By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar
The proposal matches PP politicians to defend civil unions and gay marriage legal FS with equal rights, intolerance reactions have generated the most conservative sectors of the country and has highlighted the weaknesses of what should be a secular state and secular.
We can not deny that our globalized societies are in a time of change of thinking, customs, usages, and even traditions. In societies as conservative as the English (between 73 and 80% is Catholic) is common to see outside a church for two persons of the same sex holding hands without creating a low reaction amazement of passersby. Currently
countries where gay marriage is legal in all of its territory are: the Netherlands (since 2001), Belgium (since 2003), Spain (since 2005), Canada (since 2005), South Africa (since 2006), Norway (from 2009), Sweden (since 2009), Portugal (since 2010), Iceland (since 2010), Argentina (since 2010), in the United States allowed in the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington, DC and in Mexico in the state of Mexico, DF Several of these companies are in fact a strong tradition of Catholic and some Protestant dogmatic traditions.
is clear that in our case, we with a conservative sector reactions based on orthodox positions that try to cover up a reality that is obvious, ignoring the existence of homosexual couples, that justice requires social inclusion and recognition of their civil rights. But at the same time, it is questionable conduct of some members of the GLBT community to fall into provocations and respond to inappropriate acts (such as kissing homophobia) do not contribute to the debate.
Although the differences between gay marriage and civil unions are so subtle and will depend on what the legislature to regulate, I think it is necessary to deepen the discussion. Some sectors believe that the very name of the union civilian is per se discriminatory. Particularly, I think we should look gay marriage or equal from the perspective of human rights to equality before the law for all citizens or the right of access to marriage, as have several courts in different latitudes of the world. How painful is that no one has delved into dialectical debate is imposed then why have only existed reactions, intolerance and lack of seriousness in addressing this issue.