ecdisozoos In other arthropods and there is a continuous outer cuticle or exoskeleton that moves at once, a phenomenon known as ecdysis specific. Molting is stimulated by ecdysone. In the collaborative process, apparently calls Inka cells. The period between each molt is called stage. The animal first enters a rest period prior to moulting. When it emerges, the new cuticle is soft and pale in color and the subject is called teneral. It may take a couple of hours to harden and acquire its normal color. The exoskeleton is named discarded exuviae. Some arthropods continue to mute throughout the life cycle, while others have a fixed number of seedlings, such as most insects, they also do not change in a state of imago (adult).
The exoskeleton of arthropods is a continuous cover called cuticle, which extends even at both ends of the digestive tract and respiratory tract or cavities, and is located above the epidermis (call them for that reason hypodermis) that is who the secret.
The thickness and hardness of the cuticle is not uniform throughout. On the contrary, appears to form hardened areas called sclerites.
The cuticle appears very often covered with setae (hairs) de diversa función, incluida la sensorial táctil.
Ecdisis de una Cigarra.El esqueleto externo tiene una desventaja y es que, para poder crecer, el animal debe desprenderse de él. Lo hace en un proceso, controlado hormonalmente, de ecdisis o muda. La hipodermis secreta enzimas que ablandan y digieren en parte la capa más inferior de la cutícula (la endocutícula), provocando que el resto se desprenda. Inmediatamente comienza la secreción de una cutícula nueva, primero la exocutícula y luego, debajo de ella, la procutícula. Hasta que no se endurece esta nueva cubierta el animal está relativamente indefenso, con menos posibilidad de escapar o resistirse. Todo the process of molting is hormonally controlled, the ecdysone or "molting hormone is the hormone responsible for these changes occur. Stages or instars are called the successive stages of the animal's existence among dumb and mute. This feature is shared with some other arthropod phyla, nematodes and also have a cuticle and molt.
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