Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Indian Actress With Biggest Breasts

Electronic voting: a need or a threat

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

Last October 21 was published in the newspaper El Peruano Law No. 29603 Act authorizing the ONPE issuing regulations for the gradual and progressive implementation of electronic voting. Approval of that rule has generated different reactions from those who take a stand for those who have some doubts but consider it necessary and who confess that is a threat to the popular will.

When one reviews the doctrine, you can verify that there is no single type of electronic voting, at least we know the following types: i) the electronic voting system of paper; ii) the system of direct recording electronic voting iii) the DRE electronic voting system utility, and iv) the electronic voting system online. Each of these systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, mainly concerned with transparency, oversight software and time they are issued the results of the vote.

It is apparent from the information presented to us by ONPE the system to be implemented gradually, is the system of direct recording electronic voting, the characteristics of electronic voting module are: i) the hardware components are connected them, or the network of networks (internet), ie there is independence between computers (stand-alone). Likewise, software that is used to check the identity of the voter register and vote count are independent modules without any relationship between them, and ii) The voting module is made up four (04) voting booths and can handle up to 1,200 electors (300 electors voting booth.)

Clearly this electronic voting system gives us speed in the scrutiny and counting of votes, reducing the number of polling stations and polling and medium term to reduce the costs that every election or referendum. However, we generated the risks of possible flaws or weaknesses in any electronic component, and the challenges of counting with officials of political organizations with knowledge of computer and software control systems.

Some have shown too, that electronic voting is an open door electoral fraud, not realizing that with or without electronic voting, there is always the possibility of altering the truth. That those who act with fraudulent and deceitful conduct, in any system, whether traditional or electronic, can commit fraud, and that on the contrary, a good electronic voting system (Software), can mitigate the arbitrariness and spaces for the scheme.

Finally, it is necessary to show that at the end of the first decade of XXI century the rulers and the ruled can not resist the changes in technology, however we must seize it for all human activities, and best, to be used in democratic processes, as they have done at different levels countries of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay and Argentina.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme Music Chord

Green Left: reflections from the municipal elections

By: Omar J. Candia Aguilar

Historically has been the color red has found matches left and center left-see the symbolism of the German Social Democratic Party, the Workers Party of Brazil, Mexican Labour Party, among others, without However, the Partido Social Force Descentralista converges to leftist political organizations and center-left has been used as a color that forms its political meaning to green. Beyond

irrelevant may be to use particular color on the command supports a political organization, we must reflect on the message we want to give those who have chosen to use a friendly color, that gives up the traditional post-I think-a message of democratic openness, freshness ideological , consensus and tolerance to their constituents.

One of the great weaknesses of the Peruvian left has been its high degree of ideological orthodoxy, which has been divided first between "Muscovites" and "Peking" to be subdivided, at some point in over a fortnight left parties and center-left.

We must remember that after the election as mayor of Lima in 1983 Alfonzo Lingán Barrantes, there was the possibility of convergence of parties and movements of left and center left with success or success at the polls, on the contrary, the segmentation of the left made them very representative, together political violence that led to terrorist movements, generated to the left in general are not representative and have little electoral role.

Force Descentralista Social Party led by Susana Villa provides an electoral phenomenon that in less than 15 days voceada moves to the candidate as the likely winner of the elections (Lourdes Flores). Probably, few voted by their ideological perspective, perhaps some did for the great charisma of its women leaders, or the context and political situation. Indeed, whatever the nature of the possible victory of Susana Villaran, it did fly their flags of justice and social inclusion and achieving a more equitable Lima, with an obvious option for the less fortunate.

Could it be, the formula used by Susana Villar, the left of the fresh and modern twenty-first century are reinventing themselves, they are rethinking their ideological values, which treat globalization, have rejected the theory of the end of history Fukuyama, the end of ideology " y que dentro de una estructura económica capitalista basada en la propiedad privada de los medios de producción aspiran a lograr una sociedad democrática que tenga como ejes centrales la defensa de la libertad, la igualdad de oportunidades, la superación de la pobreza, la protección de los más vulnerables y el ejercicio práctico de una moral solidaria, como lo viene afirmando el Partido Descentralista Fuerza Social.

Quizás, para las izquierdas más ortodoxas que propugnan la socialización de los medios de producción, la postura ideológica que representa Fuerza Social no sea más que una quimera ó una nueva forma de neoliberalismo que pretende reinventar el capitalismo para darle un nuevo aspecto human. In short, we believe that no one has the ultimate truth and that the ideological debate is certainly endless.