Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ovulation White Chunky

Of neoliberalism

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

The ideas were originally encompassed economic neoliberalism are referred to as background after the Second World War in a region of Europe and North America pursuant to initiative F. Hayek's Mont Pelerin Society (1947). The so-called liberalism, do not come into practice, but until 1979 occupied the Government M. Thatcher in England and in 1980 R. Reagan in North America.

Neoliberalism are as substantial quid "laissez faire, laissez passer" French for "let do, let go," referring to a complete reduction of the state and prevalence market, the same as those embodied in: the reduction of fiscal deficit, exchange rate adjustments, trade liberalization, liberalization of foreign investment, privatization, deregulation, labor flexibility, interest rate liberalization, among others.

hegemony of neoliberal thought was so strong that in the 90's of last century F. Fukuyama said that "human history as a struggle of ideologies is over, with a final world based on liberal democracy that has finally imposed after the end of the Cold War." However, short-sighted away from the successes of neoliberalism, which is expressed growth in Gross Domestic Product and inflation reduction, lies self-destruction of neoliberalism itself in the market. The economic crisis of October 2008, makes clear that the market regulates itself, which require support that only a strong state can provide. The dogma of "market centrism" has resulted in unemployment, underemployment, informality, exclusion, social polarization, the commodification of natural resources, among others.

As we observed the response to neo-liberalism is not uniform, some countries opt for a capitalist postneoliberalism, making some adjustments to the excesses of the market or perhaps choosing to return to Keynesian policies or welfare state, and others, however, opt for a social postneoliberalism what some have called "XI century socialism."

The type of economic model that happens to neoliberalism, has to do directly with the prototype of society we pretend, because that dimension is not only economic but political and economic. The post-neoliberal scenario must overcome the flaws of neoliberalism, and to achieve the humanization of society, the ethical imperative of the appreciation of human dignity, democratic institutions and full respect for human rights. Finally, the post-neoliberalism can not be tracing or copying, but respond to the needs and idiosyncrasies of each society.


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