Thursday, October 8, 2009

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Government: political system, current and elite types

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar.

SUMMARY: 1. Introduction. 2. Concept. 2.1. Etymological development. 3. Political System, Government and Elites. 3.1. Political System. 3.2. Elites. 4. Political System and Current Government Forms. 4.1. Current forms of government.

1. Introduction.
doctrine exists in a constant misunderstanding and lack of conceptual clarity between Government and State, and its different forms. Yes, that Victor Garcia takes the government to be such bodies must have exercised the functions of administration, law, settle by conflict and controls to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of activities that seek to express the welfare, safety , justice, etc.. These functions which the author instructs the Government could easily crimp in state functions. Also, the author adds, as seen state and government are expressions that designate dissimilar concepts. The first refers to the political community and as such fully considered active subject of sovereignty. The second raises the existence of the specific form of organization of political power established in the Constitution.

On the other hand, and quite educational, but incomplete, Second Linares Quintana reports that the State covers all citizens as the government implies exclusively to their representatives, ie, the rulers. That is, the author mentions one of the components of the State which is the population (according to the author or all citizens) but failed to mention the territory and sovereignty.

Argentines, Juan Rafael Llerena and Eduardo Amadeo Ventura, referring to the forms of state, they say, before you consider each of the forms of state we need to express that they all refer to how power is exercised regardless of by whom. However when we consider the forms of government will see that they all refer to who or who govern. As noted, how power is exercised and by whom are categories which is more properly, from our point of view, theory, not the State Government. Norberto Bobbio

, referring to Mortati, states that the State is "a legal system for general purpose to exercise sovereign power in a given territory, which are necessarily subordinate subjects that belong to him."

From our perspective, the conceptualization of the state is closely related to the social relations of production, and the organization and structure of sovereign power within a territory, so we can speak of a primitive state, a slave state, a feudal state, and a capitalist state. Within the latter, we find diversity sub-classifications.

2. Concept.
The concept of government has to do stritu sensu with the exercise of political power and its various manifestations that vary by time, space and history. Broadly govern means to rule, direct, why send those who govern and direct a series of decisions taken by their nature, are public, that is, fall on the people who make a nation, and in some cases, the so-called international society.

From the historical point of view, the formation of a government power is very old and even before the idea of \u200b\u200bstate whose modern history is associated with the formation nations with a large area of \u200b\u200bterritoriality from XV century. Political structures developed in Asia, the city-state of the Greeks, the Roman Civitas and feudal political organizations are pre-state forms, in which government structures can be found. For Lucio Levi

the Government is "all the people who wield political power, that is, determining the political orientation of a given society." Rethinking the concept outlined, we can say that government is the person or group of persons exercising political power in a given nation-state, according to the philosophical, ideological and legal imposed or that prevail in society.

2.1. Etymological development. Francisco Miro Quesada
recounts the Greeks who used different words to refer to practices related to the act of governing, namely:
1. Kibernetiké, that means the art of governing.
2. Kibernesis, a term understood as the act of governing.
3. Kibernetes, which expresses the idea of \u200b\u200ba pilot.

Kibernetes, is rooted in the word Kubernan and evokes the idea of \u200b\u200bpiloting a ship, pilot it is the man who governs a ship. This term then passed into Latin and became gov.

3. Political System, Government and Elites.
To study the relationship between political system, government and Elite, you need to understand, besides the concept of government, the concept of political system and the theory of the Elites.

3.1. Political System.
The prominent Mexican political scientist Eduardo Andrade Sánchez says that system means a set of interrelated elements such that the variation in one of them produces an alteration in the interaction of others. Adding, that we could say that the idea of \u200b\u200bsociety and all political activities that occur therein, has been characterized as a system consciously or unconsciously. The author, referring to David Easton, said that, what defines a political system is its function of distributing values \u200b\u200bthat society considers useful as money, education, power, etc., by a regulatory system capable of imposing sanctions.

Easton, significantly influenced by economic models, developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political system as a kind of social subsystem characterized by a certain quality of inputs (inputs) and production of products (outputs). The inputs of the political system in the scheme of Easton, are of two types: the demands and supports. The demands are the demands that society makes the political system, such as improved wages, building schools, opening roads, etc.., the support, livelihoods are generalized from the same company for the political system, which can manifest themselves in a favorable vote in demonstrations of support or under more or less widespread. Karl Deutsch

Easton incorporates the ideas and concepts derived from the field of cybernetics, raises the idea of \u200b\u200ba political system as an entity capable of self-direction from the responses it receives from the environment in which it operates. Like Easton, understands the system as a black box that receives input from its environment and produces products for the same, but with the difference that it considers as a mechanism dynamic, constantly moving in search of goals.

For Argentines Juan Rafael Llerena and Eduardo Amadeo Ventura, the concept of political system can be explained, stating that is the state organization, supported by the shared values \u200b\u200bof society and expressed existentially, the behavior of the population the political field.

political system in three aspects stand out quite clearly. They are, as noted by Pierre Avril, the formal aspect, the rules, ie, procedures, and legally established bodies, the cultural aspect, values, goals and principles and, finally, a sociological, collective behavior in relation to the political role. "These three aspects, he cautions have a common attribute: their relative stability, which allows just consider them as three complementary dimensions of political institutions and processes relevant to distinguish adaptation. "

3.2. The Elites.
The concept of elites is studied by the Theory of Power, and its highest representatives Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto and Roberto Michels.

Gaetano Mosca, from his "Theses on the ruling class," says that in politics who are able to work, have demonstrated skill and luck, will be able to be selected to join the ruling class. For its part Vilfredo Pareto, in his theorem "circulation of elites," he says in short that we have, therefore, two strata in the population, namely: 1) the lower layer, the class is not selected, of which now we investigate the action may have on the government, and 2) the top tier, the elite class, which is divided into two, namely: a) the governing elite class, b) the elite class of non-government. " Finally, Roberto Michels, referring to the "iron law of oligarchy," tells us that there is no democracy, or socialism, however possible and charismatic leaders as the Duce, who can fight and overcome the organization and adequately interpret the wishes of the crowd. Consequently, the government will be better for him, accompanied by a charismatic leader of an elite who cooperate with him and implement his inspirations.


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