Monday, October 12, 2009

Mounth And Bladetrainer

yours My life

Bueno, de nuevo por aquí, de un modo pensativo.
Veréis... he entrado en una faceta de mi vida. Y eso me da que pensar.
¿Realmente vivimos la vida que queremos, o vivimos realmente, por las expectativas que vierten nuestro entorno sobre nosotros?
Vives cumpliendo tus "supuestas" metas, intentas ser el mejor en lo tuyo, y te das cuenta, that basically everything is not your life. You live with a mask cracked, and Peinsa is sufficient, that it's worth, I'll be happy with that. I bet my happiness, by a joint life, a life that at heart, will remain his life. Their expectations, not yours.
your turn to prove you're the best of all, you get to prove you're strong and brave, it's up Demosthenes twice about everything, but not vouchers. But does not deserve.
Why do I feel so stupid? At which point I thought they never would impact my life?
Why then do I feel so afraid? Because I'm naked again?
A new opportunity to begin again? How am I supposed to live from now? Preuntas too many unanswered, and that scares me. Very afraid.
could not stop crying and my tears do not comfort me, just feel an inexplicable pain in me, I do not understand. I have no courage to take the blame on anyone except me. And that hurts even more. I could fail as much as myself. How could I?
certainly we'll be fine. Best thing that could happen in life. And that's what scares me the most. I deserve all this? I never had luck in this life, and I will not victimize, but now I can be happy. And esoty scared.
I will keep you informed.
Greetings to all


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