Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Do Genital Herpes Appear In Your Pubic Hairs

If Jesus rose from the dead, then all statements are true and now we can be sure that there is life after death. The appearances of the Risen
were no subjective views, but objective facts of history. Described (in the last chapters of the gospels) as real and even carnal presence of Jesus, eat, walk, let me touch him, talk to them. They are a solid foundation of faith in the Resurrection.
Although there were no witnesses to the resurrection, if any of the Resurrection. Who saw him began to say that the "crucified was alive" and so as there is the Church can be seen, there is "evidence."
* Jesus himself predicted his death and resurrection, and these events happened exactly as he had predicted.
* This event is well documented by numerous reliable historical sources. Historians such as Josephus (C.37-110 AD), Ignatius (c.50-115 AD) Justin Martyr (c.100-165 AD) and Tertullian (c.160-220 AD) were convinced of the authenticity of the resurrection . Their writings validate the accounts of the biblical writers, who, according to biblical theologians, recorded the event as early as 37 AD and not later than 64 AD. In addition, other historians of the first and second centuries including Cornelius Tacitus, Suetonius, Plinius Secundus, and Lucian of Samosata acknowledged the impact this incredible event had on the people of that era.
* The resurrection is the only explanation for the empty grave
* There were many witnesses of the resurrection. After he rose from the dead, Jesus appeared at least ten times to those who knew him and more than 500 people at the same time. These appearances were not hallucinations; Jesus ate and talked with his followers and they touched his resurrected body.
* The resurrection is the only logical explanation for the transformation of the disciples. They abandoned and denied Jesus before his public trial, after their death they were discouraged and fearful. Even after his resurrection and their experience at Pentecost, these same discouraged, disappointed men and women were transformed by the mighty power of the risen Christ. On their behalf, they turned the world upside down. Many lost their lives for their faith, others were terribly persecuted. Their courageous behavior does not make sense unless his conviction that Jesus Christ was truly risen from the dead is a fact worth dying for.
* The resurrection is the only reasonable explanation for the beginning of the Christian movement. The Christian Church was born in the same city where Jesus was publicly executed and buried. The belief in a resurrected Jesus had to be authentic to take root in Jerusalem and grew to encompass the whole world. The Christian Church is now the largest institution that exists and has existed in the history of mankind. Clearly, this would have been impossible if the resurrection was a story.
To test more in depth the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it will suffice to establish that truly was dead when they put in the grave, and then appeared full of life. ¬ To confirm more fully the force of this argument, we show that, in the pre ¬ present case, it was impossible any chicanery, and, finally, that if Jesus Christ had not really ¬ fado triumph of death, the world had become.
1. San Juan, an eyewitness, says that Jesus died on the cross, and the three Evangelists give us the same testimony.
2. Moreover, it can not be doubted, if take account of the atrocious torture he suffered before being nailed on the cross, but rather, if anything can marvel is that it would have remained alive for three whole hours, the single crucifixion, according to the historian Josephus, was enough to cause him to die.
3. The soldiers who break His legs, refrained from doing so because they saw he was dead.
4. The launch which was at that time was enough to take the last breath of life.
5. Pilate gave the body of Jesus to Joseph of Arimathea, but under the official aserveración centurion that Jesus had actually died.
6. The Jews themselves While it was persuaded, and it is believed that would ensure proper care of the fact, before you save the tomb more so, to be precise, have not ceased to finish off his victim. Thus we see that neither the council, and the rabbis, not the Roman or Greek sophists, ever think to deny that Jesus was dead. Our own modern rationalists have never resorted to the childish assumption of a fictitious death of the Savior, and not even the same Renan managed to escape the force of that argument (2).
1. This appears proved by numerous eyewitnesses who, having seen his Divine Master expire on the cross, he returned to see, not dreaming, not while sleeping, but in broad daylight and being in possession of his faculties, heard his words received their orders, touched and touched their flesh and wounds, and ate together with Him
2. This happened in the space of forty days and the most diverse circumstances, because it occurred near the tomb of Salvador, on the road to Emmaus, in the Upper Room, on the banks of the lake in the Mount of Olives, etc. Nor were they always the same people who saw him, but now are the pious women, now San Pedro, now the disciples of Emmaus, after the Apostles, except Thomas who refused to believe them, later the same with St. Thomas, who finally surrendered to the evidence, later seven apostles in lake shore, and finally, in Galilee he saw a contest of more than 500, between apostles and disciples, of whom most were still living when Paul appealed to the testimony. (1 Cor. XV, G.)
3. More giving exceptional authority to all these witnesses is that they will not hesitate to suffer death in witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet these were the same that shortly before had been so hard to believe, and they had reached a refusal, in exchange for not giving up, the unanimous testimony of the other apostles, protesting that he would not believe if you have not managed to get their hands on the same sores Jesus.
It is therefore all evidence, the nature of these occurrences, the number and variety of witnesses and all the circumstances, the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so true and proven horn of his death .
Then, this miracle is absolutely incontestable.
A - THE APOSTLES ERAL ALL IMPOSSIBLE fraud in connection with the Savior's resurrection
The disciples could not steal the body of Jesus Christ. "No man who gets into adventures ¬ ras, for extremely hazardous, with no really serious reasons, mostly when such izo can expect this interest, but on the contrary, it is completely ruinous to their interests. If they are, ¬ rivers which will be engaged, the thing is not only difficult but impossible. And yet, this has bríamos ¬ admit, possible to believe the hypothesis that the apostles had conceived the project which ascribed wickedness.
1 °. Had acted without reason. In effect, or the disciples believed in the coming resurrection of their Lord, or not believe, or were in doubt.
In the first case, the abduction of the body would have been absolutely useless. In the second what they did was to abandon the cause of a man in whom, as we assume, no longer had any faith. In the past, that was true, as is clear from the Gospel story, the simple good sense suggested they were on the lookout for events to shape their behavior after them.
Unless, therefore, they were fools, and nothing authorize us to make such an assumption, and that they were all together, could never even pass for thought, stealing the body of his Master.
2 º. On the contrary, had very powerful reasons to stay out of such release:
a. Some of them saw only enemies of Jesus, and so bitter, you just try in the most cruel, not stopping to take his life. Of consequence, by the Jews, they could expect nothing but insults, torture and even death. B.
From God, an avenger of sin, they had to fear the punishment reserved for the lie, blasphemy and ungodliness.
In addition, his deception would be ascertained at the end, inevitably, and this in the most shameful and miserable. How uneducated, bad credit, no fortune could have, or even imagine, that could carry out the project more foolish than ever fit into a human head, which was to worship God, to an impostor crucified in Judea, and this in all nations of the world? D.
Finally, if no such resurrection, Jesus had not already been on, in the eyes of his disciples, but a trickster, and the guilty author of his shame and misery. And why such a man habríanse they so bravely exposed to all the punishments and penalties of this world and the next?
II. NI still want could have done
To be convinced of this, quickly enough to consider the nature and difficulties of such an undertaking.
The grave was dug in the rock, its entrance blocked by a heavy stone, which, in turn, was sealed and guarded by a large number of soldiers. Now, what means available to the apostles for theft? Only three can imagine, or violence, or corruption, or cunning. But in this case, the three impractical.
1. The violence: the apostles, whose shameful timidity could not be more striking, because they had just run away like cowards, leaving behind his Divine Master in the hour of his Passion, were not men to force a squad of soldiers, or break public seals, or this alone, but, to put in work like audacity, it was impossible to stay hidden or unpunished.
2. Corruption: what could have been co ¬ rromper to the guards, if ever was truly traditional extreme poverty? And the remarkable thing is that the case should have been bribing the soldiers there, in the same guard post, and to all at all, because the refusal of one would have sufficed to wreck the company. And these soldiers, were they sure of the mutual discretion one another were to be saved?
3. The ruse: this resource is even more difficult, even impossible. Which way would come to the tomb? Why an underground? And how or at what time they had opened in the rock, without attracting the attention of any guard? And once open how can then fill it to leave no trace of your work? And put into the tomb, had been quiet to strip the body of his shroud and make it very plegadito the shroud that covered the head, and, on top of everything, quedaríales humor yet to return the stone to your site, to avoid raising suspicion!
Or taken, perhaps, the ordinary? In this case had to be forced through between the soldiers break the seals, remove the stone, quietly dispose of the paintings, and sweat ¬ river bend, and then loaded with the Treasury, where they had been re ... Ah! And all this without making a sound, without anyone knowing about it! Will it be said that the guards were asleep? If this is why we come into con ¬ they had to sleep all, but not one to stay awake to meet the slogan and that his dream was so prodigiously profound that all that bustle of comings and goings, checked around and in the silence of the night still was not enough to rouse even one! "More than admit that everyone was asleep. In this case, how come you still do not look after the body had been stolen? How not to keep severely punished as infidels? Why Jews were obliged to give them money and lead them to accumulate ¬ saran to themselves, publishing their own shame? How do you explain that later, these same Jews who were continually reproaching him to the apostles to preach in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, not accuse them, even once they had stolen the body of their Master? They had spent two months after the resurrection, and when the apostles preached this great miracle, the Jews were content to punish and impose silence.
Turn, then, and stir the wickedness everywhere, which is everywhere to give the tie that she had prepared. How miserable are the tricks that he uses to escape the light of the evidence! And the truth of the resurrection can not be fought, without getting into open conflict with reason and good sense.
Granted by an impo ¬ sible, that the apostles had wanted to steal the body of Jesus and that, indeed, arrived to conduct business as senseless, yet they could not win another much greater difficulty, which was to persuade the world that "Jesus had resuci ¬ Tado and was God, even though, in reality, not in such a case, but a man condemned by human justice, and ignominious death on a cross. What obstacles, in effect, is presented for such a project!
1. º All accomplices, authors or abettors of this crime drama should have understood each other to prove his lie and commit to hold, even at the cost of the most atrocious tortures, and then only to ensure the success, indeed impossible, in such deception.
2. ° Also would have been necessary to entice the many disciples who had not entered into the plot, leading them to believe in apparitions of Jesus purely fake and inspired a faith so strong it was able to face the most horrible tortures, and even death itself, rather than allow ¬ Tirse doubt about the reality of the resurrection ¬ rection.
3. ° would have been necessary not only to deceive the nations that rejected the strict morality of Christ, who despised their poverty and insulted as madness his death on a cross, but also to the Jews who hated Jesus and, after having put to death ignominiously, had made every mistake impossible to barter such deception. Well, remember that on hearing the first sermon of St. Peter, became nothing less than 3000 Jews, and that in the 2 nd, this number increased to 5000.
4. ° In short, these men completely lacking as it can seduce the masses, they should become the real cause of the wonderful change the world, and that without divine aid, no other weight than their statements, as could not expect God to come miracles to confirm such criminal sham.
do not have power so successful because the evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, especially when considered as a whole! And what else we could and if you give credence to facts so clear and so well established we deny it?
Although the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ displayed proven way to leave no reasonable doubt, point out all the wicked several attempts to destroy the belief in this miracle. And certainly does not take much insight or to appreciate the force of such arguments.
1. Strauss works and sweats for explanation of the way Jesus' body disappeared from the tomb, and after many hardships, eventually take the most outlandish, to wit, that the body remained in the same grave.
This explanation has no more inconvenient than contradict the narrative of the four. Gospels and given the likelihood of slaps. If the body of Jesus was in the grave Why did not the Jews seized him and led around Jerusalem and the whole world, to destroy once the belief in the resurrection? The way
Renan seeks to disentangle themselves from this difficulty, no puede ser ni más cómoda ni menos aguda: «cuestión es ésta, dice, á más de ociosa in¬soluble, pues nunca llegará á conocerse este detalle» Lo cual no le impide que busque á este detalle una docena de explicaciones á cual más arriesgada: el rapto del cuerpo, pudo hacerse, según él, por los após¬toles, ó por los discípulos, los cuales pudieran haber¬lo escondido en Galilea; tal vez hasta por los mismos judíos, y quizás... quizás..., cosa por cierto nada inverosímil, por el propietario del jardín. Más aún; el que estuviera plegado el sudario parece indicar, no sin fundamento, que anduvo allí de por medio la mano de a woman. After rejecting all these explanations, and just attach the disappearance of the body of Jesus ... To pure chance!
2. Encounter the same difficulties with unbelievers to explain the unshakeable faith of the apostles at the resurrection. Strauss makes this confession: "If there is no miracle means of explaining the origin of faith in the resurrection of Jesus, we are forced to deny everything you have said, and to renounce our company."
addition, the same He rejects as implausible, the case of deception on the part of the apostles: "ever, says rightly, would have so much faith in a lie, until losing her life. "Finally, and perhaps persuaded that this was accomplished satisfaction to all the questions, he says without hesitation that the apostles were deceived, and that the cause of his deception had to be, neither more nor less imagination. So the resurrection of Jesus in this wicked, and Renan is the invention very wish-is simply the result of a hallucination, the effect of a runaway imagination. And so says, "as the apostles were in a big do this ¬ excitement took for reality was but what a simple game of imagination. Tan
free themselves assertions are refuted. If you still Faith deserves no witnesses who offer such guarantees of accuracy what things can ever be worthy of it?
If the resurrection of Jesus Christ has no foundation other than the hallucination, the apostles and disciples have believed to see what to see, hear what they heard and play what I did not touch, but the Gospel story has just the opposite: of course. .. For far from being predisposed to easily support the resurrection, what they did was shut in the upper room for fear of the Jews, and aban ¬ donated to the suspicion: so Forgotten brought predictions of its Master! Were reluctant to believe the testimony of the holy women, when Jesus appeared, they took him at first ghost, and did not leave his deception until they had touched and felt the body. Salvador and finely seen them eat with them. Do you see any trace here of where I could see the much vaunted hallucination
Because, even in this case, must be that all the disciples, absolutely everyone, had been victims of hallucination, even those slow of heart and cowardly that were going to Emmaus, and that first incredulous, Thomas, and five hundred disciples who witnessed Jesus' ascension. (1 Cor., XV, 6.) Not this alone, but such deception would had to be prolonged by four ¬ forty days, and repeated in the most diverse circumstances, and, finally, something perhaps more rare than the previous, it had to dispel once and forever the day of ascension phenomenon his turn, also purely imaginary!
More than that would be necessary to admit that the act of removing the stone from the tomb and the horror of the guards were equally pure illusion, that these guards were also blown away, that the empty tomb was not only in the imagination of the disciples ! The truth, which is a temptation to ask if they talk seriously writers such hypotheses hold.
But even assuming all this possible, it remains to explain how Christianity, which in this case is not an illusion foundation, it has been established, to regenerate the world v, in spite of all obstacles, to be perpetuated to us Through the centuries. The truth that only a miracle would be greater than all others.
Source: Statveritas and other
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