Come to the Son and the Mother as two opposing mirrors, which we send each other a kind of emulation by all that receive, multiply the objects to infinity. This measure increases without pain, while the waves rose overlap each other by a kind of ebb and flow. "
But, however, the most terrible of this storm, blood and tears of agony, blasphemies and imprecations of the executioners, the insults of the populace, struck fear of the disciples, complaints and laments of the sensitive women, the last words and the great voice of the victim, the shock and awe of nature terrified, Mary, than sex, higher than man's humanity, one with the Divine, still remains standing: Stabat. "No faint representéis Mary, says St. Ambrose, even sobbing, I read in the Gospel that he was standing, do not read to cry. The grieving mother looked with compassion the wounds of the Son he knew he should be the world's Redemption. Stood, with a value other than it had degenerated into view, without fear of losing his life. " Such was the pain, the weight of that immense suffering, we can say with St. Bernardino of Siena, as if it had been shared among all creatures, not Had there been any that had not succumbed to it, being a divine and infinite pain, the pain of the Son of God himself. And if Mary refused, it is because the same Spirit, the same virtue, he had made to Mary Mother of God gave him strength to endure. This divine motherhood, a source of pain was at the same time value.
pain why women have higher representation more noble and spiritual in Mary the Virgin at the foot of the Cross, the Virgin holding in his arms to his beloved Son, the body of the victim's sacred redemption of man and we call and invoke the names of Maria de la Soledad, the Mother of Sorrows. By Ella and She felt all the horror of mothers to them most terrible misfortune, the deaths of their children. No Catholic family that does not enclose the sanctuary of home, family temple, the image of Mary in one of those invocations, presiding over and protect those things that are placed under its protection in the pains and perils of life. The ardent in charity and love, the heart of Mary pierced by the seven liturgical and symbolic swords, presents a symbolism sensitive hearts of the cruel pain of the Mother of Jesus.
And Mary's heart that we have been reproduced from the marble to the canvas, from this to paper and fabric, from the rich stew of beautiful fabrics to the humble tile bricks set in post, comes amid the loneliness of the road the traveler, who surprised in the revolt of the trail to pass through the shady forest and nestled under the thick branches of the faint oak or willow hair the funeral, to remember a prayer that was the Mother of Sorrows for our salvation. And what impresses the solitude of field, forest rumor that pained face drawn by inexperienced hands, and that breast pierced by the sharp sword to destroy him! Ah! the passion of Christ, in the midst of his greatness, in the midst of the sublime of his torture, it enlarges and becomes immeasurable by the ocean itself tears and pain that Mary poured at such moments. No, we can remove from our mind the passion and martyrdom of the Son, without falling into the bottomless sea of \u200b\u200bsuffering and bitterness of the Mother.
So because of that Mary's pain is so heavy in our hearts, we can not remove it, we can not separate it from our hearts and remember him along like material, embroidered or printed on the scapular from children we put our mothers and unbreakable shield of force against the temptations of the devil, as impenetrable aegis of darts of indifference, as burning stove to light in our hearts the fire of love for Mary, the love of their pain, as should be our refuge where humanity we had reserved in the hard and thorny path of life.
to María Dolores bitter pains that misfortunes are balm for us, and painful poem Catholic art has wanted to play in many beautiful paintings, they will not find inspired school in the Catholic faith that has not played this poem sadness, of tears and sorrows of the Mother of the Saviour. The Virgin painful lives and has always lived together with the name of the passion of her Son and his image reproduced and painted felt and conveyed by artists born in the Catacombs and comes to our day, reigning and ruling with love and affection from Solitaire cipo of roads to cathedrals. But to depict Mary in her bitter pain, we need an inspiration Catholic heartedly, made spiritual need of pain, and this has only been possible to geniuses like Murillo, who has translated only in the truth and idealism of the sad colors painful reality of fact, Titian with the magic of colors and design, or the Venetian school, or German Rembrandt have been able to give the truth of that great and divine grief, no, some other schools have painted women more painful , that Mary, the Immaculate Mother, in one and the other hase seen more human suffering, but not that great and bitter sorrow over the sea, Murillo only one who has succeeded in translating the magic of brush and color the environment and sadness of Mary in the act of loneliness and grief. Only Murillo and Fra-Angelico, have been those who have approached the representation of Mary's pain, both in artistic inspiration who has sounded in unison with the concept of Christian feeling, without the remnants and influences of the Renaissance, translating the fact inspired by the classic.
For the Catholic artistic feeling, it takes a truly religious inspiration of the act translatable, and hence not in the painting of the Mater Dolorosa, or the bloody apotheosis of Calvary, have left in unison, as we say, feeling, with inspiration, and exquisite execution has wanted to clear on many occasions the lack of those by the magic of color and the drama of the picture, for their important details of majesty and having as elements members of the concept of the sublime.
and leaving such judgments of character and inspiration of painting, we come to find Mary, whom we left at the foot of the Cross when he died his son, his rage calming elements, rather, their fear, and fall in that pain, that terror mute, silent, more formidable even than the terrible shock of those in titanic struggle.
Alone at the foot of the Cross, accompanied as only John and women is Mary. Calvary executioners fled frightened of his work, and in the darkness and silence that surrounds them, come up to the plateau some gentlemen accompanied by slaves, loaded with jars and incense burners and white canvas. Who are those who come when all have fled?
are Nicodemus, sir, a disciple of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea, who obtained permission from Pilate to take down the body of Jesus v burial, climbed to Calvary carrying cloth that smells and anoint and bury.
Sad act, in which the hammer rivet removing nails, resonate in the chest with painful Mary sounds, blows that fall upon her aching heart in the silence that surrounded the Calvary, amidst the loneliness that those circuits pious holy men and women. Hook
the body of Jesus, Mary was in her arms that wounded and injured body of her beloved and adored son.
"For when the Virgin Mary held him in her arms, what language can explain how you felt? Oh angels of peace! weep with this sacred Virgin heavens weep, weep stars of heaven and all creatures in the world, accompanied by the tears of Mary! Mother embrace the broken body, pull it tightly against his chest, put his face among the thorns the sacred head, along with face face, dyed them the face of the Mother with the blood of the Son of the Son and water with tears of the Mother. Oh sweet mother! Is that by chance your sweet son? Is that the one conceived with so much glory and joy so paristeis? Well, what were your past joys?
"Son, before the break now and now my knife from my pain, what you did for the Jews to crucify you? What causes there to give you death? Are these the thanks of your good works? Is this the reward given to virtue? Is this the pay of such doctrine?
"Oh sweet Son, what do without you?
"You were my son, my parents, my wife, my teacher and my company! Mary was as an orphan without a father, a widow without a husband, and one without such a master and sweet company. I'll see you no longer enter my doors tired of speeches and preaching the Gospel. And no more wipe the sweat of thy face sunny and tired of the roads and jobs. And no more settled I'll see to that and feeding my soul with your divine presence.
"is defunct and my glory, but just my joy and my loneliness begins."
expresses as beautiful sense of loneliness and sadness of Mary in the painful trance, classical of our classics, the eloquent Fray Luis de Granada, in the book of prayer and meditation in the chapter for Saturday morning. This gentle way, in this sense Mary's concept of pain, expressed with such beauty, charm and purity of style, descríbese the immense pain of those poor mothers in pain, to receive the body of her outraged beloved Son, father of the Jesus love, father of charity and kindness to the faith burning in your heart, as well as avenging the hypocrites and Pharisees.
Mary is in her arms who disfigured body of human beauty, the One wounded, injured and destroyed by the perfidy of men imbued and blinded by Satan in his inconceivable fury and anger against Jesus, who was unable to overcome despite their weapons, nor the evil of men, their instruments.
See how recounts the sad fact of the Descent from the Cross the venerable writer whom we have often said, Sister Mary of Agreda.
"It was already the afternoon of that day Parasceve, and Mother was not quite sure what he wanted, which was the grave for her dead son, for His Majesty gave rise to the distress of his mother is relieved by that His providence had prepared, moving the heart of Arimathea and Nicodemus, to apply for the burial and funeral of his Master. They were both disciples of the Lord and righteous, but not the number of the seventy-two because they were hidden for fear of the Jews, who hated them as suspects and enemies to all who followed the doctrine of Christ, and recognized by Master ...
"came to the presence of Mary, who attended incomparable pain at the foot of the Cross, accompanied by St. John and the Marys. And instead of hello, looking sad spectacle of the divine and was renewed in all the pain and bitterness so strong, that for some period of time Joseph and Nicodemus were prostrate at the feet of the Queen, and all at the Cruz, without tears and sighs, without a word. Lloraban todos con clamores y lamentos de amargura, hasta que la Reina los levantó de la tierra, los animó y confortó, y entonces la saludaron con humilde compasión. La Madre les agradeció su piedad, y el obsequio que hacían a su Maestro, en darle sepultura a su cuerpo difunto, en cuyo nombre les ofreció el premio de aquella obra. Luego se quitaron los mantos o capas que tenían, y por sus manos José y Nicodemus arrimaron las escalas a la Cruz y subieron a desenclavar el Sagrado Cuerpo, estando la gloriosa Madre muy cerca, y San Juan con la Magdalena asistiéndola...
»Pasado algún espacio que la dolorosa Madre tuvo en su seno al difunto Jesús, la suplicaron San Juan y José diese lugar para the burial of her Son. Permitiólo, and on the same sheet the sacred body was anointed with aromatic spices and ointments that brought Nicodemus, spending in this gift all the hundred pounds that had been purchased. And so anointed, was placed the body in the coffin (The venerable Ágreda given as between the Jewish custom of casket or coffin) to take to the grave. They raised the Sacred Body, San Juan, Joseph, Nicodemus and the centurion who attended the death. Mother still accompanied by Magdalena, of Mary and other pious women ... All sorted and walked in silence and tears to a garden which was near where Joseph had carved out a new tomb in which no one had placed or buried. " Lone
was Calvary, the Cross of Christ just straight and as embracing the land, was lit by the last light of a sad and melancholy twilight. In the West, fought the last rays of the sun sunk behind the mountains, and light yellow, pale purplish enveloped the clouds that dimmed the sky. Cross clearly distinct from the orange horizon, seemed to float off in a halo of fire and black, glittering, blazing like a menacing sword and threatening the deicide Jerusalem, the city plunged into a terrifying silence, as fearful of act within it and his hearing had been conducted, seemed fearful of the punishment that awaited her, and that the prophecy of the victim of his anger was already done, as if he saw himself as on the flaming sword which was to annihilate it, and burst into fire rich woods of the Temple, burned and their murderous inhabitants.
Oh Jerusalem! No, no issues yet, your hours are numbered, not yet come when your children, cursed beings flee in terror through the land, unable to meet, train nationality or shelter in his chest a noble action or a thought an idea of \u200b\u200bregeneration. No topics yet, still have to spend a few years for children pay for the sins of the parents and meet him in a paroxysm of hatred and fury against Jesus, you asked that morning, blood and damnation will fall upon you and your sons and your wish will be fulfilled, you will be chased by the cursed beings land, which will live wandering homeless himself, without sun or shade that is yours, no country, no home, no flag or future.
persecuted as vermin will live ferocious nations persecute and expel from their land, the people you kill and spit as vile and accursed race, you can not or will allow you to exercise any profession noble, honest, not even the executioners, and not will have more occupation that will provide you the king of darkness, Satan, only you can operate the instrument of the destruction of human beings, money, and so you can only live less precious, with predatory lenders, being Jews, as the universal language has become synonymous words and predatory lender, with the Jew. That is the future, he hopes, Jerusalem, your children, the fruit collected by your evil, for your treachery, and as a final insult, as a last name of the people jeered the deicide, you will come to suffer the barbaric enslavement of Mohammedan despise you and all peoples and all races, pouring humbled servant of Empire of the Crescent and also spit you fear your touch, making you run away and lock in your miserable hovels with your money, not to stain their holidays with your presence.
Yes, that solitary Cruz involved in the dubious twilight has to be your condemnation, and its immense shadow falling on the doomed city, will come to prevail in her paganism both horrified and that you'll slave morning as will be later than civilized peoples. The sky will not even reserve the consolation of being the slave of enlightened nations, dignified and educated; to the enormity of the crime, it is the magnitude of the penalty, the punishment for ingratitude.
Buried Jesus turned the funeral procession to Calvary, and Mary, alone, alone in the world, no company but his son John, and appointed by Jesus, kissed and picked up the insults of passion, and amid the darkness of night they returned to the city within deicide, the house of the Cenacle, the house turned into the largest of the temples, as it was verified that the institution of the Eucharist, where he hosted with the holy women, who never left , passed amid the greatest sadness of the first night of loneliness of the Mother of God, the tender invocation that both children filled our souls with heartfelt compassion and men of sorrow and pain our hearts, when we as parents have suffered a loss as to pull the pieces of our soul life, children who loved and were our hope in love and of our aspirations.
"withdrawal and the Virgin, said Cassava in the room where the two dinners were held, along with San Juan, of Mary and other holy women who followed the Lord from Galilee, speak to everyone, thanking them with deep humility and tears for the perseverance with which until then had been joined on the passion of his beloved Son, in whose name they gave the award for their continued devotion and affection that had followed, and thus is offered by servant and friend of the holy women. Recognized this great favor and kissed his hand, asking her blessing. Suplicáronla some rest, and to receive a spare body, to which he replied:
"" My rest and my breath has to be watching my son and Risen Lord. You, dear, satisfy your need as it is, as I recall alone with my son.
"In being alone in his retirement, he gave his painful affects, and all you have left inside and outside of the bitterness of his soul, renewing all species of all mysteries, and ignominious death of his Son, in which weight pasó toda aquella noche llorando, suspirando, alabando y engrandeciendo las obras de su Hijo, su pasión, sus juicios ocultísimos y otros altísimos misterios».
Miles de páginas podrían llenarse tan sólo copiando las inspiradas palabras de los escritores católicos al considerar y estudiar la hermosa figura de María en tan doloroso como sublime acto de su penosa soledad, de sus sufrimientos y lágrimas en tan crueles horas, como las sufridas por la Reina y Señora en la terrible pasión de su Hijo, pero aun cuando todas ellas inspiradas en el más grande y santo amor a María, en la contemplación de su dolor ante los misterios de su Hijo, la pluma y el sentimiento humano son impotentes to paint and describe them only in the depths of our hearts, when the misery and pain around us, that's when the soul, the heart, the mind can understand something of the divine pain, immense, that the tender heart atenaceó the pure, innocent and loving women.
Only then, only now is when we understand the pain and suffering of Mary in moments of passion and death of His Son Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer with his blood and mystery of our slavery to sin, pain can not feel the smallness of our hearts, believing in human does not have similar to that in times of sorrow and pain fibers painfully hurt feelings and pain that always, even in the most righteous soul carries within itself the nature of atonement. But the pain of Mary filling a heart and soul so pure, it is itself the grandeur of the immense, as big as God's work.
If the sensitive expression of this pain, this pain and suffering, few writers have attempted to express and translate concepts into beautiful, were possible put together, would be empty of expression, cold and lifeless those events, to the immense magnitude of Mary's pain in those terrible moments.
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