political parties and their means of articulation: a brief description from as provided in doctrine and electoral legislation
Political parties express democratic pluralism. Contribute to the formation and manifestation of popular will, and electoral processes. They are key institutions for political participation of citizens and the democratic system base.
Political parties are associations of citizens who are legal persons under private law whose purpose is to participate through lawful means democratically in public affairs of the country within the framework of the State Constitution and this law.
The term "party" is reserved for those recognized as such by the Registrar of Political Organizations. Unless the law differently, they just enjoy the privileges and rights under this law.
1.1. Origin of the political parties have always existed
groups differ on the model of coexistence and competition with each other, but political parties with an organization and responsibility arise in the mid-nineteenth century as a result of democratic representative and expansion of suffrage. From an institutional approach Maurice Duverger difference
internal creation • Matches are born within the Parliament. Originally presented as factions vied for power, for example. Tories (conservatives) and the Whigs (liberals) in England. Had a negative connotation, it was believed that they acted to the detriment of the common good to pursue selfish interests. But over time it becomes evident the impossibility of maintaining a direct relationship between people and their representatives. To respond to new social demands requires greater organization. Pass from one stage to another increasingly organic inorganic. • Created
external parties, arising from the fight the extension of political rights between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Are closely linked to groups that had been operating out of Parliament and trade unions, religious organizations and newspapers. Eg. the British Labour Party.
But from a sociological or genetic gain relevance certain structural social divisions that occurred during the formation of national states and the modern economy. Stand within this current Seymour Lipset and Stein Rokkan, who developed the theory of historical cleavages. Cover four major cracks:
• Conflict between central and peripheral countries: diverse populations to resist the impositions linguistic, religious or policies of the great colonial powers. Emergence of regional parties claiming the cultural identity of certain groups.
• Problems in the relationship of church and state, are fighting for control of education and management of social demands. Training religious and secular parties.
• Differences between rural and urban areas: urban and agrarian parties emerged.
• Tensions between capitalists and workers: the defense of property and free enterprise are facing claims of trade unions. Born socialist parties and labor movements. It reinforces the distinction between parties right and left.
1.2. Types of political parties
Richard Gunther and Larry Diamond reorder proposed target major typologies. Able to differentiate five genres:
1) significant matches are born in the early to mid-nineteenth century in Europe, in the context of semi-democratic regimes and to vote based on census. Had minimal organizational structures, seated on interpersonal networks within a small geographical area. Weakly ideological. Based on the distribution of particular benefits to residents. They are divided into parties of notables and patronage.
2) Matches mass, arising in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Europe, now spread to Asian and African countries. They are characterized by a strong organization and a broad base of members who contribute financially to the party. Strong ties with outside organizations like trade unions, religious bodies and media. Are classified as: nationalist (plurality or ultra) socialist (social democratic or Leninist) and religious (or religious fundamentalists).
3) ethnic parties: it consists mainly in the process of decolonization in the 60's and 70's. Lack of an organization too widespread and sophisticated. They have no programmatic structures that incorporate all of society. They usually use the electoral path to particularistic benefits for their followers.
4) electoral parties, are consolidated in the late 70's as part of the expansion of media and the decline of the welfare state. They are organizationally weak but develop a very active during election campaigns. Distinguished: atrapatodo parties, programmatic and personalist.
5) movimentos Matches: arise within the post-industrial democracies. Adopt different characteristics depending on the context. Abarca left libertarian parties that based on the idea of \u200b\u200b"negative consensus", ie covering a diverse fan base but substantially positioned on different topics. Eg. Germany's Green Party. It also includes far-right whose core ideology is related to the search for principles such as order, tradition, identity and security. The latter are hostile to other parties, with the state and the overall system, there are some xenophobic and racist principles. Eg. The National Party in France.
1.3. party ideas
Each party has an ideology that gives conceptual clarity. Guides you through its political action, this consists of:
• Doctrines: A set of beliefs that are taken as valid.
• Theories: systematic explanatory and interpretive understanding of reality.
• Platform: a group of major social, political and economic.
• Software: those remedies to alleviate the problems.
• Slogans, slogans or mottos characteristic of the party.
1.4. Aims and objectives of the political parties are
aims and objectives of political parties, as appropriate
• Ensure observance and defense of democracy.
• To contribute to preserving peace, freedom and the observance of human rights established by Peruvian law and international treaties to which the state adheres.
• Develop their ideologies, plans and programs that reflect their proposals for national development, according to his vision of the country.
• To represent the will of citizens and public channel.
• Contribute to education and political participation of the population, in order to forge a democratic civic culture, in order to form citizens capable of assuming public office.
• Participating in elections.
• Contribute to the governance of the country.
• Conduct cooperative activities and outreach.
• Other compatible with its purposes and which are within the regulatory framework established by this Act
1.5. Membership of political parties
• Leadership: focuses the resources of power and represents the center of the organization. Distribute incentives and interact with other key actors within the system. Key decision makers
• Candidates: potential occupants of public office, whether by executive or legislative. They are selected by the other party members.
• Bureaucracy: administrative body.
• Technical and intellectuals constantly advise the leaders, collaborate in the drafting of projects and assist candidates during electoral campaigns.
• Militants: members who are active and steady.
• Partners: are enrolled in the register of the party and contribute to its financing through regular installments, limit their participation in the primary election candidates and officials.
• Also outside the party can be found sympathizers are in favor of its principles but are kept separate from the organization to work with their votes and opinions.
1.6. Requirements for registration of political parties
The application to register a political party takes place in one act and must be accompanied by:
• The Founding containing the provisions of Article 6.
• The relationship of members in a number not less than three percent (3%) of citizens who met on the last national elections, with the signature and the number of National Identity Document (DNI) of each of these .
• The Constitution Acts of party committees in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.
• The Statute of the party, which shall include at least, nothing in Article 9 of this Act
• The appointment of ombudsmen laws, and alternates, who are accredited to the electoral bodies.
The designation of one or more legal representatives of the political party whose powers are established in the Statute, to be appointed or act later.
political organizations have a period of two years from the date of the acquisition of forms for collecting signatures of supporters and the submission of the application for registration with the National Jury of Elections.
1.7. The Founding
The Act Founding a political party must contain at least:
a) The ideology, which contains the principles, objectives and vision of the country.
b) The relationship of the governing bodies and members that form.
c) The name and party symbol. Prohibiting the use of:
1. Same or similar names to those of a political party, movement, partnership or local political organization and registered or the registration process, or of confusion with those presented above.
2. Symbols same or similar to those of a political party, movement, partnership or local political organization and registered or in process registration, or of confusion with those presented above.
3. Names of individuals or corporations, or those harmful or in reference to names of institutions or persons, or prejudicial to morality and decency.
4. A geographical name as the only qualifier.
5. National symbols and trademarks, nor pictures, figures or statues that apply to individuals or entities, or symbols or figures at odds with morality or decency
d) The legal address of the party.
1.8. Proceedings of the constitution of committees
The application for registration referred to in Article 5 ° must be accompanied by certificates of incorporation of Party committees in at least one third of the country's provinces located in at least two thirds of the departments.
The record must be signed by not less than fifty (50) members, duly identified.
The National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) verifies the authenticity of the signature and National Identity Document (DNI) of the fifty (50) members who signed each certificate.
The minutes of the constitution of the party committees must declare adherence to the charter referred to in Article 6.
movements are understood as political organizations of regional or departmental and local political organizations of the provincial and district levels.
In regional and municipal elections can join the movement. In the municipal elections can participate at the local political organizations.
To participate in the elections, and movements of local political organizations must register with the special register that holds the registry of political organizations.
2.1. Requirements for the creation of movements and political organizations at the local.
• Value of adherents in no fewer than three percent (3%) of citizens who met on the last national elections within the constituency in which the local political movement or organization to develop its activities and intends to present candidates. This relationship is presented with the signature and the number of National Identity Document (DNI) of each of the members.
• Minutes of committees Constitution, at least half plus one of the number of provinces to integrate the region or the relevant department in case of movement. For cases of local political organizations whose activities be made at the level of the provinces of Lima and Callao, and any other province in particular, must be provided in the Acts of Incorporation, at least half plus one of all districts.
• The Constitution Act, at least partisan committee in the district concerned, in case the local political organization carries out its activities at the district level.
In all cases, each charter must be signed by not less than fifty (50) adherents, properly identified. The National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) verifies the authenticity of the signature and National Identity (DNI) of supporters who signed each certificate. Where
movements and local political organizations, their registration is made before the special register that drives the register of political organizations, which comes under the provisions of Article 10 of this Act in such cases against the ruling in the first instance, the remedy of appeal before the National Elections Board, which is made within three (3) business days following the notification of the decision at issue.
In the case of local political organizations, completed the election process proceeds to the official cancellation of the registration concerned.
Duly registered political movements can make alliances with each other for electoral purposes and under a common name within the district where they operate.
3. Political Party System
3.1. Concept.
Professor Eduardo Andrade, said that political parties do not act in isolation, or other parties or the general economic environment, political, social and cultural context in which they operate. These relationships result in a specific pattern of action of the parties in the political and social framework which is called the party system. Noting
global reality are three systems. In most countries the so-called Western world gives the two-party or multiparty system. By contrast, in most countries of the Eastern world reigns called one-party system. In modern times, he says, Juan Rafael Llerena has been called to competitive systems formerly called dualism and pluralism of political parties and non-competitive system that refers to the existence of one-party totalitarian party.
3.2. Competitive political party system.
3.2.1. S. Dominant Party.
• Dominant Party: A system that allows for a plurality of parties, but imposes a length about the balance due at the organizational, economic, social inclusion, using the state apparatus, or other reasons, which generates a relative majority have accepted electoral edge a third of the electorate.
• Ultra-party dominance: This is a system in which one party has won an absolute majority in 4 or 5 legislatures.
3.2.2. Bipartisan System. • Two-party
Perfect: Two ideologically opposed political parties absorb the overwhelming majority of the votes, appearing as protagonists in the electoral struggle. • Two-party
Imperfect: two formations that appear predominantly obtained, each, a very high percentage of voting, but require an alliance with a smaller group in order to achieve an absolute majority to enable them to exercise the government.
3.2.3. Multiparty System.
• multiparty Dim: Where there are several parties, they often join coalitions strong by virtue of which they form two large blocks that solve some of the problems we have mentioned in connection with multi-integral. • Integral
multiparty: Where several parties with similar forces are vying for the electorate.
4.1. Schedule of elections.
regional and municipal elections 2010
October 3, 2010 (*)
1. Call for regional and municipal elections 240 days before the election 05/02/2010.
2. Resignation of members of political parties in order to be candidates in other political organization "shall not be registered as candidates in other political parties, local political movements and organizations, the members of a registered political party, unless they had given up five (5) months before the closing date of the registration process electoral [...]. " The resignation takes effect from the time of submission and should be referred back to the ROP - 05/02/2010 JNE
3. Resignation of the presidents of regional governments to be eligible to resign alcalde.Deben 6 months before the election
03/04/2010 4. Resignation of the mayors of the municipal councils for regional presidential candidates. Should resign 6 months before the election 03/04/2010
5. Request for leave of presidents and vice presidents of regional governments that wish to apply for any elective office regional (*). Must take leave of office 120 days before the election 03/06/2010
6. Elections internal candidates for elective office in political parties and regional movements. Among the 180 calendar days preceding the date of the election and 21 days before the deadline for the registration of 06/04/2010 to 14/06/2010
candidatos.Del 7. Application for registration of political and electoral alliances with the ROP. Up to 120 calendar days before the election, 05/06/2010
8. Closing the electoral roll. The electoral roll closes 120 days before the date of the election, 05/06/2010
9. Application for registration of candidate lists for elective office and election of regional municipal.
to 90 calendar days before the election, on 05/07/2010
10. Voter approval. The JNE approved for use within ten (10) days following the referral by RENIEC
15/07/2010 (*) Prepared by the JNE
(*) Law No. 29470, Law amending several articles of Regional Elections Act. Les
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