ran on in 2004, when assaulted in the world press, the news of Rosie Reid student londinene 18, who offered her virginity to the highest bidder. The crazy idea, amounted to € 13,000. The gossips say she's a lesbian and who sold her virginity to fund college.
Well, from there, the fact of selling virginity and who sells tomatoes in a market, it seems, has become fashionable.
- Tia, you do this weekend?
"Ugh .... not tia ... I think I piro partying with Berto that cool goose the kitten have Montao '... and you?
- Pos na '... I quedao 'pa' to sell my virginity.
disbelief ...
But the reason for my attention, was another. Surfing the net (what else to do at work, so crisis ...) I hit a pretty funny ad. I say funny, if not absolutely descojonante ...
The person who sells her virginity, called Fran and have 30 years.
The ad in question says, and I quote:
Fran, 30 years, sell my virginity to the highest bidder. At a time when almost any child with go to bed has been pulled and before dozens of aunts and you'll be just one more, one of many, I offer you the opportunity to be the first and only. With the added pride of knowing you'll never forget, because the first time is never forgotten. After all, how many bloggers here can offer what I offer? I decided to start the bidding with a symbolic starting price of 10 €. Those interested can start bidding. And gift, a second free sex. "
Creeroslo. It is absolutely true. ... Well ... we have to analyze
- Fran, 30 years: Perfect Fran, a pleasure to hear from you, though do not tell the age, because the potency of an uncle at 30, is not the same as at 18 ...
- sell my virginity to the highest bidder: Virgin at 30? Seriously? What kind of man is a virgin at 30? Assuming that the girls who sell their virginity very young, skinny, with a baby face, white boy skin, cute, modosita ... where it fits a guy of 30 blocks with a description like that?? Also, how to tell if a guy is virgin? The experiement is most awkward and Cayetano Martinez de Irujo in a marathon! I do not deny that a girl is obvious whether it is virgin or not, but in a guy?
- These days, that almost any guy who has pulled you lie down and before dozens of aunts and you'll be just one more, one of many, I offer you the opportunity to be the first and only: In that I agree with you. Start by saying that finding a guy today, virgin and of legal age (ie over 16 years) for sex, is totally impossible. To cuendo you can legally have sex, a guy is tired of killing pulled straws and half neighborhood ... So if the other half do not like this, otherwise ...
- With the added pride of knowing you'll never forget, because you never forget the first time: Damn, that tagline is more used than a Tampax into a humble family of women! No is going to believe ...
- After all, how many bloggers here can offer what I offer: I sincerely hope that few, because let's face it, guys 30 years, blank, no. And not because extra-human race, but rather, to be rarer than a green dog.
- I decided to start the bidding with a symbolic starting price of 10 €: Damn, that if anticrisi economy and the rest is nonsense. There should be examined a little man! You show desperation at that price!
- and gifts, a second free sex: ja ja ja ... yes there are 10 € to good use ... ole!
Finally, draw conclusions ... Fran (and I have to speak to you) that proves to be a desperate guy's take a powder. With 30 blocks and supposedly a virgin, or are more rare than a hard ride from Seville or do you "super" not to eat a sad thread ... Just hope you do not look like the photo, dude! ...
Excuse me, but I Descojonado of laughter ....
Greetings to all ..
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