Sunday, January 3, 2010

05 Subaru Changing Shift Knob

brief analysis regarding the amendment to the law on political parties

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

On Friday December 25 was published in the newspaper El Peruano Law No. 29,490, Law amending the Law on Political Parties, that major reforms provides the following: i) has increased as a requirements for registration of political parties, movements and political organizations at the local, the relationship adherents that accompanies the application for establishment of political organizations, from one (1) to three (3%) of citizens who met on the last national elections, ii) the cancellation of the registration of political organizations, movements of regional or department if they have not exceeded five (5%) of the votes validly cast in the electoral process in which they participated; iii) the election of officers and candidates of political parties and movements must abide by the rules of internal democracy, all of which must be between one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days prior to the date of choice and twenty (21) days before the deadline for candidate registration, and, iv) Affidavit of Life candidate must contain a reference to the resignations made to other parties, movements of regional or departmental or political organizations at the provincial and district if applicable, also the failure of the relationship of the sentences imposed on the candidate of a felony, which had remained firm, or the incorporation of false information, lead to the withdrawal of such candidate, without prejudice criminal responsibility. Being established that the increase of adherents of one (1) to three (3%) shall be effective upon completion of the elections of 2011.

reforms referred to in the preceding paragraph lead us to infer that the legislature intended to contribute to the consolidation of a political party system. The weak democratic institutions in which we find ourselves away from what should be a competitive, multiparty political parties, in reality, there are small, fleeting and unrepresentative, fragmenting the population generating electoral majorities that first guarantee the functionality of a democratic system. So I think that justifies the second round or second ballot, not only in the presidential and regional elections, but also in municipal elections.

Increased signatures of adherents of one (1) to three (3%) for the constitution of any political organization as well as the automatic cancellation of regional parties and movements when they do not exceed five (5%) votes in the election involved is a formal step that is going to contribute to democratic institutions, but it needs to work on party institutions, strengthen the substrate itself party to the functionality of the democratic system, a situation that is somewhat difficult, considering the level of distrust of the people in their political parties and its ruling class in general, however, we must understand, that democracies have stronger real party systems, are bipartisan or multiparty, where parties not only organize democracy and representation, but are valid interlocutors from civil society and the state.

internal democracy, and was legislated in the initial proposal of the law on political parties, however, was restricted, at least formally, to political parties, with the reformation, internal democracy should be practiced by both parties as regional movements, hence, the importance in the political organization is responsible enough to choose meritocratically the best. To this end, the publication of the resume, we will have let the candidate know the history and the determination of the responsibility of the political organization that nominated him. Peruvians have seen many shameful acts that only increased the prestige of the governed and thus of the democratic system itself, and there's no doubt they are responsible for your parties, but especially their leaders.


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